Hardcore Fitness Maniacs Tues Aug 1


Morning Fit Ladies -

This morning my rotation called for P90X Plyo X. I modified some of the higher impact jumps on the rebounder. It's really humid here and even with the air conditioning turned down, it's pretty hot working out. Buckcherry is sure a motivator for P90X though. I love listening to them while doing aerobics *smile*.

I conversed with Seasun via email yesterday, as I had to pay her for Rock Steady Step and I bought The Next Step so I could get the $10 discount. She tells me that The Next STep is even more complex than Rock Steady......oyyyy....why did I do this? She's really nice. She asked that I keep her posted on my progress and told me to have confidence in myself. She also stated she just ordered Xtreme Step and asked if I've ever heard of it. She said she was email buddies with Izett during the production process and she wishes him luck with his venture. Funny she mentioned that since I just got the DVD Saturday and did it Sunday. I told her I already had it and I liked it.

I'm bouncing off of the walls this morning. Late yesterday afternoon, they announced that Buckcherry is coming to a town that's 15 minutes from my house. I have to try to get the day off and I'm not sure if I'm going to be able to. I'm waiting for the tickets to go on sale. Wish me luck with my boss in getting time off to go. I can't call off sick again. I'm so psyched. I think my DH will be going with me this time so I won't be able to push my way to the front this time....oh well.

Have great workouts. I'll try to check in from work today.

Diana Sue - have you found a rotation?

Debbie - I know if I lift real heavy and do like 8-10 reps with P90 Masters total body workout, I get real sore. It's actually my favorite non-Cathe total body.

Speaking of sore, I'm pretty darn sore from Chest & Back yesterday. I'm surprised, as I haven't been that sore yet, but I just came back from my recovery week.
Good Morning Maniacs!!

Yesterday I worked biceps only and then did some ab work from SJP and C/W. Got started late cuz of the heat and then was getting tired fast. I was out in the garden earlier in the heat of the day and picked about 20 qts of green beans and then had to freeze it all.

This morning I am going to venture off on my bike. I got to leave here in a few minutes before it gets too hot. I will work my triceps, chest/back/shoulders later.


Buckcherry is coming again????? WOO HOO! I would call off sick. Just do it!

I'm so glad my back is better. I sure have missed working out. This morning I did the step sections of Step, Jump & Pump and Step Blast. No challenge. I was going to do one of the challenge sections so I could hear Painted Black but I was whooped. Its amazing how soon your body adapts to doing nothing. Scary!

I was in my zone for 47 minutes and burned 310 calories. These step segments together are about an hour with the warm up and cool down.

My biceps are really sore from yesterdays workout. Gives me hope that this full body stuff is a good change.

Lora - That is so cool that you converse with Seasun. I need to get her workout out and try it. I just hate learning new stuff. I'm not patient when it comes to step moves.

Charlotte - Good to see you back! What poundage did you use for your bi's??? Details girl!
Good Morning,
Today I will do Cardio,(something w/o a lot of jumping as my heel hurts after the zoo walk and my run yesterday), Pyramid Lower and abs. I thought the heel was feeling great when I got up yesterday:(
I liked what I did with Pyramid upper body yesterday. I have some good muscle soreness. I can still feel my upper and mid ab area from Saturdays workout. Those barbell rollouts on the toes really get me. Also using the med ball on the tower has been a great change.

Lora, I still haven't got an exact rotation planned. I kind of will work through what I think I want to use this week and see how it feels and then decide whether to stick with it for awhile.

Charlotte, you stay so busy. Working out bicycling and yard ond garden work. I love the fresh vegetables. They have so much more flavor than the grocery store stuff that has been picked for awhile. It is a lot of work though but well worth it growing a garden and freezing your own.

Hi to everyone,
Diane Sue

Good morning guys!
Charlotte-glad you are back! I hope the heat isn't too much for your bike ride.

Lora--I wish I could go to that concert with you! Good luck getting the day off!

Deb--I sure hope this rotation gives you the results you want.

Diane Sue--I am sorry your heel is hurting again, but I am glad you enjoyed the zoo. We don't have any large zoos around here. I think the closest is the Bronx Zoo in NYC. Maybe we could make a day of some weekend for the kids.

I haven't done my WO yet. My hams are quite sore from yesterday. I feel like crap this morning, so I am going chill on the couch fro a while and then WO during the boys nap.
I have a circiut planned, thinking SJP, and then PUB, pyramid up.

Maeghan AKA megadoo

New pics added in July 25 2006 and Fitness album!!!!

http://www.3fatchicks.net/img/bar072/slider-but3/lb/203/145/154/.png[/img] [/url]

Hey Maniacs!!!

Just got back from my bike ride. DD and boyfriend went too. DD picked the route. Nice route thru the hollows and old farm roads. Seen a rooster up on the back of a truck making its call. A pelican too flying off the pond. DD pointed out to a tiny frog that she chased back into the woods so it would not get hit by a car. Will take pictures when the haze is not so bad.

I want to work my legs more today too along with upperbody, but not sure how I am going to do it in this heat. Was thinking of working out in my bikini and running outside in the sprinkler when I get to hot and come back in and continue, etc. Crazy, but it might work. I like to keep it real ladies. Ya'll know I like to have fun too, right?


I won't talk about my bicep work yesterday. It stunk! Weak day it was. Some days you just don't feel the love, ya know? Stayed with the 25# db's for curls (did a total of 9 sets and 30x's), but went down in barbell weight.

Good morning!

This morning was...a bike ride with the girls. I know this surprises you. I went 22 miles, 17.1mph avg., 1 hour and 15 or 20 minutes (I can't remember now). My average HR was 167 and my high was 194! I felt really strong today on the hills so just pushed right up them (hence the 194 HR). I haven't lifted lower body in probably over a week, so I'm wondering if this is why I'm getting faster. The girls I ride with are all fast, but I blew one of them away on a big hill today.

Yesterday I did biceps, triceps and abs. I always think I'm lifting heavy until I read what you all lift! I did 20# bicep curls, 17.5# hammer curls, 25# overhead tricep presses and dips. Then I did 90# on the Bowflex for 100 reps of ab crunches and 30 oblique crunches on each side. Now I'm wondering if I should not lift legs until cycling season is over???

Lora - I hope you get to go to the concert. Surely you can get a day off if you ask in advance? Heck, my assistant rarely asks me anymore - she just informs me. Hmmm...I need to be a little tougher. :)

Charlotte - welcome back! Love the sprinkler idea!

Diane Sue - I'm so sorry your heal is acting up.

Debbie - So you like these total body workouts? I will go back to them in late October for the winter. I love them.

Maeghan - I'm sorry you're feeling under the weather. I hope you are better soon!!!

We have our kids' camp again this week. It's been SUPER crazy around here! I love those little kids all over campus, but I'll be sooooo happy when it's all over. I have to fight people all over campus about where the kids can and can not be. I pretty much fight for those little ones (and the program) all week! At least I have my dean in my corner. Time to go supervise those little munchkins for lunch. :p


"Until one has loved an animal, a part of one's soul remains unawakened." - Anatole France

Hi everyone,
My Cardio ended up being Low Max repeating Segment #5&#6 wearing my weighted gloves, then I did Pyramid lower omitting the w/u and stopping at the calves and doing 5 sets pyramiding leg extensions, then went on to finish. I feel like I am not working my quads as much as hamstrings. I really don't want muscle imbalances. I did try and keep my legs closer together on the squats to hit the quads a little more. I think I need to add more extensions or sissy squats or hack squats to my workouts.

Charlotte, my arms would be ready to fall off with 25# @ 30 reps biceps curls. Do you do the alternating dumbbell biceps curls or both at the same time? Sounds like your bike ride was fun.

Debbie good workout. Glad you are doing well with your back.

Meghan, that sounds like a good workout you have planned. We are lucky that we have a good sized zoo close by. My children buy zoo passes all of the time.

Diane Sue
Suz - I guess I like it, I haven't done it enough to decide yet. I think next week I'm going to do an upper body/lower body split so I can concentrate more on my legs. You definitely don't get enough leg work doing this type of training.

I should have waited until the fall/winter to do this, I should try and lose some body fat right now. But I'm happy about where I'm at (give or take a pound or two) so I guess I'll just go with it.
Suz, I am sure your legs probably get quite a bit of work pushing up those hills. Maybe you could just throw 1 or 2 lower workouts in a month through the season. Have fun at kids camp.
Diane Sue
Diane Sue,

Yesterday I did the 3 sets of hammer curls. My biceps are sore today, but I am still disgusted because I couldn't get enough strength to curl with barbell when I was done so I had to go down ALOT. I blame it on the heat. I just feel zapped lately.


If you did plyo's right now outside, I guarantee you will drop at least 5% bodyfat. O.k., I will stop whining about the heat, how is your eating lately? I mean you have been burning some calories ALL the time 24/7 so unless you are eating bad, you should be losing body fat. I could drop more body fat too, but I am also happy where I am at. My frustration is gaining mass. Hard to do and I would LOVE to know how someone with my body type can gain more muscle while lifting lighter weights. I know some woman must be on supplements or something.

Sounds like yo all did a good job with your wo today


I did do SJP, abs too. Then I did PUB pyramid up. I had to take a break during PUB because my cousin dropped by. It was a nice visit, but I had to finish it when she left. My shoulders really are feeling it already!

Charlotte-did you actually use the sprinklers?

Maeghan AKA megadoo

New pics added in July 25 2006 and Fitness album!!!!

http://www.3fatchicks.net/img/bar072/slider-but3/lb/203/145/154/.png[/img] [/url]

Charlotte - oh my gosh - it's not terribly hot outside today FINALLY (maybe 80ish) but inside our PE building where the kids have their lunch hour it was AWFUL!!! Even the kids were complaining. I've finally now cooled down. Since we are at such high altitude (6,000 ft.), it really cools down here in the evenings which makes it so nice.

Diane Sue - that's not a bad idea. I do worry about losing leg strength if I do NO weights. As Netta can attest to, I have struggled with this all season.

Debbie - you're right. You certainly don't get quite as much leg work in with a full body workout, do you? If I do a Cathe workout, I usually add in some leg extensions on the Bowflex.


"Until one has loved an animal, a part of one's soul remains unawakened." - Anatole France

Charlotte - I have no idea how I gained body fat. Its a mystery to me because usually my body burns calories like nothing. Not anymore. Its frustrating. Plyos outside, I think I'd die if I did that. Its insanely hot out there today. My eating is always clean and right in the range I need it to be. I don't know whats going on.

You did great with your bi work, geez, hammer curls with 25 lbs., thats amazing. Its no wonder you couldn't use the barbell with heavy weights. My bi's are extremely sore from the hammer curls I did yesterday using 20's. They actually HURT. :)

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