Hardcore Fitness Maniacs Wed Aug 2


Morning Maniacs -

This morning I did P90X Shoulders, Arms and Triceps and Ab Ripper X with a medicine ball and ankle weights. I upped my weight as much as I could on a few exercises. I listened to my own music.

Sorry I wasn't around yesterday. Work has been crazy busy. I'm okay with that....as long as I haven't got hit by the downsizing yet. The cuts are occurring in our department right now and so far, I'm okay. I can, however, be bumped out of my job due to low seniority.

Have great workouts or rest days everyone. I'll try to check in from work. If not, I'll be back later. I have a dental appointment after work today.

My boss didn't sign my request yet, but I think she's going to grant me that day off for the concert. I'm still waiting for ticket info though.
Well, I think I underestimated this full body training stuff. I was really sweating today and I never sweat when I work with weights. Not even with Cathe's workouts (except the endurance ones).

This is what I did today:

Each of these are done with 3 sets/12 reps with a 90 second rest period.

Push ups
Incline Dumbbell Flies: 25# each hand
Dumbbell Upright Row: 15# each hand
Plie Squats: 55#
Leg Press: 40#
Pullovers: 30# (I was wiped out by this time)
Barbell Bicep Curls: 2 sets w/45# (could only do 10 reps with the secone set) and 1 set w/40#
Tricep Dips: Did this off my weight bench with straight legs and really felt it.

I'm going to go get some more weights on Friday. I need 35# dumbbells and maybe a couple of 25# plates. The pullovers were almost easy with the 30# db.

I'm going to do abs this evening, I was too wiped out to do them this morning.

I think I will see gains with this type of training. When you go as heavy as you can to almost failure, you really do feel it in your whole body. I like it!

I have been listening to some CD's I mixed a while back, old stuff from bands like the Scorpions, Guns N' Roses, Ozzie, Robert Plant, Nine Inch Nails. It really motivates me to workout hard when I'm listening to this stuff. Love the phrase Robert Plant says in 'Heaven Knows' - "You were pumping iron while I was pumping irony". LOL!

Have great workouts everyone!
Good Morning Maniacs!!!

Yesterday I just worked my triceps, rode my bike earlier in the day and then did 3 sets of 10 squats with 130#. I think I have a virus or something. I just feel really weak the past few days and my throat is sore so I think I might just rest today. I am feeling overly frustrated between the heat and feeling weak lately. I hope once this virus passes, I will be back to myself soon.

Good afternoon,
This morning I did Kick Punch & Crunch stopping at the end of the cardio, Turbo Jam cardio Partio remix cardio only,KPC abs, Core Max#3,3 sets each 35#barbell rollouts on toes 15 reps, hanging leg raise 25 reps, hanging knee raise with 10# med ball 15 reps,Bowflex resisted crunches 140# 50 reps, Stretch Max #2.

Charlotte, I think the heat affects ou a lot but if your throat is sore it might be good to rest so your body can fight off whatever it is.

Debbie, how many times a week are you doing the full body workout?

Lora, I hope you get your tickets and your boss lets you off.

Hi to everyone
Diane Sue
Charlotte-- I really hope you start to feel better. I have not been well myself. I actually took a 2.5 hour nap today instead of doing my WO.

Deb- I am glad you are enjoying that rotation so far!

Lora and Diane Sue--great WO's as usual. Diane Sue, do you get serious DOMS from all that ab work? I know my tris and chest were quite tight today from yesterday.

I am going to try a TM run for awhile. I am aiming for 45 minutes and then some butt work.
Atleast the heat is supposed to be better tomorrow.

Maeghan AKA megadoo

New pics added in July 25 2006 and Fitness album!!!!

http://www.3fatchicks.net/img/bar072/slider-but3/lb/203/145/154/.png[/img] [/url]

Well I did it. 30 minute run on TM alternating from 2% to 3% incline. Then I did deadlifts, squats, plie squats, and glute squeezes on the ball, facing up (like PLB) and on my tummy raising legs behind me.
I feel so much better that I got that in. I would have like to have gone longer on the TM, but my little one woke up crying and wanted mommy, not daddy.
Good night!:+

Maeghan AKA megadoo

New pics added in July 25 2006 and Fitness album!!!!

http://www.3fatchicks.net/img/bar072/slider-but3/lb/203/145/154/.png[/img] [/url]

Maeghan it sounds like you got a good workout in. Yes, those little ones always seem to want their Mommy:) You can get get so much in 30 minutes on the TM. As far as DOMS I rarely get any. When I do I feel I hit on something. I have had some in my abs lately but have upped my weight and intensity. I love it!!
Diane Sue

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