Hi/lo video recommendations


I adore Cathe's step videos but I'm looking for some hi/lo workouts to add variety to my rotations. I like tough workouts with complex choreography, if that helps.

I've heard Christi Taylor's hi/lo workouts are good - any suggestions?

Thanks in advance for your help! :)

I have Cathe's Timesaver video and one of the workouts on there includes Hi/Lo and I think it's from Cathe's Step Pump and Jump video. I LOVE IT!! It reminds me of the tough, but fun, Hi/Low workouts at the gym that I used to take. Although, I do think SPJ has some step in the video as well. I'm sure someone will know. Hope that helps. Have a great day. We're still loving Hi/Low!!:)
Thanks! I don't have that one yet. I'd really love to find a 60 minute all hi/lo tape. Cathe doesn't have that, does she?

Any suggestions are appreciated.

I have Christi Taylor's Fab 4 DVD which has 2 Hi/Lo workouts and 2 step. I enjoy Christi's Hi/Lo workouts...they can be a little complex so it can take a bit to learn them but I enjoy the challenge. I find they are a great workout and fun to boot! I have heard her workouts described as "dancy" vs. a more athletic style. I use the Hi/Lo workouts a lot. It was a really decent price too ... $25 or so if I remember correctly....

The 2 Hi/Lo workouts are:

1. Still Jumpin' Just for Fun about 60 minutes


2. Hi-Lo Heaven ... about an hour of hi-lo followed by about a 20 minute light weight workout (I usually just do the hi-lo)

She has some other DVD's that are only hi-lo that I've been considering.

Christi has her own website that might offer more information and I think Collage sells her videos as well.

Good Luck!

Cath :)
No cathe does not have a 60 minute all Hi/Lo workout that does not incorporate step.

Yes, Christi Taylor has some great Hi/lo workouts..my personal favorite is
Hi/Lo Heaven..90 minutes of Hi/lo..excellent workout with great music!!
I also love!!
Totally Hot Cardio, Solid Gold Cardio and Still Jumping

Here is the link

Cathe has some killer hi/lo segments on several tapes, which can always be down back to back to get the desired workout length. I think Aquajock posted a Hi/lo heaven mish mosh that I've used quite a few times. Taking the warmup and hi/lo from Circuit Max (15 min?), then the Hi/lo from 10-10-10 (10 min.), then the the hi/lo from SJP (19 min), then from Maximum Intensity Cardio (25 min?). This will leave you wiped out!
Does anyone know of an advanced hi-lo DVD or video that is not Christy Taylor? I tried her Solid Gold Cardio & Totally Hot Cardio and I just did not like her moves. I tried them several times and really wanted to like them, but I just couldn't. I ended up selling both on e-bay.

I would love something like the beginning of MIC but for a whole hour.

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