

Since I just found this forum and all its great information, I thought I would introduce myself and say Hi to everybody.

I'm so glad to have found this forum for pregnant exercisers. I've gotten so much information and so many questions answered from reading the archives - its great!

I'm 18 weeks pregnant. I wasn't able to work out very much during my first trimester, due to nausea and, of course, the fatigue, but I tried to get some decent walks in. And I've been able to start working out again, at a reduced level, and it doesn't seem like I've lost too much fitness.

Anyway, I'm very excited to have found you all! I'll be back with lots of questions!

Hi Anna!

Thank you for taking the time to introduce yourself. Its nice to meet you. Congratulations on your pregnancy. Is this your first pregnancy?

Please feel free to ask any questions you may have. Sheila is our prenatal expert. She is wonderfully knowledgeable and we are honored to have her on board with us.

I had a baby a year ago and learned a lot in the process. I also attended Sheila's pregnancy certification coarse for fitness instructors. It was loaded with valuable information.

All of our moms and moms-to-be are super supportive, and you'll even find many who share the same experiences as you. We have a wonderful support team here.

Welcome and enjoy the forum!

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