
Has anyone tried any of these?? I currently just heat mine up with the blow dryer but wouldn't mind buying one if they truly work. There is a lot of variation on price.
I have one that is like a wand that I got from Sephora (http://www.sephora.com/browse/product.jhtml?id=P20039)..you heat it up for a short amount of time (don't wait too long because it will get hot) then comb your lashes with it like you would with your mascara wand.

I like this one because it's small enough to fit into your purse and it takes a battery (AAA, I believe)so there's no need for a charging cradle.
Does it curl the lashes? Do you use it on lashes before you put mascara on? I only ask as I was not thinking of the wand kind. I have been looking at the ones that resemble an eyelash curler.

Thanks for the info.
I usually just dry the lashes directly with the blow dryer while holding them in the curler, so that the heat is applied directly to the lashes. It works well.
All I know is how many times I have burned my forehead/ears/temple areas with a curling iron. The heated eyelash curler kind of scares me! :eek:
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I'm not super big on mascara, because my lashes are already dark..so I usually apply clear mascara (yes, clear..LOL) and then use the curler. If you were to use it w/ black mascara, I suppose you could do it either way, before or after, after might get some mascara on the wand, but I don't think it would be too hard to clean off.

It does curl the lashes--you start at the base of the lash and brush upward, kind of curl your wrist..when you get to the end of the lashes you can hold it in place for a couple seconds which helps them stay curled upward.
I have the opposite problem. My eyelashes are very long but not real dark so I use black mascara.

I use clear mascara on my eyebrows to make sure they stay lifted during the day. It's amazing how lifted brows can make your eyes look so much younger.
Eyelash curlers scare me. I ripped mylashes right out ( all of them ) when I was a teenager. My arm just jerked and there they went. Oh ......the memories...it was awful. My daughter was just asking about an eye lash curler. Not crazy about the idea, obviously.... but I will let her know about the wand.

Hmmm.......What will they think of next?

I got the one from Avon and I love it. My eyelashes are long and with this curler I don't need to use mascara.

I also bought the one sold by Avon, although I haven't used it yet. Currently, I still heat my regular eyelash curler with my hair dryer. I think I paid about $6 for the one from Avon. I've got to get some batteries and put that thing to the test! :)
I have the IGIA Micro-curl and I LOVE it!

I bought it at Walgreen's , $9.99. You just hold it underneath, between where the lash and the eyelid meet. It warms to JUST the right temp and makes a HUGE difference.

I got the same kind, not IGEA but it's called Hot touch Eyelash curler. I got mine at Walgreen's, too. It was 9.99 too.

It really works well, it's as small as a regular eyelash curler, takes a single triple A battery, and the curl lasts longer than a day. I only use it every few days.

Karen...I did the SAME thing, only not so long ago, lol...about 5 years ago! I'd been using an eyelash curler all my life. Just like you, one jerk of my arm and there they all went! I was mortified but they grew back...was sooo relieved. Believe it or not, though, I still use one...I'm just veryyyy careful now!
I've used a blow dryer to dry paint, and to loosen wallpaper, but never to curl my lashes! Yikes!

I haven't used it much, but I got one of those wand heated eyelash curlers at HSN when I bought their Mirenesse mascara (the absolute ONLY mascara I will ever wear because it's the only stuff that doesn't make me have raccoon eyes..it's amazing! I hadn't used mascara for years, but with age, everything fades, so I wanted a bit of eye color).
I'm glad to hear you like Mirenesse mascara. I've been debating for awhile now if I should try it. I hate to get hooked on another expensive product, but I am tired of the mascara mess...Have you tried any other Mirenesse products? I've been wanting to try their foundation too.

I have never been able to get an eyelash curler near my eyes---too scared. I cannot imagine a heated one.:eek:
>I'm glad to hear you like Mirenesse mascara. I've been
>debating for awhile now if I should try it. I hate to get
>hooked on another expensive product, but I am tired of the
>mascara mess...Have you tried any other Mirenesse products?
>I've been wanting to try their foundation too.

I don't use much makeup, so I haven't tried anything but their mascara and some eyeshadow that came with the mascara one time. I liked the eyeshadow (very subtle).
IMHO, the best mascara out there is Prescriptives "False Eyelashes." Their curling mascara is awesome, too, but I usually stick with the False Eyelashes. It's not waterproof but water resistant and doesn't dry out your lashes. http://www.gloss.com

To really pump up lashes, even without a curler: Wipe of the wand first on a tissue or on the edge of the tube. Hold it horizontally and wiggle back and forth at the base of your lashes. This sort of provides a foundation on which they can stand up a bit. After the wiggle maneuver, do a light coat, also holding the wand horizontally, from bottom to top. If you missed any hairs, give a quick vertical swipe. For extra VA VA voom, coat the underside of the lashes, just at the tips (the opposite of the side you coated originally). Also, keeping your eye slightly closed, almost squinted, helps during the wiggle. And you don't have to make that "my mouth is open because I'm applying mascara" face lol.

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