HI Healthy Eating Cheetahs-
I just didn't get a minute to get here yesterday. My grade for yesterday was a B. Here is how it went
B- smoothie ( 1 cup soy milk, 2 c frozen berries, 1T ground flax, 1 scoop Phytosoy protein powder)
S- grape tomatoes and an apple
L- (very late) big green salad w/ shredded soy cheese, kidney beans and salsa, and baked Tostitos x(
D- large green salad, roasted brussel sprouts, the following were appetizer sizes: a vegan veggie roll,1/2 of a vegan burrito , a vegan pot sticker (we had a little buffet and everyone tried a bit)
S- 6 dark Hersheys kisses x(, x(, x(
Today's goal is to have 0-2 Hershey's kisses and no chips.
Judy "Likes2bfit"
If you fail to plan, then you plan to fail.