Hardcore Fitness Maniacs Wed Aug 9


Morning Fit Ladies -

This morning I did P90X Shoulders, Arms and Triceps and P90 Ab Ripper 200 with med ball and ankle weights (couldn't stomach doing Ab Ripper X again and since I overslept, the shorter ab workout worked just fine). I upped my weights again and lifted as heavy as I could...only doing 6-8 reps of some exercises. I listened to my own music. My arms felt worked good when I was finished.

I'm still down......and that's why I didn't post again yesterday, as I hate to be a complainer. My disc pain is still flaring. Don't think I should do any pushups for a while....but I usually am stupid! At least today's workout didn't have any pushups in it. My depression is making me not want to get out of bed, so I overslept today. It's very VERY difficult to get up and face the world when I feel like this. I'll be glad when Friday gets here this week. I have a hair appt today and was at the eye doct last night after work. I'm not able to wear my contacts any longer cuz of my eye problems and I'm mad about that also. He said they can now fix my eyes surgically, but my husband will never agree to a $10,000 procedure that insurance doesn't cover.

I'll try to check in from work, but it's been busy. I had to give my boss a reminder of how I "had her back" the other day with her supervisor when she started giving me grief yesterday. I forgot to mention...one day last week, I was getting yelled out and my boss' supervisor walked in to see my boss. My boss was caught in the act. She promptly stopped yelling and nothing was said, but I saw the look on her supervisor's face. Friday, while finishing my lunch, her supervisor came up to me and asked if she walked in on something the other day. I said, yes...I was getting yelled at for making a mistake, but stated my boss gets like that from time to time and said it was not a big deal (yet, I got her back again for her). I decided to mention this ordeal to her yesterday right around the time she started in on me badly!!! It worked like a charm. Her altitude changed immediately. I'm babbling...........bye for now.

Have great workouts.
This is what I did this morning, its so cool here but I was sweating anyways:

Did the superset style workout again doing 3 sets/12 reps each w/90 sec. rest between each ss. This routine was a killer:

Push ups (just did these on their own, did 3 sets/12 reps)

SS #1
Incline Dumbbell Flies - 27# each hand (added 2 lb. ankle weights to my arms) (up from 25#)
Dumbbell Upright Row - 17# each hand (added 2 lb. ankle weights) (up from 15#)

SS #2
Plie Squats - 65# (up from 55#)
Step Ups - 40# (stayed the same)
(this superset was a killer)

SS #3
Dumbbell Pullover - 32# (up from 30#)
Barbell Curls - 40# (went down on this one because I really struggled with 45# last week)

Tricep Dips off weight bench - just did this on its own, 3 sets/12 reps.

Hope to get ab work in this evening. Gotta take dh to doc's again today.

Have a great workout everyone!
Hi Lora, Debbie and all to come!

Lora, i'm sorry you're still down, and the worst thing is when people say "cheer up!"

I'm wondering if you're overtraining? The can make moods worse!
Debbie, great workout as always. Hope all is well with the DH today as well.

Tonight when i get home from work, i'll do KPC or KM, plus stability ball. I have to catch my flight to London tomorrow, and am trying to figure out what workout i should try to get in tomorrow morning :)
I'm looking forward to a few days exercise free! I'm going to try to go the weekend, and hit the gym there on Monday. My joints need a break.

Magadoo, hope your son is better today, and the docs appt went well.
Good Morning Maniacs!!!

Yesterday I did Imax 2 mixed in some chest/back work inbetween. Hubby called later and asked why I sounded so tired???? LOL! It was a good workout.

Today, I am doing a circuit workout. Just got back from riding thru Philly last night so I am pretty tired. Didn't get to my hotel room until 1:30am...several hours passed my bedtime.

Thanks Steph!
Deb-hope your DH is better and great WO
Lora-still praying for you
Charlotte-how was the circuit?

I haven't done a WO yet because I just got home. I have fire meeting tonight at 8, so I don't know when I can fit it in!UUUGGGHHHHH!!!!! Oh well, the kids and their appts are more important. Here is how my day went. SOrry in advance for being so long!

Got to hospital early (8:30) and gave Connor sedative, which of course he spit half of it out. An hour later- no sleepys! So since I knew he spit most of it out, gave him a little more (was quite careful not to OD him of course)The scan tech lady tried to get him to sit on the bed and in less then 5 seconds she said- "this isn't going to work, so you will have to come back another time for IV sedation and a whole big production, sorry". I said, I will wait a little longer. SHe asked what sedative his doc gave me and she said "I can't believe he gave you that, we have nurses administer this stuff! this isn't working, you should just go home (11:00am). I wanted to cry, thinking "if only nurses are supposed to do it, then why could I get it at a pharmacy DUH??????" So go out to parking lot, start to drive away, and he was passed out, snoring! I said "Chase- we are going back, leave everything in the car and be ready to run!!"
So I brought him back in there and stood there for 20 minutes holding this sleeping child while I thought my shoulders were going to burst. Then they acted like they weren't very happy and did the scan. then they said they needed to take him to MRI to check him out (scaring me by saying this thinking they found something bad). He woke up and was fine, but they said I should never have given him that medicine myself. I didn't know how to feel about it, but I trust my ped completely and he did the right thing.
Anyway, the radiologist told my ped that the scan looks good so far. I will know more details on Fri when we go back to see him. Sigh of relief! He is still going to see a ped neurologist just to be on the safe side. Fine by me!

I will check in later and I hope you are all enjoying you day!

Maeghan AKA megadoo

New pics added in July 25 2006 and Fitness album!!!!

http://www.3fatchicks.net/img/bar072/slider-but3/lb/203/145/153/.png[/img] [/url]


You did the right thing by listening to your pediatrician. You must have just run into a "know it all". There are many out there. Please don't worry too much. I am sure everything will be just fine, you will see.

I am done with my challenge circuit. I will post it tomorrow. I still need to do core work. I just love this rotation that I am on. It is so much fun!

Hi Ladies - just got home from my hair appt.

Megadoo - Hope everything works out with your son. What an experience you had!

Stephanie - thanks for the well wishes.

Hi Charlotte - I thought maybe you left for vacation.

Hi to everyone else. I'm gonna check my emails and E-bay business and then I'm off to watch my taping of General Hospital.
Lora- thanks, how is the new do? I love General Hospital! Talk about bad obsessions! All My CHildren and One Life to Live too!!

Charlotte- thanks, that makes me feel better. I love my ped, and thoroughly trust him. He has always been so caring and great. He is actually the doc for the whole family-sisters, mom,dad, me Greg. If it weren't for him, I probably would never have been diagnosed with Sarcoidosis. ANyway!
I hope things calm down some so I can get back to that rotation with no interuptions. I have followed it pretty closely so far, but had to change things the last few days. I agree that it is fun and I am already seeing great results.
I noticed today that I don't have much 'love handles' anymore! I am still losing fat and my waistline is finally starting to LOOK like a waistline! What a concept!
Anyway, really don't think I can squeeze a WO in today. I have fire meeting and am running out of time! AARRGGHH! Oh well, I hope to be able to do some yoga and abs atleast before bed.
Thanks again guys!

Maeghan AKA megadoo

New pics added in July 25 2006 and Fitness album!!!!

http://www.3fatchicks.net/img/bar072/slider-but3/lb/203/145/153/.png[/img] [/url]

Thanks Deb. How did it go for your DH at the docs? Still praying for his quick recovery.

Maeghan AKA megadoo

New pics added in July 25 2006 and Fitness album!!!!

http://www.3fatchicks.net/img/bar072/slider-but3/lb/203/145/153/.png[/img] [/url]


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