Hardcore Fitness Maniacs Tues Aug 8


Morning Fit Ladies -

This morning the rotation called for Plyo X and that's what I did. I had difficulty with this today. My legs and back are a bit sore from running on the treadmill and I probably should have done an alternate aerobic workout, but I'm stubborn and determined....so I stuck with the rotation and only had a moderate heart rate range as I was feeling fatigued.

Charlotte- The Lunar Oil's up if you want to place your first order. It only is available for 48 hours and then it comes down. I got the tee also cuz I liked it this month. I got the Lunar oil and a bottle of Shango and Mlle Moriarty. The Lunar blend sounds like it will be nice this month. I love red musk and it sounds as if it will be laced with opium and Eastern Flowers. Beth's lunars are the ultimate. I usually love them.

Link for Oil:
and tee:
(click on Trading Post to see babydoll vee neck tee shirt style)

Have great workouts everyone. My boss is back today, so I'm not sure if I can check in from work.
Good morning,
I am doing a precheck in this morning. I will be doing Low Max, Pyramid Lower body again adding on some leg extensions, and hopefully ab work.

Hi to everyone,
Diane Sue
This morning I did Low Max but had to skip segment #7 because I ran out of time. Had an excellent workout and even though its cool here today I was sweating from the get go. I was drenched by the time I was done. I was in my zone for 47 minutes and burned 314 calories.

Hope you all have great workouts!
Good Morning Maniacs!!!

Yesterday I rode my bike 10 miles and I did Legs and Glutes around 6pm and then just did 300 crunches (different angles).

Today I got alot to do in a little bit of time. Got to finish cleaning house, ride bike, work chest/back, shower and put on make up and take off to Maryland. I only got 4 hours to do all of this!!!!


I will check out that site.

Diane Sue,

Killer workout planned as usual. Gosh!

Last night was push and pull heavied up. It was a nice change.It was going to be muscle max , but change is good.
Tonite if I am not too tired is KPC. I am trying to change things around a little. I just stare at the dvd's and which one tonite...
I was doing a little too much for a while there and was getting burnt out ..Tired all the time.

I am trying to stay 1 hour or less for a couple weeks...
Maybe the heat ws getting to me.
Well it is a beautiful cooler morning. Not humid.
HAve a great day...

Good morning everyone
Lora, i hope you're feeling better today :)
I'm at work, its about 8am Toronto time, i'll work out when i get home, on tap for today is Ripped Slim and Lean (LOVE THIS!!), and abs from MM, and some pilates or yoga.
I leave for vacation to London England on Thursday, and found out my best friend there got me a weeks pass to his gym!! How sweet! I'll be Catheless for a week, but still get in some decent workouts I hope.
Have a great day everyone.
Morning again...

Well it is not COOLER here...let me tell ya!!! I just walked in my sunroom and that nasty thick unbreathable air is back..YUCK! No bike ride for me. Instead, I will bring in my vcr into the house ONCE AGAIN and do Imax 2 with the fan blowing on me.


Have a great time on your trip! I am off for my vacation next Monday.


I am going up to Langhorne today after I meet hubby in Maryland. Is that anywhere near ya? I can't wait to get to cooler air. I just can't stand this crazy heat anymore. Ick..Ick..Ick!!!
Great workouts!!!!

Hi Charlotte,
Thanks! Where are you going on vacation??
I keep hearing how hot places are, its been damn hot here to, but where are you Charlotte???
Hey guys! Sounds like great WO's for everyone.

Deb- how is your DH today?

Lora- are you feeling better today? Still praying for you!

Charlotte- sounds like a NICE vacation

Anne-- nice WO with PP!

Dinae Sue-sounds like a good one, how's the foot?

Stephanie--have a wonderful and safe trip!!

I wound up not doing a WO yesterday with everything that is going on. I was supposed to do a curcuit today, but my hands are really achey, so I just did cardio- Step Blast then the step portions from Imax 2. It was a good one! Lost another pound, so that's cool.

I have another doc appt for my other son today, then hopefully I can get to the grocery store. Connor is not drinking much at all, evenwith pops. His throat is so sore, and I feel horrible. Tylenol and Motrin aren't doing so good for the throat. I just pray to GOd he doesn't get dehydrated and need to go to the hospital for fluids. I have been there before with both my kids and it SUCKS!

I hope you all are having great days and I will check in later.
Maeghan AKA megadoo

New pics added in July 25 2006 and Fitness album!!!!

http://www.3fatchicks.net/img/bar072/slider-but3/lb/203/145/153/.png[/img] [/url]

Hi Maegan,
I hope everything goes well at the doctors today!
I just wanted to pipe up and say i too have a form of lupus, and have "days",so if you need any support, i'm there!
Thanks Steph! I have Sarcoidosis and Reynauds Syndrome, and well Grave's Disease on top of that!!! The Graves has been in remission for years, but there is ongoing evidence that my body is slowly killing my thyroid, so I will be on meds for that in the future. Those "days" sure do suck! I have pain meds for when needed, but I have to watch because they can make me more tired.
I am hoping the hands feel better later so I can do some lifting. If not, I might try it anyway becasue I have found that most of the time, making my body temp rise, releives the pain a bit. Most of the time! SOmetimes I wind up paying for it after! Oh well!
I started back up to 5mg of prednisone from 1mg, so hopefully that helps.
Thanks again!

Maeghan AKA megadoo

New pics added in July 25 2006 and Fitness album!!!!

http://www.3fatchicks.net/img/bar072/slider-but3/lb/203/145/153/.png[/img] [/url]

Virginia Beach. Holy Traffic....Hope you have beautiful weather..
I have been there with my sister...She lives not far.
God save you.I almost got mergeed into going to the beach.
I could not take the traffic down there . People drive like lunatics....
You need to come bike ride up my way. It is all up hill about 4 miles of heavy pumpin then you can mostly glide down.
It is definitely a workout....
Just put your tradmill on about a 15-20 incline and start pumpin...
Good afternoon,
I did my workout as planned but omitted the abs and did stretch Max #1. I looked at my rotation and I have abs scheduled for tomorrow. I did all of Low Max and added on segment#6and#7 a second time. I did Pyramid Lower and stopped after the standing work and did 5 pyramid sets of leg extensions @ 140#,160#,200#,160#,140# on the Bowflex, then did the floor work and str. Max. I forgot that I had two long ab workouts planned and then Monday I do Pyramid abs and Saturday I do MM abs.

Charlotte, enjoy your drive to Maryland. It sounds like you have a busy day planned.

Stephanie, a vacation in London sounds fun.

Meaghan, hope things get better for you and your children.

Anne, I like doing Push Pull heavied up. Great workout. Sometimes it helps to slow down a bit. I do think the heat affects the energy levels some.

Hi to everyone,
Diane Sue

Meaghan - He's still not doing too well. He threw it out again yesterday. He's moving around ok today but still in pain. :(

Thanks for asking!
Thanks Meaghan, I will keep you and yours in my prayers as well. I also have Reynaulds disease. That just sucks, doesn't it? I can't stick my hands in a freezer without them going numb and turning white.

Diane Sue - EXCELLENT Workout! Damn girl!
Holy crap! I didn't know you had Reynauds! It does SUCK! I can't handwash clothes in the sink with cold water either. Do you get pain or just numb? I feel bad pain first. As soon as I feel it I warm them fast, usually before any numbness. I wish they would numb first instead of hurt like hell!! Do ever feel it in your toes? I do.
Thanks BTW!

Maeghan AKA megadoo

New pics added in July 25 2006 and Fitness album!!!!

http://www.3fatchicks.net/img/bar072/slider-but3/lb/203/145/153/.png[/img] [/url]


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