Hey Cathe!!!!!!!!!


Active Member
Hi Cathe:
I just simply want to say THANK YOU!! Working out is not easy for me as I am a severe asthmatic but I do it everyday. I just started doing your videos. I've done many of your workouts thus far and you make me feel like I'm working out with a friend! That is really important. You actually make working out fun - and you do this all in addition to giving us a challenging workout. That's not easy to do. Workouts are either grueling, boring, too easy, not choreographed properly..... To get it all right and still make it challenging and fun is quite an accomplishment!

For your next videos, I'd like to see more compound moves and more creativity in the weightlifting. I'm so tired of chest flies, lat rows, lat raises......... These moves are so boring! Compound and innovative movements are the way to go! You do some shoulder lifts off the floor with the feet on the step - those are cool. Your pikes - cool - a lat raises that goes all the way up and rotates half way down working most of the arm and shoulder muscles - stuff like that. Also, your ab workouts need to become a little creative as well. How about standing ab work? I've done more crunches, reverse crunches and oblique crunches with ankle to knee and I don't think they even work anymore. More creativity with the ab workouts is a must! Let's face it- nobody likes to workout and sweat and feel pain. I hope in the future, with more creativity in the way of weightlifting and ab work, it can become even more fun then you already have made it for us. I also hope that your music can become more modern. Don't be scared to throw on some club music. I actually heard a latin club beat on one of your videos and was pleasantly suprised. How 'bout "There But for The Grace of God". That's a great oldie clubmix or Fraz Joli - her beats are fast and good, or Set It Off by Strafe. But also, again, more modern music that makes people want to get up and dance.

OK Cathe that's it. When a video with all these changes comes out - I want to be the first in line to buy it.

Gotta work now.
Denise, Yonkers, NY

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