Hello All!


Active Member
I just joined and I am looking forward to learning more about Cathe and her workouts, as well as maybe making some new online friends!
I used to work out religiously...then I got busy going to school, got happy in a new relationship, and got fat x( , well not fat exactly but I now weigh about 25 pounds more than I would like! The only good thing about it is that I finally have some size to my breasts! :) I ordered a Step off EBay, which will be here Thursday and I preordered the new Cathe beginner/intermediate DVDs - and I CANNOT WAIT to get them! I am considering ordering Basic Step + Body Fusion for my next Cathe DVD. ADVICE - what Cathe workout would you recommend for muscle building (total body) to be used 3 or 4 times/week. Body Max? Would love your suggestions! Also, have any of you tried the South Beach Diet? I need help getting my diet in order as well. Looking forward to hearing from you...
Welcome!!! If you're just starting out and using the new DVDs and thinking about ordering Basic Step and Body Fusion, I think that Body Max would be a huge leap to take. It's a pretty tough workout and it's not a full body weight workout. It's step, a circuit segment and some upper body weight work.

What kind of equipment do you have for weight training? Have you ever done any before? All things that we need to know before any recommendations can be made. Cathe has several good total body weight workouts.
Hi Kim!

Welcome! Glad to have you here! I'm sure you'll get lots of info from the folks here on what to buy next...it's a vast conspiracy!! Just wanted to say hi and welcome to the forum!!

:) Nicole
I have free weights in various weights up to about 20 lbs. I don't have a barbell set...yet, but looks like I will be getting one. What I have seen from Cathe on Fit TV, it looks like she uses a barbell alot. I also have a home gym (not that it applies here) but I don't think its as productive as using free weights.

Thanks for the replies so quick! Its going to be wonderful to be here! Thanks for the warm welcome:7
Hi Kim,

Welcome to the forum. I've only been here a couple of months myself but have found it to be a great source for information and motivation.

If you go to the "Video and DVD Rotations" folder you'll find a beginner/intermediate rotation that uses the Basic Step and Body Fusion and High Step Circuit workouts. This rotation incorporates both aerobic and weight training w/o's and is a great place to start.

I've tried SBD. Like any diet, it works if you stick to it. I'm not crazy about phase 1 and didn't feel good doing that. I don't like those kinds of restrictions, but phase 2 is fine. It's a good guage though for what you should be eating. I just try to eat fairly clean and watch my portion size.

Good luck, and be careful--this forum is addictive.

Michele :)
Thanks, Michele! I can definitely see how this forum can be addictive! I appreciate the advice and will definitely scope out the "Video & DVD Rotations" folder. I have just been browsing some of the open discussion and I love it! I have found chuckles and smiles while reading some of the topics! How fun!:D
I highly recommend Pyramid Upper and Lower Body. Cathe only uses dumbells for the upper body. She does use a barbell for lower body, but you could easily use your dumbells. I think the Pyramids are easy to "grow" with, just up the weights to keep challenging yourself.

As far as your diet goes, have you ever tried Weight Watchers? The Core plan is pretty much clean eating and the Flex plan is pretty much portion control with a little more freedom in what you eat. I've lost a lot on WW, so I'm a big fan!

I'm sure you'll get lots more great advice, everyone here is great. Good luck!

welcome kim. i am new here myself. body max is one of my more favorite workouts. its not to intricate choregrahpy but pretty intense and long. but i really can't pick just one cathe workout for muscle building b/c they are all great in their own way. but if you order the power hour dvd you get power hour,Maximum Intesnity Strength, and Body Max. all are really great and the cool thing about any weight workout is that to increase the challenge you increase the weight or decrease if you are beginner.

as for the diet i am just trying to get more lean protien and veggies and less processed crap. i do enjoy grains like oatmeal and oat bran but shy away from bread except for the occasional burger i might enjoy at the local hardees.i like to snack alot so i opt to keep baby carrots and apples and sometimes grapes around for snacking so i won't get tempted to have junk. and i drink lots of water.


When they discover the center of the universe, a lot of people will be
disappointed to discover they are not it -- Bernard Bailey
Thanks, Kassia! I appreciate the input I've been getting. I must admit, I am overwhelmed by the MANY workouts Cathe has to offer. The Power Hour DVD sounds good...If I only had tons of money I could have them ALL}(

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