High Step Leg Circuit Mish-Moshes


Hello, Sportsfans -

Have cooked up three new mish-moshes that incorporate either Hard Core's High Step Challenge or 2004's High Step Training workouts (or both) for those who wish an upper-margin cardio+lower-body circuit routine. These obviously are not for the impact-averse, and you need to have previewed each of these to make sure you have the right equipment available for each workout. Again, the focus of each of these mish-moshes is upper-end cardio and leg ENDURANCE training (not leg strength); note that the leg resistance cycles contribute to the challenge of the subsequent cardio cycles.

From the most moderate to the most intense:


Step warm-up of choice (I-max 1's warm-up is the most intense and the longest duration at 13 minutes; other step warm-ups range between 5 and 10 minutes)

High Step Challenge cardio and leg resistance cycles only, Chapter-Skipping through each subsequent upper body drill to the next cardio cycle (note that after the 3rd cardio cycle there are leg presses with band AND hammer punch lunges - don't forget to do the hammers!)

High Step TRAINING cardio + lower body premix

Approximate running time: 50-60 minutes depending on warm-up selected

2: HSC + Boot Camp

Step warm-up of choice

High Step Challenge cardio and leg resistance cycles only (see above)

Boot Camp cardio + lower-body premix, omitting warm-up

3: HST + Boot Camp

Approximate running time: 46 - 55 minutes depending on warm-up

Step warm-up of choice (I-Max 1 works best because it REALLY fires you up)

High Step Training cardio + lower body premix

Boot Camp cardio + lower body only premix, omitting warm-up

Approximate running time: 51-60 minutes depending on warm-up used


Interesting variations to the calf-raise sequence in High Step Challenge include:

1. Doing the entire sequence on one foot; then repeating the sequence (there's a button on your remote that can bring the chapter back to the beginning) on the other foot;

2. Doing the entire sequence as produced, but instead of using a barbell as a support and doing the sequence unweighted, stand on a stair step at home, use the bannister for support with one hand, hold a dumbbell of any weight you can handle for the entire sequence and perform it that way;

3. Mush #1 and #2 variations together, by standing on the stair step, using the bannister, holding the dumbbell,and doing the sequence twice, once on one leg and then on the other

4. Do the entire sequence as produced using the barbell as support, BUT keep the legs in a gentle but fixed bent-knee position! This targets the soleus of the calf, whereas the straight-leg position targets the gastrocnemius;

5. Mush #1 and #4 together by doing one-legged's in a bent-knee position, doing one leg and then the other by repeating the entire sequence on each leg;

6. Mush #2 and #4 together by doing the calf-raises in a bent-knee position on a stair-step and bannister for support and a dumbbell;

7. (Of course) mush #3, #4 and #6 together by standing on the stair step, using the bannister, holdiing the dumbbell, doing the sequence twice IN A BENT-KNEE POSITION ONE-LEGGED doing one leg once and the other leg immediately after that, rub your head and pat your tummy and hop on one foot simultaneously and go take a bath.

Have fun!

Nice! I can't wait to try some of these. I love the BC and HST leg/cardio premixes. Never thought to do each one back to back.

Have you tried any of these?
Hi, Tsut! I haven't tried any of them yet; I came up with them this a.m. when I was doing one of my other mish-moshes "Gauntlet Re-Imagined". Personally I know that if I can get through the BC cardio+lower-body premix I can do anything!

Annette you are a " devil" }( }( .You want to kill us. I can not wait to try the HSC with the BC cardio and lower body premix. Thank you.

Mariángeles a spanish terminator junkie. :) :)
This is very timely for me as I just bought both of those workouts but haven't done either one yet.

A-Jock...do you have a list of all of your creative albeit challenging! workouts that you have put together, both past and present? I would love to have all of your mish-moshes in one place for easy reference. :) :7 :)
Hi, 40Something! (This from a 44{almost}Something)

Do a search here on the Open Discussion forum using the Advanced Search feature and search word "mish", and all of the A-Jock Mish-Moshes that are worth having will pop up. In fact, Shelley / Limecat / "Allwildgirl" (I think) just put up a post a couple of days ago with my and other Cathe-ites' mish-moshes. The search should bring that one up too; I can't remember what she titled it.

More and more Cathe-ites are diving into the blissful waters of mish-mosh construction. Someone had a good idea of having all mish-moshes combined in one post and putting it up as a pinned topic. That'd be really cool, and quite a timesaver for MM'ers.


I think I may have to try this one - looks DANGEROUS! However, I need to let the knee cool down a couple of days at least first. I think I overdid it a bit this week, particularly yesterday doing Low Max in the morning on an 8 inch step (1st mistake I think), then did another workout in the evening, Aerobic Body Sculpting with HEAVY weights! My knees are screaming at me today! So I think this one will have to wait until next week. But I like it! I like it!

Thank you (although I'm not sure what words my knees will have for you after this one):)

I am going to try one of these MM's tomorrow!!! Can't wait!! LOL Why am I excited about torturing myself?
Hi, Sanchia! Sorry your knees are bummin'. In fact, our own Jillybean cooked up a Low Max mish-mosh or two, as did I, and I put them up in a post mysteriously titled "Low Max Mish-Moshes" or something similar. Take your step back down to 6" and maybe give one of the LM mish-moshes a whirl before you plunge into the High Step mish-moshes!

Hope you feel better. I'm just a couple of weeks out of a seriously freaked out foot, so I know a bit of what it's like to be gimped. Take care -

I finally ordered the BC/ME DVD and thought that the HSTA leg/cardio premix would go well with the BC/leg premix. I cannot wait for this one!!!

I love leg/cardio circuits.

Hey A-Jock!

Thanks for letting me know about the Low Max Mish-Mosh thread. Gonna search for that one right now! But I should've known 8 inch step was too much. With Reebok Step, I might be okay - maybe. But Cathe? No! At least not my knees. I'll let you know how I do with the Low Max mish-mosh - if I survive it! :)


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