Headache Pressure!!


That is the best way I can describe it.Although I have a touch of the cold now, I really don't think these aches have anything to do with it.
For the last two days, I have had major pressure in my head.And my temples (not sure I spelled that right) are where the pain is located.It almost feels as if there is something in my head that needs to come out.I have been taking pain killers for it b/c I have trouble falling to sleep.
No doubt,I am going to my DR. but I didn't know if anyone else around here as ever felt this way.Not only that but on the right side of my mouth...my teeth hurt to.
DH thought that it may be sinus headaches.I am almost afriad to go to my doctor b/c I don't think I want to know if there is something seriuosly wrong.Last night I was just waiting for my head to pop.
Anyway,Just wanted some input.
Hey Lori!! Too bad you're feeling so crummy, I think you're right to go to the Dr. The pressure you're feeling in your temples may have everything to do with something brewing in your frontal sinuses (sinuses in the forehead above the eyes) and the pain in your teeth may be referred pain from (again) something brewing in the maxillary sinus around your cheekbones. The sinuses are spaces within the bones of the face and skull to lighten the skull and aid in warming and moistening air. They are mucus producing and if they get clogged they can't drain properly and pressure builds up internally as trapped air in the sinus in absorbed.
How is you're voice? A lot of times if you have sinusitis (inflamed sinuses) your voice will be affected.
Take it easy and get to the Dr. when you can. Let us know how it goes. HTH.:)

Take Care
I am releived that it may be sinus related! I have had the cold for about a week but I haven't been blowing my nose alot.Everyone I mention it to says that it could be my sinuses.I just made a appt with my Dr on Friday.I think I may have to pick up some ibuprofen on the way home.My voice is o.k though.Just sounds like I have the cold.
I have had pressure in my head before. It felt as if one of my eyes was going to blow out. It ended up being my sinuses. However, once I thought I had a sinus infection and it turned out to be a tooth! The pain was so bad that I couldnt sleep or even read. All I could do was count down each minute until I could go to the endodontist. I had a root canal and was gratefully relieved of the pain.

If you have had a cold, the doctor will suspect a secondary sinus infection and do an xray. The xray will tell if you have an infection. If I were you, I would also do an internet search on "head pressure". That might give you some more ideas.

Some cold medications can increase blood pressure and that will cause symptoms such as yours. Decongestants are contraindicated for people with high blood pressure because they cause blood vessels to constrict (make smaller) and increase the pressure of blood against the surface of blood vessels. Your doctor should take your blood pressure and temperature. A lot of people do not run a temperature with a sinus infection. A normal blood pressure is 120/80.


definitely the tooth thing can be sinuses. When I had my six month check up with the dentist I kept telling him my tooth was hurting and he checked it out, it was alright. He said it was the sinuses and that they can cause your teeth to hurt. I never knew that. There are certain times of the year that my sinuses start to hurt but they don't last long so I don't go to the doctor. I guess I should say they don't last long, some last from afternoon, through the night, and wake up and still have it but eventually it goes away.

I know what your talking about though because my temples are hurting right now : )
Thanks everyone! Like I said I am greatly releived that (hopefully) there is not something more going on.
I don't have a runny nose or anything though.Sometimes I wish that I could just pull my front tooth out.And then there is another tooth in the back that likes to hurt as well.
I have been finding it worse in the night time.I had trouble falling asleep last night but I eventually got to sleep.I was also sitting on the couch last night and pounding on my head.I am sure it didn't help much.I just got so irratitated.
Its not bad enough to cry but it is bad enough not to sleep,and there are times that I think something is going to pop out of my temples.
Thanks again.....my drs appt isn't until FRIDAY!:eek:
I feel your pain...literally! It's normal for me to get sinus infections after a cold, and, no, my nose doesn't get runny either. Sometimes it doesn't even feel clogged, but the pressure hurts like crazy x( . Do you have an Urgent Care in your area that you can visit since you can't get a dr. appt until Friday? Once the meds start to work the pain doesn't take long to go away. Good luck!


Why not taking some OTC medication like Advil Sinus for instance. Unless you are allergic to this type of medication, it may help you until your DR appt.
Oh beleive me I have been taking lots of pain medication.....but its not working that well. Last night I went to the drugstore and bought Motrin Super Strength 400mg...and then I took two! The girl I run with is a pharmiscist, so I called her first to make sure that it was o.k. I did sleep better but the pain moved to the front of my face,down my nose,to my two front teeth.Thats when it really struck that it had to be my sinuses.Then my nose started making some cracking noises.
I feel a bit better today but it is always worse in the night time.We do have emergency in the hospital here but I wasn't so sure that I was in enough pain to go there and sit for 3-4 hours (waiting).One more day!!!!!

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