Help with Nutrition Questions, please


Okay, this is my situation. I can't eat much protein, because my body just doesn't like to digest it (remember that scene from Alien, where the thing bursts from his stomach? That's me after steak). You get the idea. I can't eat meat protein, or soy protein, which rules out tofu. I'm okay with beans, dairy and some fish (not the really dense kind, like tuna, though). I know I need to get some more protein into my diet, especially since I plan to start working more with weights, but I'm at a bit of a loss as to how I can do that.

As it stands, I eat a lot of complex carbs. Brown rice, whole wheat pasta. I've limited my bread intake to once slice of whole grain bread daily. I do eat peanut butter (the natural kind). I eat TONS of fruit and veggies. Unfortunately, I find myself hungry constantly, because I'm not really getting anything good and solid.

Does anyone have any suggestions?
Hi there~How about eggs? Also, there are some really great high protien grains like Quinoa ( I believe the only grain with all 21 amino acids present) I love it mixed with salsa, or pesto or for breakfast with a bit of maple syrup. Good luck and try as you may to combine your legumes and grains with all those fun veggies and condiments. dmd:)
Eggs generally make me feel pukey, but I may try just egg whites and see if that works for me. I haven't tried Quinoa, but it's on the list now!
Shelley, can you eat turkey and chicken?

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You could use a good quality low carb protein powder, add to oatmeal, blend with frozen fruit as a shake or mix with milk only or water only.
You said you were okay with dairy, so how about some cottage cheese? I also agree with the previous poster about adding a little protein powder. Optimum Nutrition has a good tasting whey protein powder that tastes pretty good IMO. One scoop has 23 gm of protein.

Thanks for the suggestions. I'm going to try the protein powder for sure, to blend into fruit smoothies, etc. I'll also give cottage cheese a try.

Wish me luck!
Some other protein sources:
Seitan (from wheat gluten, not good if you have gluten intolerance);
quinoa (a complete protein grain: you can use it to make pilafs or in tabouleh)

Vegan complete meal replacement (a pea/rice protein powder--the combination makes a complete protein) available from . I put a scoop in my smoothies.
How about nuts? They have good fat, and protein that will help you feel satisfied.

If you have problems digesting protein, try a digestive enzyme supplement ( and sell some. Beware that Different daisy is a one-person business, and shipping is VERY SLOW--think back to the old, pre-internet days! but they carry a couple of digestive enzyme products under the "VegLife" brand). Also, if you can take in smaller amounts of protein throughout the day (eating 5-6 times a day), rather than eating too much protein at one time, you may be able to tolerate it better.

You mentioned that you can't eat soy protein. Is this because of allergy or intolerance? You still may be able to eat tempeh, which is a cultured soy product (just like some people who can't eat most dairy can tolerate yogurt). The culturing (mold growth, like with some cheeses) process helps make the soy more easily digestible. Just be sure to steam the tempeh before preparation if you want to try it.
Oh man...if I couldn't have a hamburger, I just don't know what I'd do. I'm all excited because our office intern just gave me a bunch of coupons for Fuddrucker's!

Is that some kind of medical condition? I've never heard of such a thing.

Oh! and since you can handle dairy, how about good old fashioned skim milk? 9g of protein per serving, only 90 calories and 0 fat! Nonfat plain yogurt with some berries is really nice too.
I'm surprised no one (not even me!) mentioned this: set up an appointment with an RD/nutritionist and have them help you out.
You do get used to not being able to eat meat. I miss hamburgers and steak too, and sometimes get really AWFUL cravings. But I know what the pain will be like if I do try to eat it. Sometimes if my SO is having something like that, I'll have one bite, and I'm usually okay with that. I've had batteries of tests and there's nothing really physically wrong, but the doctor said that some people just have a real hard time processing protein, particularly meat protein.

I think I'm really just stuck in a rut. Your idea about going to see an RD/Nutritionist is a great one, Kathryn, as are all your other suggestions. I'm going to look into that RIGHT NOW:) Thanks so much.
I'm that way with mushrooms. It took me years to figure out what was causing it, but MAN! When I eat them, I can't even stand up straight. It's awful. I love the little suckers too.
One of my daughters favorite meals is simply toast with few tablespoons of Ricotta cheese on it...and a drizzle of honey or sugar free jam. Ricotta a cousin to cottage cheese very digestable source of protien and dang tasty too.
Try the digestive enzymes, as someone else suggested. I got Super Enzymes, put out by Now (available in most stores), and it made a world of difference for me. I used to live on pasta and rice too, and my body had a devil of a time digesting so much chicken. With the enzymes, life has been wonderful!

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