Has anyone here done a triathalon?


Hi Everyone,

I am doing my first triathalon July 31st (Danskin). I was hoping to get some advice on what to wear for the swim portion and then how best to transition into the bike portion. I was just going to wear a sports bra and bikini bottoms and keep that on for the bike ride and run. But then I was thinking I may develop chafing and a yeast infection. Any advice would be great. Thanks.

I've done 2 sprint tri's--I did it with a sports bra(make sure it's snug fitting to lessen the drag effect of the water)and swim bottoms, more like a speedo or another brand, true bikini bottoms may again, be too loose. I pulled running shorts over my swim bottoms for the bike/run(I didn't feel comfortable biking or running in just swim bottoms, but that's a personal preference). If I remember correctly, the Danskin bike portion should be short enough so you don't have to worry about wearing biking shorts(not long enough to worry about too much chafing)and then you can just hop off and run. My advice is to either have a gallon of water or a pan of water to rinse your feet off once you come out of the water(to get rid of the dirt/sand)and a small towel to dry them with.
ALSO--I put a colored balloon where my bike was to help me find it after I got out of the water--OR get there as early as they will let you to put your bike on the rack and hopefully you will get on the end of a bike rack. Do you have a belt for your race number? You just clip it around your waist.(even though they will mark your leg they should still give you a number to wear I think) If you're worried about chafing you could always have a "Glide" bar to rub on your inner thighs after you get out of the water. The main thing is just to have fun!!

Good luck and let us know how you do!!

Mary :)
I did a sprint a few years back. I wore a one piece bathing suit (as did almost every other girl I saw) and kept a towel next to my bike so that I could wipe off my feel before I put my socks on. I slid on a pair of running shorts over my suit and took off on the bike. I didn't wear my bike shoes, I actually wore my running shoes so that I wouldn't have to change again and lower my time. I don't know what other people did, though, I am sure that everyone does it different. I didn't have any problems with chaffing or yeast or anything else! Honestly, I don't think that I would have noticed anyways, I was so high from doing a triathalon!

You will do fantastic! I felt so accomplished when I finished! I know that others here will have even better advice than I have.

Good luck!
in a sprint, you swim 400 meters, bike 15 miles, and run 3 miles

there are much longer races, but I don't know how long they are :-(

Thanks for the good advice. I am very excited. I am alternating early morning runs and bike rides and as much swim time in my pool. I just picked up a couple of swim caps (my hair was getting fried) and speedo goggles.

Sarah ~ Danskin's triathalon is nice for a newbie. It's a 1/2mile swim, 12 mile bike and 3.1 run. I use to be on a couple of swim teams as a kid and did cross country running in high school. I am 36 and do a lot of cathe and keep with running. So now I am incorporating the swimming and biking in. A new challenge to spice things up.

Again, thanks everyone for the tips.

Oh, Sarah, check out Danskin.com They have these tri's all over the US

Thanks so much Chrissy! A tri is a dream of mine...that and a marathon. I just started training for my first 1/2 marathon last week! It sure is fun!

Good luck w/ the 1/2 marathon. Let us know how you do. The furthest I've run is the Falmouth MA 10k. It's popular in New England. Most years you can't even get a number. I would like to do a 1/2 marathon someday. Maybe next year I will be up for the challenge.

I always think of people like Lance A when I want to quit...no quitting for me :)


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