HATE - Feb 27


Morning Haters!

YES! I have no bananas! I have no bananas toDAY!

So no smoothie coming my way today. Did my PUB, had some protein powder drink and will enjoy a sweet potato shortly. All in my pajamas. Ahhh. Oh, well, except for when I was working out, that is.

Michele - How are your ants today? Have they had breakfast? LOL. My village is great. But something unfortunate did happen to me. Or actually, from now on I should say that it happened to my character, Oogi, so I don't confuse anyone LOL. Oogi ended up buying a fake painting from Redd the fox. Fake paintings cannot be donated to Mr. Owl in the museum. For the price she paid, she could have had her hair done, but luckily she is insured with Mr. Weasel, so she should get at least a few bells back.

Deb - Woman. Think of all that money you invested in P90X. How about take an entire planned week off, and then start it? Maybe make up a calendar of your workout schedule? Because we want the P90X report. Plus, just think, if it does great things for you, if you start now, you'll be just in time for the beautiful Spring weather to show off the new bod.

Robin - LOL about skiing having the most affects on your feet. I hope you'll be able to find some better boots....Oh! I see you did go out for your skiing and had an awesome time. Wow. It really did sounds fantastic...LOL about the med tech student.

Dana - Oh no, Gannon is sick again?! That's awful, poor thing!...What in the world would be weird about ordering takeout Chinese in Japan, you nut, LMAO!...My heart rate doesn't get nearly up there with the LB workouts I've been doing, so I'm burning less calories, but I guess it's worth the sacrifice to be good to my knees. I did get DOMS from doing the KM leg drills coupled with the floor work of L&G, so I'm thinking to go with that leg plan for a while next month.

Kara - Just think. In the time you could have your four hour class, you could have successfully waited the three hour line at my Krispy Kreme donuts, plus ordered up a dozen or so and leisurely enjoyed them and still have nearly 50 minutes of free time...Cardio, peh! LOL.

Diane - Hi!

Jen - Thanks to your well-wishes, my outside work today was postponed and I was granted a pajama day. Thank you! I'm glad to hear that you are feeling strong and healthy again.

Terri - I'm honored to be your steel cut oats read! I'll be sure not to bring up any more non-breakfast conversational topics...It's raining in my Nintendo Village for the first time. It's so pretty and adorable. I can have my character Ooga get out her umbrella and twirl it around and make the raindrops spatter out. The graphics are so well drawn and the screens are so colorful, and all the characters say really funny things. There are always things to do in the village, and when I play really late at night, the other characters in my village tell me I should go to bed soon! It's so cute. The game works on real time, so morning is morning, night is night, winter has snow, and apparently in the summertime if you're not careful, you get sunburns. In order to do everything in the game, you'll need to have played for at least a year. A YEAR! It's ever-changing! Like, you can't catch certain bugs or fish until certain seasons and times of day!

You can go here and click on VIDEO REVIEW (it's got a drawing of a boy character in the screen) to get a feel for what it looks like. The way the guy reviews the game is for people who are familiar with the first version of the game, and his voice is lacking in energy, so don't be swayed by that LOL.


I'm not familiar with Virtual Villagers. I'll have to check it out!

Mariah - Woo hoo! Congrats on winning the bid!!

All right, I'm ready for my sweet potato and soy milk now.

Have a great day!
Hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii--what ya doin??-Remember how I stated on the thread I wasn't going to give in to my kids and buy them Nintendo DS for Christmas? well remember how I bought them anyway (or Santa did)well you would have laughed at me at Target on Friday night- my daughter had a gift card to spend and she wanted a new game for her DS and I kept trying to talk her into Animal Crossing (thats the one one you have right?)-well she wouldn't go for it- she got diddykong instead-LOL-I amgoing to start P90X March 1-I made a promise and I'm gonna stick to it-plus it sounds like I'm the guinea pig-I gots sta report to Robin on whether I like it or not and Dana's been so excited for me to start it- I can't let you people down--

Kara-I am a psuedo-cardio hater-I joined this thread (well I wouldn't go away-they couldn't get rid of me-lol)-and I actually thinking it's turning more into kinda a well you know, a CARDIO LOVERS thread but sshhhh don't tell the others-

Hi to Michele, Mariah, Terri, Jen, Diane, Dana and Robin and anyone else I missed--deb
OMG. LMAO. I was just sent a map of where my Thursday meeting will be, and the first thing I saw on the map was the location of a restaurant called MR. DONUTS.
Deb!! LMAO, how cute you are!!

Give me that DD of yours' email address, I'll put her head straight! LOL. How can she not be completely tempted to get Animal Crossing Wild World?! That girl doesn't know what she's missing! Not to mention that if she gets it, you and I could hook up in each other's villages. But don't tell her that. LOL. DiddyKong?! Argh!

Hey, don't forget about moi, I want to hear the P90X report, too!

Well, anyway, I'm sure your DD will totally get sick of DiddyKong soon enough. It's just a matter of a few more weeks until she breaks. :7
Goodmorning haters.

Mariah, have you seen any of the posts on the open forum warning about bootleg Cathe DVD's being sold on ebay? I hope you have the real deal. I sort of feel a loyalty to Cathe and the folks at SNM and only buy her workouts from them. And anymore, as soon as Cathe announces a presale, I'm there, credit card in hand.

Deb, I'm marking March 1 on my calender...

August, you sure do make Nintendo sound tempting. I've never been one for any kind of computer games. I always get bored.

Dana, how are the boys today?

Today's plan calls for Cardio & Weights. I'm going to scurry home after work and get this done because I'm meeting a friend for dinner back in town. We're having Thai. Yum.

Later all you golden haters.
no i didnt see warning
i just signed in to start my day
i will hope so also i lost another so so far i only won one
and yes i dont believe in bootleg either thats a persons living when they make tapes of their profession Why should I deny them their rightful income

ciao see you all this afternoon busy day for me as tomorrow early morning i leave to meet my kids in orlando for disney
Robin - Thai! Yum! Phad Thai! Love that stuff! Have a fun time with your friend. :)

Mariah - Have a fun time with your children! :)
Good morning!!

I have a hair appointment this morning so I can't play too much today -- BOO HOO! I didn't get a workout in yesterday and I may not have time for one today either, because I have a ton of errands and I'll be gone most of the day. I'm a bit distressed about that...just a bit:p.

I studied several rotations yesterday and I'm interested in the 16 week fat loss that someone posted recently. It's an old rotation that someone was kind enough to update with newer Cathe workouts. I have enough DVD's to get started, and I ordered 3 more last night -- MM, CM, and S&H. Next month I'll pick up CTX and then I'll have just about all of Cathe's workouts. I'm still debating if I want to get HSTA, HSC, and PS. Do I need PS if I have the GS workouts, or the other high step DVD's if I have HS Circuit? I also don't have Rhythmic Step, but c'mon now, can any of you honestly see me doing that workout? LMAO!

August, no bananas?...no smoothie? I think the earth just stopped rotating on it's axis! So what did you mix with your protein powder?

The ants, the ants! I didn't see any yesterday but there were a few on my desk this morningx(. I'm going to wait a day or 2 before calling the exterminator again because sometimes you see a few stragglers after a treatment.

Hey Oogi (LMAO), I'm sorry about the fake painting. Will Redd the fox be prosecuted? I think he should be, for heaven's sake. Poor Mr. Owl! Weasel seems an appropriate name for an insurance salesman -- ROTFLMAO!! Did he refund a few bells? So, just how big are these bells? I'm trying to figure out how you pay with bells. Are they little tiny bells that you can carry in your pocket or purse? Don't they make a racket?

I expect you to stop by Mr. Donuts and I want a full report!!

Deb, I wanna know about the X, too! It's nice to see you back again.:)

Robin, LMAO about your great ski adventure that left you with sores on your feet! We're going to have to get you some proper fitting ski boots, young lady!

Thai food -- BLECH!! I went to a Thai restaurant once. They asked me how spicy I wanted my food on a scale of 1 to 10, so I said 1, of course, and the first bite set off a 5 alarm fire in my mouth! I've never eaten it again. I don't like spicy food at all. My meals around here do get boring, though. I was looking through the recipes that I saved on my computer and they all contain some variation of the same basic ingredients; onions, garlic, tomato, thyme, parsley, basil, oregano...all pretty much Italian-ish. Oh hey, I hope you enjoy the evening out with your friend!

Mariah, don't worry, there are some authorized Cathe dealers on Ebay, too, and you can probably find out who they are by doing a search. I think SNM posted about it in the Ask Cathe forum once. --Thanks for posting the link for that article. I haven't looked at it yet but I will. --I hope you have a lovely visit with your kids. Will you go on Space Mountain:eek:--LOL!

Kara!!!! I would love for you to post here. It's okay -- I think Jen, Dana, and I are the only ones who actually hate cardio, and even I love Cardio Coach so I'm only a part time hater. It's good to have cardio lovers posting here. It's kind of like a desensitization program for us haters. LMAO!

Jen, Arista, Terri, Dana, Diane, Shelley -- EVERYBODY, I need to shower and get going here but I'll try to BBL this afternoon. Have a great day!:* :* :*
Hey Michele- I saw like one little puny teeny tiny ant in my bathroom a couple of weeks ago and then I was thinking well that was only one but is it true where there is one theres alot more? And I don't know about you but I live in a cold weather area and it's winter here-whats with seeing the ants in the middle of winter?-I mean don't they hibernate or DIE or something when it's cold?--just wondering??--deb
I'm so glad I'm not alone!!! I live in a cold weather area, too, and the exterminator said that he's had tons of calls about ants lately. He said it's because we had a weird winter and it didn't get cold until late in the season. The ants probably came in to protect themselves from the cold. The first ants I spotted were in my BR, too. I don't have a basement so my house sits on a slab and he said I probably have a kazillion of them under my house :eek: ;(. If I had a basement that's where they'd be. I'd kill for a basement!
Oh no- we just finished our basement off last year-it's beautiful (and now possibly filled with ants??-I'm afraid to look)--deb:eek: :(
Good morning, Haters

August: I just thought of something: your life is total virtual reality! Where would life be without computers, eh? I'd be lost for sure.

Michele: I posted a fat loss rotation for Fitness Freak's opinion. Check it out to see if it's something that interests you.

Mariah: HOW FUN! Disney World is so much fun, expensive, but fun. That's where our kids want to go...maybe we should swing through Daytona & have some delicious pancakes...

I did Amy Bento's Kickbox Xtreme this morning and was drenched in sweat. I love that workout.

Hello to everyone...headin' to the shower...have a great day!
Good morning, haters!

Thank you for the warm welcome!

August: Fortunately, I am lucky enough to have a Krispy Kreme about ten minutes from my home and if I go there when the "hot now" sign is lit, the lovely man behind the counter gives me extra GLAZED ones for free. :eek: They literally melt in my mouth. Yum. Anyway, my DD is turning 9 in a couple of weeks and has asked for a Nintendo DS and I am going to get Animal Crossing to go with it! Yea! I can't wait until she is at school and I can play it. Good job on doing PUB. Cathe goes so fast on this one that I have a hard time keeping pace. :eek:

Deb: Hi! Hey, I am in the middle of my second 90 days with P90X, so if you have any questions, just ask. Tony is great and I have seen awesome results with this program.

Robin: Your skiing yesterday sounds wonderful and soooo peaceful! Have fun with your friend this evening. I can't decide if I like Thai food or not...

Mariah: Ohhhh, I miss Florida! We moved from SW FL about 20 months ago and I long for those palm trees again. Have fun with your children!

Michele: I'll trade you your ants for my cockroaches, OK? I have found two HUGE slimy suckers in the last three days. How is your cold? I love the Easter trinkets you purchased last week.

Jen: Hi! Thanks for the welcome. I enjoy kickboxing and am considering getting the Powerstrikes. Would you recommend them?

Terri: I love Amy's Hi/Lo Extreme! Is the kickboxing one intense? I may have to get that as well. Holy cow, 20 inches of snow??? I grew up in Wisconsin and really don't miss it. :7

Hi to all that follow! Have a great one.
Good morning haters!!!

August - Your Nintendo games sounds like SO much fun! I' be afraid that if I bought it, i'd never get anything done. I love that kind of 'real-time' village type games. I'm not so much for the sports games or battle games, I just like all the cool stuff that happens - like rain! How fun. What is Nintendo DS? Is that the latest one? Or the one before that? How expensive?

Terri - Sorry about all that snow. I know how you feel. My snows almost melted again, so I think I'm going to go for a run this morning. And I agree, I don't know where I'd be without the high-tech stuff these days. I love it! I didn't grow up with it, but now that I'm going to school for it, its just loads of fun and REALLY interesting. How's your website coming?

Jen - I'm so glad to hear you're feeling like your powerful self! Have a great day today.

Michele - Can you post the link to the new fat loss rotation that you found?? I want to do that one too!! I need to. There's muscle under there, but I need to melt my blubber first. I hope you enjoy your day today and all those errands. Good luck with the ants. I hope you don't see another one.

Diane - How are ya??

Robin - Cross Country skiing sounds like so much fun! I wish I had a trail that was closer than a half hour away. Oooh, those boots sound gruesome though. I have a real problem finding boots that fit too. My feet are such a weird size and shape. I hope you don't have any blisters this time around. Was it sunny for your skiing?

Kara - Welcome!! You sound like you like cardio... I secretly don't mind it either (although, I hate the THOUGHT of it, but when I'm actually doing it, its great). So what exactly is P90X? Videos? How many? How long? Who are the instructors? How expensive?

Deb - Good luck with P90X. I've heard that its really tough.... But you'll probably breeze through it. Good job on sticking with your March 1st date. Diddykong? That sounds like a mix between Donkey Kong and P. Diddy rap video!! LOL

Mariah - Orlando? Disney World?? Can I come?? Can I be your friend? I've always wanted to go. :7 I love Ebay for getting workout videos, and I've only been disappointed once. They are slightly cheaper on there, but not by too much unfortunately. I would love to buy them all straight from the source, but I'm just a broke college student.

However, that will soon be a thing of the past. I started my new job today (which doesn't pay as well as my other part-time job that I'm still doing). BUT, its REAL web design and I'm so stoked. I had a few bumps at first, but I think it's going to be such a great learning experience. Before I know it, I'll have enough experience to go to work making some bucks. Its about time too.... I've spent enough dough on these darn bachelor's degrees!

Dana - I'm sorry to hear about Gannon. Its that time of year, isn't it? Plus, with daycare I can see how those germs would just spread like wildfire. I hope he's feeling better soon. How are you??

OK, I really should get off my arse and get out for a run before I get sucked into starting work. Have a great day all!!:*
Morning haters!

August – I figured you would order Japanese takeout since you live in Japan. LOL Your game sounds really tempting and fun. So when you are done playing does it just save everything for next time??? Your meeting is at Mr. Donuts??? That sounds tempting. Oh yeah, speaking of donuts, when I went back to do the mail this morning, someone’s kid is taking orders for KK donuts for a fundraiser. $6 a dozen . . . interested???

Robin – Enjoy your thai dinner – that sounds really yummy. Wow – sounds like you had a great time skiing. Wish I could’ve joined you, although you probably would’ve laughed the entire time since I’ve never been on skiis. How is Greyor doing?

Michele – what’s going on with the ants? I’m going to have to check out that rotation you mentioned. (although I suck at sticking to a rotation).
Jenn – sounds like you are feeling better. GREAT!!!! I still didn’t order PowerStrike – I will eventually. LOL I think that this new one would probably be better for me since I”ve never done I or II. And you keep tempting me to order something from BeachBody. You’ve gotta stop with this peer pressure, ya hear???

Arista – I’m sure you’ll be making the big bucks in no time at all. Enjoy your run!

Mariah – I think of you too when I see the new IHOP commercial. Those pancakes look wonderful. Have an amazing visit with your family today.

Kara – hi and welcome to the group. I truly despise cardio. Blech! Give me weights anyday!! You’re on your 2nd 90-day rotation w/P90X, did I read that right? I bet you look great.

Diane – hey, stop being so busy. You’re pregnant, take it easy! How are you feeling?

Terri – so how do you like the PowerStrike workouts?

Last night was my feeble attempt to do KPC – it turned out to be a half-a$$ workout. I did the warmup, the first cardio drill and then forwarded and did the first, second and third combos, skipped the fourth one and then did the abs (minus the planks/pikes, just did standard crunches) and the cooldown. For some reason, I was not in the mood to workout. Go figure. Tonight I may do Jari’s S&L – I won’t say for sure if I”ll do that one or not. But I did put it in the DVD player.

Gannon has an ear infection. We had the WORST intern ever. Where we go is a “learning hospital” so if you call acute care for an appt that day, you always get an intern, and then the resident dr will come in and do another exam. This guy was so weird, words cannot explain how odd he was. You had to be there to get the full effect of this visit. Then he said Gannon looked good. The dr came in and said he had an ear infection. Which is what I figured. So he is on antibiotics and hopefully it will go away soon. We have a follow up with his regular dr in a few weeks.

Listen to this funny story. My DH’s friend was at our house over the weekend. He said that last week he was being set up on a date. He went to dinner with his friends (a married couple) and he was to meet the wifes’ single friend. He said that the got to the restaurant and this woman was already there. They all sat down and before he could even introduce himself she said, “Let’s cut to the chase. I’m 33 years old and I’m looking to start a family. I will not settle for anyone who makes less then $150,000 a year. She asked him what he did, and when he told her, she made a face and was not impressed. Then she asked him how much he made. He told her that he did not need to tell her his salary. The waitress came to take their order and she said she only wanted a drink b/c it was not going well. I can’t remember what happened next but he said he had enough and made a comment to her about her unibrow, yada, yada, yada. Can you imagine acting like that on a date? What a strange person. Either she was not interested as soon as she saw him and this was an act to get out of the date or she was a gold digger. Wow.

Well I’m off to attempt a 2 mile walk. I have no idea if the sidewalks are clear enough to walk though.

Have a great day haters!
Only have a minute, will BB tonight after my hair appoitment & grocery store run... but had to comment on these 2 things now...

Kara- I HIGHLY recommend Powerstrike 1 & 2, I LOVE #1 & can't get enough of it!

Dana- KPC only has 3 kicking & punching combos so if you did 3 then you did them all. Sounds like you only didn't do the high intensity cardio drills... so give yourself more credit.

Okay, HAVE to get busy working since I have to leave about 2:45 today for my appoitment, hoping to be home & showered on back online by 6:30 tonight, my tummy is SO off today & grumbling at me. :(
Wow, Dana, that was some date your friends friends set him up on. I'd have to give them a piece of my mind. LOL about the intern at the teaching hospital. I assume you mean G-singer. We had a really nice intern in both the NICU and the PICU. He said he had never seen a baby with RSV that was sick enough to need a ventilator, so I suggested he pay us for the education. Good luck with the walk. It looks like it is lovely out here.

Arista, I got huge blisters, quarter size, on each heel. I doctored them with some Neosporin and sterile gauze and can hardly tell I have them. We'll see how they feel when I step this afternoon. Good Luck with your job. It should be nice to get a paycheck. I've never bought anything from ebay. When I tried to set up a paypal account, I had all kinds of trouble. I'm not a very good on-line shopper anyway. I can never find what I want.

Kara, I'm with you on the palm trees. I love palm trees. That's the first thing I mention whenever we vacation somewhere tropical. I have 3 little palm plants growing in one corner of the livingroom I call the Palm Court. They'll never get very big because my cat, Frank, keeps chewing on them. I didn't know you were doing P90X. Next time I'm feeling flush, I'm going to get the set, dog gone it.

Hi to Terri, Jen, Diane, Deb, Michele and anyone else I forgot.
Jen - thanks for pointing that out. I thought that there were 3 combos????? I guess I didn't do that bad. My triceps are starting to get sore from the punching.

Must be haircutting time. August had hers done yesterday. :p Michele & Jen are getting theirs done tonight and I'm getting mine cut tomorrow night.

My walk was nice - it is really nice out. I didn't even need a coat. It felt to great to get away from my desk and now it is time to get back to work. :(

Have a nice day ladies!
Dana - OMG, that story is hilarious!! That sounds like something out of a movie or TV show! She wants to start a family and won't date anyone making under 150K? Good luck with that sister.

I probably sounded like a gold digger on my last post talking about money... I just want to be secure is all. I'm tired of feeling like I'm constantly scrounging. I grew up with my parents always scrounging (honestly, I don't know how they lived on what my dad made), and I don't want to feel that way. I don't need to make 150K or even 60K, but just enough to put a bunch away for a rainy day. That kind of security.

OK, now that I've justified that, I better get to work and make it happen.

Jen - I hope your tummy feels better soon. Are you getting a radical new 'do?

Talk to ya'll soon!! Have great days. I'll BBL. (Just had a nice run and need to shower... stinky!!) :)
Okay, I got my act together for the last 20 min, re-read a few days, and I am going to attempt to do personals. I am not very caught up, but I will do my best.

August - 3 hours for Krispy Kreme? We don't have Krispy Kreme in TX anymore, so I never get to have them any more. x( We used to have one right down the street, and I would sometimes get a 1/2 dozen on the weekend. Very bad habit. Glad you are back in your PJs today. I had to wear DH's PJs last night because my belly is getting so big that my PJs are uncomfortable. :) Your video game sounds like fun. I used to play the Sims on my computer, which sounds sort of similar. I was addicted during law school.

Robin - What is this Golden New Life Monday? I must have missed this. The skiing sounds like a wonderful exercise. It must be so peaceful to be the only one out there with all of the snow. I don't think skiing as exercise is anywhere in my near future in Houston. ;) That was very evil to give your friend a Cathe video. One time I had my sister do Bootcamp with me because she was making fun of me doing videos. She was bragging on how in shape she was, but she could not make it through the video at all. I showed her!

Michele - We sometimes have ants too. We have to keep ant traps out all the time or else the come back again. I love Chinese food, but didn't realize how horrible it was for you until recently. I started using this website called babyfit.com which tracks you food intake, exercise and water intake, among other things, to make sure you are getting sufficient nutrients for the baby. It is run by the same people as sparkpeople.com if anyone uses that. Anyway, so the other day I had beef and brocolli and it said it had over 1,000 calories for the meal!! I almost died. But it is good for a treat once in a while. Also, I don't think you need PS if you have Gym Styles. I personally don't like the format as much, and the exercises are not quite as interesting or innovative, though it is effective as well.

Deb - I want your review of 90X as well. I won't get to do anything like that for a while, but it might be a good way to get my pre-preggo bod back.

Jen - Your workouts always sound awesome! I'm glad you are feeling a little better and don't have to do shovelmax today.

Dana - Sorry that Gannon is sick again. Poor little guy. I had a lot of ear infections when I was little. About the intern thing, I have a horrible story about that. When I was in law school, I had to go to the campus doctors office for any medical care. So I was getting my yearly pap, and of course they were teaching med student or something that day... Needless to say, it was a horrible horrible horrible experience. The real doctor had to take over.

Kara - You are so lucky you like cardio. I dread it, but I definitely look my best when I do it consistently.

Arista - Congrats on the new job! I hope you enjoy your first day. We are waiting for a full report.

Well, I had a good weekend seeing my family. On Saturday we drove to Austin and met my sister (who flew in from Boston) and my dad and step mom. It was a beautiful sunny day in Austin, about 75 degrees, and we ate outside at this great place. Then we went to San Antonio and my sister and my mom and I walked around Boerne (where I grew up). It is a small town that has most antique shops, and has a gotten a lot of new cute shops since we left. We walked all the way down main street and back (that is how small it is) and had a nice stop at a bakery }( }( My DH had to work during the day so he didn't come along, but he was able to come to dinner. We went for fajitas for dinner and it was yummy.

The reason I was able to eat all these places, even Mexican food, is because I have been feeling great lately! My nausea is gone and I can eat what I want. So I have been back to eating healthy on the ETL plan. The only problem is that I really have to work at getting enough calories. Yesterday I didn't have enough calories, even after sneaking in some chocolate chip cookies and a caramel macchiato at Starbucks! It will be even harder once I need 300 extra calories a day. When you eat a bunch of salads, fruit and veggies, there are not many calories in them.

I am also getting a little belly (which my family confirmed it was not just my imagination). My clothes are pretty uncomfortable by the end of the day. I will have to take some more pics and post them.

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