Heard Of Juice Plus?


Hi all,
I've been reading some literature on this whole food supplement and am considering it for my family. One of my kids is a very picky eater and this hopefully will help with his nutritional needs. I'm just wondering if any of you take it or have heard of it and what you think of it. I respect you gals for your brains, as well as your hard bodies. :) Thanks, Lora
[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON May-23-02 AT 03:07PM (Est)[/font][p]Yes, a friend of mine is a distributor.
I think it is a fine product, if you don't get any fruits or veggies in your diet, but to me it was too costly, & there were too many pills for my liking.
Honestly, I believe that kids are just as good with a V-8 type of drink. For my little godchild, who is 3 and picky as well, I make her a smoothie with a shot of liquid vitamins for kids in it every day and she drinks it right up.
Just my opinion. This is a fine product and I don't think it would hurt anyone, a lot of chiropracters in Nevada are pushing the product these days. I just don't know the benefits are worth the high cost.

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