Higher calorie diet?


Active Member
Has anyone LOST weight eating MORE calories?Not more fat though,just high quality calories from whole foods.
I know you need to eat less to lose weight(so they say)but Im eating less and exercising and hungry all the time and have actually gained weight!!
Any comments?
Thanks guys! :)
Not eating more calories, but I was hungry a lot when I was trying to lose weight. But when I looked at what I was eating, I was eating foods that didn't give you much for your portions. When I switched to higher fiber foods that made me more satisfied, it made losing weight easier.
Not more calories, but more food, if it's natural (unprocessed) and heavy on the veggies, beans, with some whole grains (flour products not included).

If you eat less, you could slow down your metabolism.
I eat more calories now than ever before. I can lose weight on 2,500 calories a day, doing very little exercise. And thats eating calories from any foods i like. But when i lower the carb content, to around 100g a day or just below i can consum about 3,500 - 4,000 and still lose weight (fat). Strange. But when i eat that much on whatever food i like i gain weight very quickly.

W x
I hit a weight loss plateau that lasted almost two years. I finally lost weight by eating a high-protein, low fat, moderate carb diet with a LOT more calories. Yes, it's most definitely possible to eat too little and exercise too much! Whoda thunk it!?!

I eat more food now than ever. Lower carbs, higher protein and fat. Breakfast might be eggs, 4, whole, with cheese (full fat) whole wheat toast with butter (one slice). Lunch is salad with chicken, olive oil, green vegetables (lots) and one apple. Dinner is vegetabels, with butter, pork, steak, turkey or some other meat (no fish as i hate fish). Pudding is ricotta with coco powder. Snacks are nuts, fruit (grapes, apples, etc...) slice of cheese, cottage cheese, etc...

My calories have gone up from 2,500 to nearly 4,000 and i lost weight, gained muscle and feel so much better. My exercise routine never changed throughout.

W x
WOW icklemoley!That is great to know!
If Im not being to personal,how tall are you and how much did you weigh before you started eating more calories and how much do you weigh now?Or better yet,how many inches have you lost?
Thanks in advance...:)
Hello, sorry for the long reply. Tall, i'm 6ft. Weight now is 160lbs. Weight was about 168lbs. But i lost 2" off my waist and look so much more muscular than before.

W x

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