HATE it here - Jan 2


Good morning to DOMS!
Good morning to DOMS!
Good morning, good morning,
Good morning to DOMS!

Man, I love DOMS. I'm also kind of happy to see that they came the day after rather than a couple days after. Unless...this is just the preview.

Okay, I know there are a lot of animal lovers here besides me, so I have to ask, have you been to this site? I check it every single day and wanted to share it with you because it's so dang cute.


Kate - I don't think I've ever had an ear infection but it sounds awful. Once I did go to the college clinic (when I was in college, that is) and they used some weird water force thing to clean out my ears (for whatever reason, I have no recollection - experiment? Who knows), and out popped what looked like an earplug made of wax. (Hope nobody's eating their breakfast.) It was just about the grossest thing ever, but the thing I remember the most vividly was my walk back to my dorm - I could not for the life of me walk straight! It must have had to do with my sense of balance/hearing but it was pretty wacky (and kinda thrilling, actually). I guess that has nothing to do with an ear infection, but I thought you might enjoy the story anyway. Hey, it's about ears, right? Hear better soon.

Robin - Thanks for your glee! It's nice to be back. You know, I can play my Nintendo DS Lite World Crossing game while I type on the forum. That's one of the bonuses of playing a game without a time limit pressure. In the time that I've written this paragraph, I've had a house visitor - the horse that lives near the beach came to play. I'd inadvertently left a few of my tools on the floor so he told me that I need to clean my house more LOL. I've also shot down a present from the sky, and gave a neighbor walrus a pear.

Am I scaring anyone? I hope I'm not scaring anyone.

Janjan - Oh good! We're happy to hear that you've found a way to come by more often. You sneak! All right, so I've now read about Firewalkers about a kzillion times and the one you mentioned did it. Tell me what they are and how you can do them with your knee.

All right, so it's the new year, so I decided to try out a new Christi, so I totally fumbled through Humble Beginnings 9801 (fun, but I totally couldn't do it LOL) and my HA (half-ass) Deb rotation called for C&W abs, so I threw that in, too!

Still hate planks in the new year.

Okay, I'm off to do some more of what I did yesterday. I hope nobody sees me in my pajamas on my way to my Mom's.
Hey there- that game sounds like fun-my kids won't let me near their ds lites cuz I start drawing and doodling with it (the e-mail thingy)
I didn't get B & G in today so I'll try to do it later in the week (I think I'm subconsciously putting it off)-I did 70 min. on the elliptical-I didn't get off cuz an Ugly Betty marathon was on and I kept watching it-okay I have a question for you guys- I'm feeling ashamed and sheepish but let me know the cold hard truth so I can change my ways if need be- I hate to be interrupted when I'm working out and if I've planned a workout I don't like to miss it- well hubbys brother & girlfriend & mom were coming over today to watch football I hadn't started exercising yet when his mom got there-I spoke with her for a couple then went downstairs to get it done-my bil & girlfriend showed up while I was working out and I told them when I would be done- they seemed fine- (I had just seen them Christmas day for gosh sakes)-I don't really feel bad cuz I see them alot & never get to see my family- was it rude? I hate to miss a workout-when I do it gets easier & easier to miss another & before you know it--let me know what you think--deb

I hope you all had a fantastic weekend! Mine? Not so good:-( . DH and I have about had it with thoughtless damily members and I, for one, am happy they're gone. We're both exhausted and really didn't get to do anything special or fun--we pretty much just waited on damily.

OK, nuff said about that and sorry to start off my first post of new year on a gloomy note. But wait, there's more--lol! Seriously, I have some bizarre eye thing going on. I'll spare you the details and give you the abbreviated version. I have a rare eye condition with a $6 million dollar name. That eye, which is now afflicted with glaucoma secondary to the other disease, is all red, swollen, itchy, and gunky. I'm waiting for my ophthalmologist's office to open and I'm hoping they can get me in today.

August, welcome home!! Never have I seen such jubilation over DOMS--lol! Only August:7 Thanks for the link. OMG It's soooo cute! I bookmarked it so I can go there whenever I need a lift. I'm ROTFLMAO at you and your Nintendo DS and that game:7!

Deb, yes, I found weight racks. I got one for my dumbbells and another for my plates. Now all I have to do is put them together. My workout room is about a third of the way cleaned up--lol! I'm converting a spare bedroom that I've been using as attic space and OMG, was it ever a filthy mess:eek:. I live in a 2 story house with NO basement or attic so I used this room for storage and I have to tell you, it looks like a real attic, complete with cobwebs and about 4 inches of dust *COUGH*...*SNEEZE*...lol! Oh, and I think it was fine for you to get a little workout in while damily was visiting. That's why I call them DAMily--'cause they're such a pain sometimes:p .

Robin, Diane, Jana (I'm so glad you've found a way to play with us:) ), Kate--I hope you all have a great day!

I need to get showered and call my doctor. I'll BBL:*
Ahhhh, I'm back from nothingness. It was divine. I got a lot of work done in my village, too.


Deb - Oh, you shameful workaholic! :eek: ............LMAO. :7 I totally definitely hear you about putting one workout off equals putting off another. Plus, it's something that you do for yourself. It's important time, not just for health of body. I personally think that it's good that you stuck with doing your workout. That's your important time, after all!

(Too much though, for half-ass me, of course ;) )

Michele - An eye issue with a $6 million dollar name? You mean, you mean you have the Steve Austin Bionic Eye problem?! LMAO. Oh man, that sounds awful.

Okay, so Kate's got the ears covered, Jana's got (or had) the nose covered, Michele's got the eyes covered, who here wants to take the throat? Any takers?

Well, Michele, if you're going to have a weird eye thing going on, at least it's a nice rare one that you can get some good bragging out of. Now, is this something you suddenly realized you developed, or did it pop up over the holiday season with the damily? Are you using eye drops for the glaucoma? Man, red, swollen, itchy and gunky is never a good combination. In fact, anything with gunky is never good. I hope your doctor can make it go away.

Good luck fixing up your workout space. It's gonna be totally cool, I bet!

All right. I suppose I should wash up and get in bed. I think tonight Mario and Luigi are coming for a visit. :*
August! I just now saw your post for New Years Day. I wasn't on the boards at all over the long weekend and I totally missed that post.

I LOVE the word for clapping in Japanese!! It looks like an Italian word. I even tried to look it up in an Italian dictionary and I found another word that is close in spelling to Pachi -- PACCHIANO -- it means snazzy -- LMAO! So I guess I'm a snazzy clapper!

ROTFLMAO at your half-assers comment! Oh yeah! I'm signing up for the half-assers workout! I haven't done a workout since Friday and I need to do one today. I have a appointment for my annual physical in 2 weeks and I need to lose all the candy weight I've gained since Christmas:eek: .

I was diagnosed with...are you ready?...It's a pretty long name...OK, here goes...it's called Fuch's Heterochromic Iridocyclitis. No joke, that's what it's called. My nephew brags about it to his professors in optometry school--LMAO! I was diagnosed about 30 years ago after my eye changed colors:eek:. This condition, coupled with years and YEARS of steroid eye drops, left me with a cataract and glaucoma. I had the cataract removed a few years ago. Anyway, this condition doesn't have any subjective, physical symptoms--no pain or itching--nothing. If my eye hadn't changed colors I may not have been diagnosed. I'm a little concerned because I've never had a problem like this before and I hope I don't have some new thing starting up ;(

I got an appointment early this afternoon so I better get to that workout now. I'll see you chickies later:*
Oh, Fuch!

Sorry, had to be written. LMAO.

Cool, you have two different colored eyes? Like David Bowie? What colors? What colors? You know, from a distance it looks like you have Fuch's Heterosexual Idiosyncrasies.

Is your nephew going to be treating you in the near future?...Wait, steroid eye drops? So you DO have a bionic eye!

All joking aside, it's good that you were able to get an appointment so quickly. I'll keep my fingers crossed that it's just some funky winter pollen in the air making your eye gunky.

How totally funny - Pacchiano! Snazzy! Two great words! I'm going to have to try to use pacchiano somehow!

Why does reading "candy weight" make me feel giddy and excited?

OHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!! You guys. I found out some :) horrible terrible news :) . There seems to be a newly opened store in Tokyo (in a rather inconvenient area for me, but that's besides the point).

Krispy Cream Donuts.



Thank goodness I don't have a physical coming up.

Okay, NOW I'm going to bed. Michele, I hope your appointment goes well and that your eye clears up soon. That must be totally awful. I'm sending you good eye vibes!

P.S. Can you even believe Deb's rotation? It's totally whacked!

P.P.S. Tomorrow is Gym Style Legs. Keep your fingers crossed that my DVD will play.

P.P.P.S. Tomorrow is Gym Style Legs. Keep your fingers crossed that my DVD WON'T play.
Ok, so I don't have time to read all the stuff, I just got the bits and pieces...Krispy Kreme donuts...ahhhh...Homer Simpson moment....and something funky Michele has with her eye...awesome!

I did GS Chest and GS Back yesterday (yes I work opposing muscle groups so I break up the DVD's) and B&G parts of the floor work and I have some DOMS in the chest and back today BIG time. Wow...I am really out of shape, but slowly getting back in shape. Today I also walked on te dreadmill for 20 this am and will do it again after work today. Fingers crossed that I will leave by 4:30. everyone is in a funky mood today at work, not a fun place to be today. I am super busy.

Ok, so August, what is up with the DVD player? Fingers and toes crossed for you.

I have to run now guys, Kate, hope the ear is good and Michele, hope the whatever junk in the eye gets better!

Hello to everyone!
Hi ladies.

Michele - I'm so sorry to hear about your eye. My boss has a book at work called Fuchs and Fuchs and I can't help but laugh everytime when she asks me to make a copy of it or refers to it. Will it clear up? Next year you and your DH should seriously consider going away for the holidays. That way, no damily to deal with.

Kate - sorry you are having ear trouble. Did your girls go back to school today?

Deb - I didn't see your rotation. Is is seriously as crazy as August claims it is? Where can I find it?

August - welcome back! We all missed you. Is it tomorrow yet in Tokyo? Did the DVD play??? Last time I did GSL I had DOMS for an entire week (from all the calve raises). Sunday my DH bought Gabe a new Game Boy. He was given an old one and it didn't have a light or anything. He just got a GameBoy DS. It came with the 80's games (Ms. Pac-Man, Dig Dug, Galaxia, Galaga, and Pole Position). I've been playing Ms. Pac-Man and Mario World. The game you're playing sounds fun but Gabe is just 5 so he probably wouldn't understand it.

Today is my last day off of work. Bahhh!!!! Gabe went back to school today and I took Gannon to daycare. I did B&G and I've come to the conclusion that Kate has got to be off her rocker to do this one, what like 5 times a week????? I swear that it was never going to end. Not gonna do that one in a while. No way. Bet Cathe's ears were ringing b/c I was telling her she was nuts and that I was not going to do those darn one legged squats. Nope, wasn't happening this morning! Sorry Cathe. :) Then I took a 4 mile trail walk. I thought it was nice out b/c the thermometer here read 52 degrees but it was so windy and cold around the lake. And the mud, it was horrible. I kept praying that I didn't fall b/c I would have been covered. So now I"m home, just had a huge yummy salad and I'm going to scrub my floors. Prior to going for my walk I started organizing our stuff for income taxes. Oh joy!

Yesterday I did Charlene Prickett's With Every Step DVD and abs from MIS. Tomorrow I"m planning on doing Low-Impact Step and the abs from Cardio and Weights. The alarm is ready for 4:00am so let's hope I can get up. I also started WW again. I had BARLEY for breakfast. Matter of fact, yesterday I cooked the entire box of it. After getting bugs in the cupboards last time, I figured I might as well cook the entire box and freeze it. My gosh does it make a lot of barley. My goals for 2007 are to lose 40lbs and to do morning workouts.

I better get going. I only have an hour to scrub and then it will be time to go pick up the kids!

Have a great day everyone!
Hey haters. You guys crack me up. Especially the fuching eye thing. Seriously Michele, I hope you nothing more serious then pink eye going on and a few eye drops clears it up.

August, your game sounds fascinating and I'm glad I don't have one. I already waste enough time. And I'm also glad there are no Krispie Kremes in town. I have heard one they are hot and fresh, they are to die for.

Dana, you're right, it was windy today. I rarely do any kind of workouts outside in the winter, even a mild one like this. I'm a big weather weenie.

Deb, I'm the same way with a workout. Once I've started, stay out of my way till I'm done.

I did SJ&C today. I think it was easier than the last time I did it, thanks to the new workouts.

Have a great evening all.
Hi chiclets-Dana- I think I posted ahem-my "rotation"-if you want to call it that sometime in the last week of December-if you can't locate it I will post it again and then subtract by half and get August's half-asser rotation (tee hee)-

Janjan- so tell me about this opposing muscle workout thingy you do- cuz I'm doing all the gs and I wonder if I should shake it up a bit- whats the thinking behind it??--deb
Oh August- I went to that website and my DD and I were cooing and "petting" the animals with my mouse-call me crazy--thanks--deb
Hey Deb-Basically what I do is similar to the "Push Pull" DVD by Cathe. If I work my biceps then I work my triceps, the opposing muscle group. So I break down GS like this:
GS Chest & GS Back
GS Biceps & GS Triceps
GS Sho and then B&G leg work
It just makes sense to break it down like that to me. If I do the P90X arms and shoulders DVD it also breaks it down similar to that.
Does that help any?

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