Hardcore Fitness Maniacs Wed., Aug. 23

Had a killer workout today, this one took everything I had out of me. Supersetting again, today I did 4 sets/12 reps:

SS #1
Reverse Static Lunges: 65# (12 reps each leg)
One Arm Dumbbell Rows: 32# up from 30# last week (I think I could have gone with 35's but by the 4th set I was dying)

SS #2
Hamstring Curls - 47.5# for 1 set then 45# for the rest
Barbell Military Shoulder Press - 45# (up from 40# last week)

SS #3
Incline Alternate Dumbbell Curls - 17's each hand (up from 15's last week)
Lying Dumbbell Tricep Extensions - 17's each hand (up from 15's last week) - these were a killer

Should have done abs but I was so done. I'll do abs tomorrow after my cardio.

Hope you all have great workouts!
WOW Deb! What is a reverse static lunge? Is that something on your machine? You rock!

Not sure what to do now. I was almost thinking of trying this rotation you made Deb. BUT, then again, I really have never done a one body part a day rotation either. Decisions decisions!

I have to go shopping this AM, so I will check back in later when I figure it out!

Have great WO's!

Lora-- WELL, how was it????????

Maeghan AKA megadoo

New pics added in July 25 2006 and Fitness album!!!!

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Morning Ladies -

This morning I did Tae Bo Cardio Party Remix Live (30 min) followed by Eion Finn's Purely Simple Yoga (45 min). The yoga DVD is Eion's new one. I still think Power Yoga for Happiness is the best.

Well - the concert was great. Buckcherry and Blackstone Cherry rocked and sounded really good, but the other band, Damone....well....sucked.
Since this was their last show before they go overseas for a couple weeks, Buckcherry went up on the stage during the end of Blackstone Cherry's set and was messing with them. They had bandanas covering their faces and we're acting all goofy. Then at the end of Buckcherry's set, Blackstone Cherry came out in their undies with Crazy B#@! written on their stomachs and were dancing. It was funny.

The crowd was rowdy, but nothing like Cleveland. There was a bar between the stage and the front row (where we were - I know weird, huh?) and so most of the moshing was a little further back, but we just got the tail end. I'm sad it's over. You ladies know I hate when the good times end.

Charlotte - I'll PM you with more details later, but right now I've got to go get ready for my doctor's appointment. Did I mention that Holly Rae is in the October Revolver Magazine in a 3 page spread about Buckcherry and the girls from the video? She's the merchandise girl that lives on the bus with them that I made friends with at the last show. I'll tell you about it later.

Have great workouts and I'll be back later today after my doctor's appt. etc.
Good Morning Maniacs!!!

Yesterday I did one set of bbm with weights:

1 set of 20 for each

80# plie squats
80# deadlifts
70# leg curls
40# hamstring curls
40 walking lunges with 30#
step ups with 15# db
glute squeezes (like in PLB floorwork) with 25# plate

Then Step Blast later.

Today I will do a challenge circuit. Details tomorrow.

The person that was going to buy our home is not now so back to square 1. Financing did not go thru. So I will be getting my ebay stuff up today as well. DD still wants me to watch Scary Movie 4 with her. Didn't finish it last night.


Gosh woman, you are working with some incredible weights there. I like seeing you make some GRAND progress! Whatcha eating? Spinach out of the can like Popeye?


Let me know what rotation you decide on?


You always meet such interesting people. You lucky lady. Yes, fill me in with all the details!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Oh ...I forgot to mention. I got a boost to my "mid-life crisis" situation yesterday. Granted, it was a bit darker inside the club, but I was standing at the front of the stage before the show started with my arms folded -- which was actually right at the bar...and a venue employee asked to see my wrist band to make sure I was old enough to drink! My DH said, check it out...Lora just got carded. I know it was a bit hard to tell in that atmosphere but it sure made me feel good.

Charlotte - I'm gonna PM you in 5 minutes or so. I forgot to do something upstairs and then I'll be back.
Well, I got my new weights. They are nice. I am missing an 8#, but they are sending it out.Be ok if i only had 1 arm...HAHA.
I did Muscle Max last night. It was tough.
I am tired from working 10 hr days with back to school.
I had to break it more, but I made it.

What is a reverse static lunge????
No w/o tonite. Dad is in ICU again. I have to hit the hospital...
By the time i leave here at 7 and go there it is going to be 9pm. before i get home.
Guess dinner will be take out tonite.
Take care ladies.
Have a great w/o.

Hello everyone!

Sounds like everyone is getting in great workouts! Debbie and Charlotte-amazing!
Magadoo, let me know what rotation you choose, i'm curious about your last one, fantastic results!
Lora, sounds like an amazing time, i dont think Buckcherry are coming to Toronto, but i know in the past, he goes to this very small bar/club after the shows!

I did ripped last night, some MM abs, and pilates. I having severe DOMS since i'm back from my trip, and i'm feeling really really tired. Today i'll do some kickboxing (KPC or KM), and stability ball training. I hope this is jet lag and it will go away!!
Have a great day everyone
A reverse static lunge is where you have the barbell on your shoulders, put one let back behind you and start lunging. Cathe does them quite often. Works the butt cheeks really well, I did these last Wednesday and was sore until Monday.

Lora - Sounds like you had fun. Cleveland was routier because CLEVELAND ROCKS!

Charlotte - Excellent workout! Are you sore?

Meaghan - You should try one body part a week if you've never done a rotation like that before. It would be a great change for your body and it will respond.

Where's Diane Sue?
I need to work my abs today, but I doubt it will happen since I tend to never do it unless I get it done first thing. Oh well.

Charlotte - I PM'd you a bit ago.

Debbie - Yes, I agree ....Cleveland is the home of Rock and Roll and possibly has the craziest concerts!! I've been to concerts in North and South Carolina, Vegas, Montreal, Quebec City, Florida, and NYC (to name a few) and the crowds were all mild compared to Cleveland! Don't get me wrong -- last night's crowd was plenty rowdy.....maybe I was a bit more in the mosh pit last time and I did have my DH there last night standing behind me protecting me from the crowd somewhat. It was funny cuz all of these young girls kept trying to flirt with him and kept asking him if they could stand in front of them cuz they said they were short and he kept saying "No, my wife's right here and I'm with her" and there was no way he was letting anyone in front of me.
Anne- hope your dad is alright!
Steph-great WO's! The rotation is from CHarlotte. Someone made it for her. She is doing it right now too.

Deb- do you have a one body part a day rotation? I think you did, I will have to do some searching. I will take your advice and go for it. Thanks!

Lora- glad you had such a great time last night! DH's are good for that!

Maeghan AKA megadoo

New pics added in July 25 2006 and Fitness album!!!!

http://www.3fatchicks.net/img/bar072/slider-but3/lb/203/145/151/.png[/img] [/url]

Good afternoon,
Todays workot was SJP/SB premix circuit 81 min., stopping at the str, SJP step, Muscle Max upper push/pull and str.. I upped some of my weights on these today. Does anyone else use a body fat caliper? I have a digital one that measures three places. I haven't used it since I did P90X. This morning I used it and I was 11.6% that is up from where I was. I was 8.11%. I hardly pay any attention to that stuff anymore. I was just curious this morning. I have to run and try to get shopping done before I pick up my grandchildren. I will check back later.

Diane Sue
Thanks DEb. That looks great. But wouldn't ya know, I don't have S&H or GS! I know I know, I need them, but need the money first. SO, I still plan on following the basic format, just substitute with Pyramids, and what ever else I have. I will make it work.

Hey, I just realized what I want for Christmas! I will tell everyone to complete my Cathe collection! Sweeet!!!

Maeghan AKA megadoo

New pics added in July 25 2006 and Fitness album!!!!

http://www.3fatchicks.net/img/bar072/slider-but3/lb/203/145/151/.png[/img] [/url]

Good evening,
I got some of my shopping done but still missed a couple of things. I have been trying to get stuff for a project for dd birthday and can't find all of it.

Ann, I hope your Dad is alright. It sounds like you do have long days. Sorry you got your weights and one was missing. What were they thinking?

Stephanie, I am sure things will pick back up for you. It is probably just Jet Lag.

Charlotte, good workout:)

Debbie, I have the accumeasure digital calipers. I bought them from bodybuilding.com. BTW I made that salad dressing again and this time I put extra pepper and some onion powder in it. I think it gave it more flavor. Oh and I upped the mustard a little. I bought sesame seeds for the sesame ginger one and am going to try that one.

Diane Sue

I just found Cathe's May 05 rotation that lists specific exericises to do, instead of videos. This is great for when I need to substitute, since I don't have all the DVD's in Deb's rotation. I will still follow Deb's format though. Atleast I can pick a cardio that I feel like for that day.
Deb, I just got Jari's Slim and Lean and Ripped to the Core. Is there a way to fit one of them in once a week on this rotation, or is that going to mess up the results. I like those WO's, so I was curious as to your opinion on that, or anyone else's opinion. THanks!

Maeghan AKA megadoo

New pics added in July 25 2006 and Fitness album!!!!

http://www.3fatchicks.net/img/bar072/slider-but3/lb/203/145/151/.png[/img] [/url]

This cold was really wearing me out today, so I started to go for a nice long hilly walk, and wound up running half way. I did feel good after though. I still hope to do my new yoga DVD in a little while.
I think I will start my rotation on Monday and just 'play around' with what ever I feel like doing until then.

Diane Sue, that's cool that you are doing all that for your daughter! I hope you find everything you need.
I really need to try some of those dressings. You said they are from the Oxygen mag?

Maeghan AKA megadoo

New pics added in July 25 2006 and Fitness album!!!!

http://www.3fatchicks.net/img/bar072/slider-but3/lb/203/145/151/.png[/img] [/url]


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