Healthy Eating 11/11/05


Morning everyone,

4:15am - 30 minutes HIIT on bike, 10 minutes of stretching
Tonight I want to go home and do a nice yoga/stretch tape

B - cottage cheese mixed with yogurt
S - cheese, lf triscuits
L - salad w/ crab
S - BFL bar
D - no clue at the moment

Hope everyone is having a good day.

Hi everyone!

5:30am SS Tone It Up

Porridge w/ nuts, raisins & seeds
Egg salad & rye bread
Fruit & nuts
Coconut fish & salad

Have a great day,
Hi -

5:30 am IMAX2

B - soy protein cereal with milk and blackberries, water
S - yogurt, cheese
L - tuna on wheat, protein bar, apple
S - yogurt, banana
D - beef strogonoff, vegies
S - protein shake

Rereading EFL trying to get inspired.

Have a great day.
Happy Tuesday least it's not Monday anymore!!!

3:30pm--Super Sets and hopefully 30 mins on treadmill

B--scrambled egg whites, morningstar bfast patty, coffee
S--ff yogurt w/splenda and sf strawberry preserves
L--tossed salad w/tofu and vinagerette and sf jello cup
S--raw peanuts
D--grilled tuna, steamed broccoli, and tossed salad
(part-skim ricotta w/lemon and splenda for dessert:9 )

Have a great day!!!
Good morning everyone!!

5:00 pm spinning class

s - prunes, coffee
b - egg whites w/ mushrooms, soy bacon
l - veggie pita pizza
s - ww bread w/ peanut butter
d - vegetarian chili, side salad

Hi al -

I seem to be in a rut as far as what I eat. I'll have to add some variety.

7:00 a.m. Step, Jump & Pump

B – Steel cut oatmeal with dried cranberries and apricots and half a banana
L – Sweet potato, spinach, beans, apple
D – Large salad
S – Dried fruit, almonds

Hi Everyone!

I did LBWO this morning. PLB. I have tried to do LBWO of BFL but I must be doing something wrong, I think I would of been done in 15 minutes so I did PLB.

Here is my planned meals for the day:
B- Oatmeal & Cottage Cheese
S- Protein Shake w/ Strawberries
L- Tuna on W/W & Salad
S - Choc. muffins - BFL
D - Tacos
S - Black Forest Pudding - EFL

Have a Great Day!
Laura =)
Here is a link to my before & after photo's

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