Help with ABS


New Member
Help!! I am a mother of 2 and need the best video from Cathe regarding getting my abds rock hard again. I just recently got hooked onto her and I have purchased 2 (Circuit Max and Power Hour) which I will start tomorrow. Any help with the abs would be most appreciated. Thanx
Cathe doesnt have any strictly abs tapes, but I find the ab sections in her CTX series excellent. My other favorites are the ab sections at the end of Body Max and MIS.

Hi Patti-Ann!
I think that all of Cathe's abs segments are very intense :-wow but, for me, the secret to effective abdominal training is in learning to use the transverse muscle properly so that it stabilizes your core. I had to learn to do this due to a back problem, but it has completely changed the results I get from my workouts... I actually have much flatter, well-defined abs with shorter workouts. This concept is well-explained in Jennifer Rhodes' book "Peak Performance Fitness" and in Keli Robert's "Abs & More" video.
Good luck! :)
RE: Help with ABS - CTX

I second Stacy's emotions regarding the ab routines on CTX, especially the routines in the Power Circuit and Kickbox workouts, that rely heavily on plank position work recruiting the ab and back muscles as stabilizers rather than for motor function.

RE: abominable abdominals

The cool thing about abs is that you can break up your sets throughout the day and get the same results as doing them all at once. I also think abs can be worked almost every day, unlike other muscle groups. They also respond very, very quickly once you have built them up. So flop down on the floor 2-3 times a day and do a set for each section of the abs.


In addition to Cathe, why don't you add a strictly abs tape 2-3 days a week? Some of my faves are:

Autonomy Abs
Tami Lee Web "I want those abs"
Keli Roberts is good, but her tape is a little slow for me. (too much talking, not enough doing).


If you have a fairly strong lower back and upper body, the ab slides (the cheap versions you can buy at Walgreens now) are very very effective. But not for beginner-level abs. :)


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