<----He's wrapped around her finger,shes the center of his whole


<--Waves good Morning to all
<--thought she'd throw in some country today
<--is waiting on her coffee
<--took the kiddes swimming yesterday
<--thinks they had fun<--and DH got sunburnt:-(
<--shoulders,back and fronts of her legs are screaming right nowx(
<--DH is also burnt,DH and <--used sunblock purchased last year and<--got the kiddies some sunblock yesterday
<--is thankful that<--didn't use last years sunblock on the kiddies:)
<--is suppose to do PUB today but isn't sure if <--'s shoulders will rise to the occasion:eek:
<--is VERY proud of herself for going 7days with out cheating and lost 4.2lbs this week:7(even if most of it is water;-))
<--will bbl
<--clinks virtual coffee mugs with Amelia and waves to rest
<--tells Amelia her family got too much sun yesterday too
<--thought the sun felt grand while sitting by the pool
<--understands now that spray on tans don't keep one from burning
<--is camping right now and lovin' it
<--knows that having internet and tv isn't really camping to some
<-- but thinks camping with kids is such a bonding experience
<--is happy to be alive due to tornadoes that went through early Sat am
<--tornadoes were in her hometown:eek: and only 2 counties away from where she is camping!
<--watched the weather channel all night feeling like she was going to vomit from stress of potential bad weather, almost evacuated camper!
<--doesn't think camper would hold up well in a twister
<--was glad to wake up not in Kansas
<--wishes everyone a glorious Sunday
<--nurses a hangover and will probably not exercise anything but coffee mug to mouth

<--jumps back in thread quickly to say hi to Catherine
<--is sorry she forgot to add congrats to Amelia about weight loss and good eating!
<--was too wrapped up in twister story, lol

<--- runs in
<--- waves wildly
<--- high fives Miss Amelia Weightlosspants:)
<--- refills Catherine's coffee for her
<--- is :eek: over Heidi's near miss with tornadoes
<--- thinks tornadoes are terrifying
<--- has to run!
<--clinks mugs with Heidi
<--is glad Heidi was not hurt in the tornado
<--thinks there have been way to many tornados lately
<--thanks Shelly for the refill!!!
<--wonders what she has planned for today?
<--has lower body DOMS from yesterday
<--is planning LIS today and hopes <--can move :+

[font color= purple size=+3]Catherine[/font]


<--waves happy sunday to everyone!
<--has finished working on timesheets
<--will now go to gym, take shower, pick up suit at Bloomingdale's, come home and do some work and workouts
<--says whew!
<--has no time for personals now but wishes everyone a great day
RE: <----He's wrapped around her finger,shes the center...

<--waves to Amelia, Catherine, Heidi, Shelley, Nancy, and anyone else dropping in today
<--sends major ^^^ 5's to Amelia on the weight loss
<--is glad the twisters bypassed Heidi
<--smiled at Shelley's toilet brush story
<--anticipated something along those lines
<--wonders if anyone did get to see SATC
<--tells AmyG <-- did catch that she is retaking the bar
<--understands her train of thought completely
<--is glad Ame can take a more convenient bar
<--thinks Nancy's day sounds busy-busy
<--hopes Catherine enjoyed LIS
<--is sure <--'s eating would put all others to shame
<--was supposed to run 10 today and only made 8 and a little change
<--wants to blame it on the lingering crud
<--hopes next week is better
<--wishes all a bright, sunny, and SLOW Sunday :)

[font face="bradley hand itc" size=+2]~Cathy[/font]


"Do you want to feel my spatula?" Run, Fat Boy, Run
RE: <----He's wrapped around her finger,shes the center...

<--decided to skip Bloomie's today so is home relaxing :D
<--high 5s Amelia on the weight loss!
<--is glad Heidi avoided the tornado!
<--thinks Catherine has done a lot of working out today
<--is awed at Catherine running 8
<--walked for 45 minutes on the treadmill today and feels like a million bucks :D
<--was bright red and sticky but has had a lovely shower and is sitting in lovely A/C
<--may give herself permission to do Muscle Max today
<--loves that one but has to be careful of lower back
<--has some work to do and pedicure
<--will eat some cantaloupe first :9
RE: <----He's wrapped around her finger,shes the center...

<--just finished watching Fractured
<--loves Anthony Hopkins in this movie
<--loves the twist to the plot
<--is glad to hear Nancy is feeling like a million bucks
<--hopes she has fun with MM
<--gets tired just thinking about Cathy's 8 miles

[font color= purple size=+3]Catherine[/font]


RE: <----He's wrapped around her finger,shes the center...

<--LOVED Fractured!
<--agrees with Catherine 100% re Anthony Hopkins and the plot twist
RE: <----He's wrapped around her finger,shes the center...

<--- just saw Ironman
<--- was blown away
<--- LOVED it
<--- says that lots of things blow up

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