Health/Fitness Websites


New Member
Lori: Hello, I know everyone is trying to enjoy the sunshine, but I was wondering if anyone can recommend any good health or fitness websites. Wether they be for weightlifting or health, I am interested in any of them. I'm also interested in any recipe sites; I have checked out, any others?? Thank you!
You probably won't believe me when I tell you but Gold's Gym has a terrific website on diet. It's all free. Go to and follow the prompts for nutrition. You go through a good number of questions to customize their diet suggestions. Then they provide you with delicious meal plans every day for each month. They provide recipes for the dishes when needed. I was very impressed and not a little surpriaed. I have really enjoyed it and hope you do to.

Best wishes, Cyndie
Thank you honeybunch (you have answered a lot of my inquiries :), Andrea and Cyndie - I appreciate all of your suggestions and will check them out ASAP! As for any other addresses, I am a book and wedsite freak when it comes to health/fitness - you learn something new almost everyday, so if anyone else has any more suggestions, or if the three of you happen to come across anymore - keep me posted please. Thank you! : )
Hi, I don't know how to link, but some good websites are:

Just to name a few. Enjoy!

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