HB - peeps


Hi HB! I don't post much but I lurk here everyday. I was watching the news this a.m. and thot of you. They were saying that even tho the company that makes peeps has produced approx. 300,000,000 for this Easter, there will still be a shortage in the U.S. You immediately came to mind and I started cracking up! SO - if you haven't stashed enough, you'd better get 'em while you can. BTW, if you're the one hoarding all the peeps, please share them with the rest of us!

Thanks for inadvertently making me start my day with a smile!

I AM the reason there is a shortage! Don't tell anyone!;-) I have a few in my pantry, and was contemplating getting more before Easter is over.
No Wonder...

...I can't find any peeps in the Akron/Canton area! Just kidding, but I better get out there soon for my supply or I have a feeling HB will not be able to get her pantry door closed. I better call Sweetie-Pie and tell him to find better hiding places!;-)

Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH :)

"If You Get The Chance To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!"
RE: No Wonder...

I gave up on the hiding places....I just try to exercise control. Buying smaller packages helps. It will be over soon, a mixed blessing. They need a summer peep of some sort. What could be a summer theme marshmallow form?

I heard that some people roast them like marshmallow....you should get some and toast them on your stove! ;-)
Peeps, Peeps and more Peeps.

I just went to the store last Friday. When I went by the candy section I couldn't help but look for the Peeps. They had plenty here. It's been a while since I looked at Easter Candy. They now even have egg shaped Peeps, not just the Bunny rabbit and Chick shaped Peeps. What will they think of next? Hope everyone had a great Easter!

This is TERRIBLE...

I HAVE SO studiously avoided the peep aisle--AND what happens TONIGHT :-wow, but dh brings home TWO CARTONS OF THE HORRIBLE THINGS!! What am i gonna do? They might gum up the disposal, after all....
RE: This is TERRIBLE...

It IS possible to exercise portion control with the peeps. Depending on the size of them, you can divide them into baggies, and eat fewer. Do you have enough control to eat them that way? SOMETIMES I do. You may just have to eat them and get them out of your house. Or have someone hide them who REALLY knows how to pick out a good place.

If you run hot water, maybe you COULD put them down the disposal, but what a horrible waste! Makes my teary eyed just to think about it. Maybe make peep S'mores! Maybe make cookies that require marshmallow, or a cake. That Mississippi Mud cake I made calls for marshmallow creme, but you could put peeps on he hot cake and smear them when they melt.

Sounds like we need to get a life!;-)

Perhaps they fled after hearing you mention their possible doom. The garbage disposal, what a terrible death. ;-)


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