
OK, fellow Catheites, I need some reassurance along with some butt chewing!! I have fallen off the wagon!! The food wagon that is!! These past two days have been crazy!! I've been eating cheeseburgers,cake,ice cream,and omlettes these past two days!! I write things down as I eat thinking that that'll stop me no such luck!! Getting out of the house? HA! My husband decided we should go to Paul's{think Denny's} for dinner that's where the 3egg cheese and veggie omlette came from. What's wrong with me? Ever since I got back into town last weekend and just don't seem to have it like I did before I left. On the plus side I did exercise all week except for today, it was a rest day. Does anyone have any advice?
Two (or three) days is not forever

I'm sitting here thinking that a piece of this apple pie I brought home for my DH will make a wonderful breakfast. I'm desperately apple pie deprived. It's okay. Eventually the apple pie will be gone, and I can go back to my normal, everyday healthy eating.

Sometimes you just gotta go with the yummy fix. You'll be fine in a few days. Forgive yourself, enjoy every bite, and pick a day (like Monday) to resume your better choices. Make sure you have a bunch of your favorite healthy foods on hand.

I know your husband means well, but is there a subtle message in his restaurant choice? My sweetheart ALWAYS thinks I'm deprived because I'm perfectly happy without whipping cream as a food group. I hate having to disappoint him (he's the cook) by reminding him about my limitations, but it has to be done. Now, please excuse me...I hear a pie calling my name.
Oh, Boy


When I posted a suggestion to treat yourself to a goodie, I hope that didn't cause your cravings. I've been reading Shape's weight loss challenge. Its about a woman whose is trying to lose weight and they post her progress each month. She's had challenges like these and here is what they wrote. Plan a 3 day "spa," re-orientation, whatever you want to call it session. As a reward for surviving your three days, there has to be a very nice non food goodie waiting for you. First day, eat as clean as you can. Second day add exercise if you can't do both at once. Third day do both. At the end of three days collect your reward and ask yourself if you are losing your fat tooth. If not, REPEAT a second time. By then, your fat tooth should be well on its way. Don't forget a second reward!

Helen Z
Here we go...

....with some pep-talking. Are you ready? First of all, you are not a bad person so we are not going to tolerate any butt chewing, whining or guilt trips. You merely fell of the food wagon for a couple of days. That's all. You did not gain 100 lbs., and you DO have the ability to stop and resume your sensible eating habits.

I just had two pigout days in a row, up from my usual one, but that was MY CHOICE! I know that I have to do additional cardio this week to make up for it, and I know I have to leap back on the good eating wagon today. Simple.

Today, if you have to go to a restaurant, be resolved that you will order something that is a "good for you" food choice. All restaurants have SOME healthy eating selections, and we know that no one at any restaurant will force you to order a fattening main course or dessert. It's up to you, babe.

It's a new day, you have a clean slate. Your mission today, if you choose to accept it, is to eat like you know you should, exercise, and that's it. The past few days are over, and you will resume your good habits that you have already established.

OK? So let's do it!!!! How's that?
Thank you guys!!

It's a new day and I do feel better about myself and my mishaps with food. You all always know just what to say! I don't know if my husband was trying to give me a message or not, we are the epitamy of opposites attract!! I love him, so what can I do? I am resolving to make today my start over and I'm going to do MIS along with it and go on a bike ride. Thanks again with your ssuggestions, now I'm going to go check-in!!

you'd make a great personal trainer. I don't know anything about the different certifications (Ask Cathe Forum), but I do know I always feel better after reading your posts.
I second that!

Honeybunch is definitely an inspiration! She would make a great personal trainer. She's one of those people you wish you could meet in person.
AW, SHUCKS!!!!!!!!!!

Somebody is going to blow my cover one of these days!! Debbie and Erica, don't tell these misguided folks that I am really a louse.

I really WOULD like to be a personal trainer, time and energy allowing. It is a fleeting fancy right now unless the time fairy gives me an additional 8 hours in my days.

Thanks for the LOVELY compliments! I really will try not to let it go to my head.
Trust Me Folks!!

You are NOT misguided. HB is VERY educated and has helped me (an aerobic instructor) with lots of great advice. Not just for exercise but nutrition too. (Which is the PART I REALLY need to work on. HB~I'll see if I can track that "Time-Fairy" down for you! You'd be great! Good Luck!


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