Hardcore Fitness Maniacs Thursday July 20


Morning Fit Ladies -

This morning I did P90 X Plyo X. I had to modify a few sections on the rebounder. My back and neck are really bothering me. I think it's from being in the mosh pit the other night *smile*. I guess I'm not as young as I used to be.

I don't want to go to work. There's going to be work piled up like crazy and I can't see my boss being very happy.

I'm beginning to think that me not wanting to work out in the AM is related to work, cuz I'm fine on days I don't have to work, but when I get up and have to work, I don't want to workout in the morning. I don't know what that's all about!

Diana Sue - Tell your DH thanks for posting that picture for me. I guess I'm not very computer literate. I tried to make it my avatar like he said to, but it says "invalid avatar". I don't know what that's all about. If you're scanner ever starts working, let me know cuz I have pics with the other band members also.

I'm having a mid-life crisis and feeling depressed about my age. Also, going to the doctor and getting told you need surgery all of the time is not making me feel any younger.

Where has everyone gone? Did Charlotte go away? Did I miss something? Did I do something to offend every body? This thread seems to be shrinking.

Have great workouts. I'll try to check in from work, but that may be impossible today. I'll be back after work for sure though.
Good morning:

Lora, I'm here. Only been able to post in the morning and then when I get on again, it's too late, not sure anyone reads what I write so I just skip it till morning. Hope to have more time starting next week.

Lora, the picture that was posted of you and the band member is great. You are a beautiful woman! Hey, please don't feel bad about your age. I think you and I are the same age and we are doing good. Yeah, sometimes I wish I was 30ish again, but hey, I'm having a good time now. No kids at home anymore, time to spend with my DH, a job, enough money for little things, have most of my faculties, surrounded by good, positive people most of the time, I could go on and on. I only need to look for it and it's there.

Today's workout was a premix of step/weight circuit from SJP. It was fun. Not sure if I'll get a workout in the morning as DH and I will be leaving in the morning to go camping. We are tent camping so it's a little rougher. We'll be taking our 4-wheelers and the dogs and just enjoying ourselves. We'll be at a higher elevation (near 7000') so hopefully it will be cooler.

Hi to all that follow.

Hey, Suz, bummer about Landis yesterday. Hope he can get some time back, but really don't think he's in it for the podium. I'll be missing watching on Sat and Sunday. I'd love to see the TT, but we'll be gone.

Jeanette :7
Good Morning,
This morning I plan to do some cardio and yoga and stretching. Lora, I am glad we got to see one of the pictures. I saw the one in collage but this shows how pretty you are. I'll have to ask dh about the invalid avatar. As far as aging I am like Netta, there are so many great advantages to being older. Also I bet most of us can out do women much younger than us because we take care of ourselves.

Hi to everyone,
Diane Sue
Good Morning Maniacs!!!

Yesterday I worked out with dd's boyfriend and we worked our arms and did some ab work. He kept asking me if we were done. I kept saying, "no". LOL! So when we were almost done, I had him and my son do a plank for as long as they could. DD's boyfriend held for almost a minute and so did my son. Then they both asked me to go the full 3 mins cuz I wanted to show them they could do it to and then my son put on (2) 5# plates on my back and then they timed me, but they were bad and made me go 3 1/2 minutes!!!! I got to tell you, it felt sooooo good to have your core squeeze so friggin' hard!!!!! Loved it!

So today dd's boyfriend and their friend is suppose to show up today. I think we will be working chest/back and abs cuz we didn't work abs too much at all yesterday. The heat was still around and we were all getting tired.


So nice to hear about your concert. I would not have liked to get in a mosh pit though. I bet you look really good in the pictures. So glad you had a nice time! I didn't see a picture though. I will look on yesterdays post. OH I WANT TO SEEEEEEE!!!!!


You are just loads of fun with your workouts and the great outdoors! You know how to work it and relax at the same time!!!!!

Diane Sue,

Age has nothing on you, but you probably already know that!

Well, this was my last workout now until Tuesday. DH and I are goint away for four days, a mini vacation. I'm glad because I really do need a rest. Mentally and physically. So I think this will do me good. I figure next week since I'll only have three days to workout until my scheduled rest day I'll do two total body workouts and cardio. Then I'll start back up with one body part a day again on the 29th.

This morning I worked my back with Gym Style. This is what I did:

Started out with pullups and was able to do 6 again and it wasn't that hard this time. Then I did two more sets of 4 reps.
Double Arm Rows: 2 sets/8 reps, 1 set/12 reps - 20's (up from 15's)
One Arm Rows: 2 sets/12 reps - 25 lbs.
T-Back Squeeze w/purple band
Pullovers: 2 sets/8 reps, slow count - 30 lbs.

I wonder why Cathe's GS Chest & Tri's is so hard but the other body parts aren't that intense. Anyone else notice this?

Then I did 3 sets/12 reps straight leg lifts on my tower for my abs. And then I did CTX 10-10-10, what a fun cardio workout! I was in my zone for 25 minutes and burned 173 calories.

Charlotte - great going on the planks. I wish someone was around to put a weight on my back when I do those. I'd love to try it!

Hope you all have great workouts!

My maximum weight load on my back for planks is 10#. My son put on 15# for a few minutes, but I would not be able to go the full 3 mins with that much. You got to try it though with 10# and let me know, o.k? Go to your happy place, if you must!!!! LOL!

Charlotte- I know what you mean. I didn't really want to be in the mosh pit either, but I wanted to be up front. We were'nt directly in it, but just on the tail end. I only had one person dropped on the back of my head. Other than that, I just got stepped on, pushed and pulled and banged into. The place was really wild and the band loved it. I got used to it after a while, but it was quite a workout. My niece called me yesterday and said she's sore. Only my low back and neck are sore......probably from the dude that fell on my head. I wish someone had a scanner, cuz I have pic's with all of them. Stevie D and Keith (guitars) were so friendly and warm. My pics with STevie came out the best. He's tinier than me. I also got a pic with the bassist and of course, 2 with Josh. His hair is the same color as mine!!

Diana Sue - thanks for the compliment, but I don't really see myself that way.

gotta get back to work
Diana Sue - Do you still wear low cut jeans? My Mom yells at me every time she sees me in them. She says I shouldn't be wearing them at my age.
Well no show again for the guy that was suppose to be coming over to workout with us. Figures. I am certain he is afraid at this point! LOL! My son just showed me a tree with a good branch height for pullups so we are going to practice our pullups outside in awhile. Then onto Coremax 1 and chest/back. My shoulder is aching at this point so I don't know how well I will do with bench today. Wish me luck.

>Diana Sue - Do you still wear low cut jeans? My Mom yells at
>me every time she sees me in them. She says I shouldn't be
>wearing them at my age.

I'm 40 and I still wear them. I love low cut jeans.
Yes I still wear lowcut jeans. Personally I do not think anyone has to dress a certain way just because you et older. I do wish they were not quite as low on some of them. When even low cut bikini's want to hang out it is uncomfortable to me. Usually if I find some a little higher they are to big. Mine are usually 0's and 1's. I shop mostly in the jr departments because misses are to big and most of the time the styles are ugly to me. Also DH says on your avatar you need to put the http:// before what he gave you.
Diane Sue
Thanks Diana Sue.......I'm so computer dense!! Do I really want that picture of me as my Avatar?? hmmmmmmmmmm.........
Hey Diane Sue and Debbie,

I'm so glad to here your comments about the jeans and age. I'm 44 and I still shop in the jrs. dept too, because the selection is not my taste in misses dept. I do agree that some of the jeans are a bit too low and I just don't feel comfy in those. I've been having some issues with that myself about what is appropiate for a 44 yr old to wear, but ya know the way I feel is wear what you feel good in and what compliments your body.
Debbie I like your hair in your pics, is it still short? I've got shoulder length hair, but I'm wanting a change and I'm thinking a short pixie or shag like cut, just a little scared to take the plunge. I've had it short before and since have been trying to grow it back out, but I'm just not liking it right now...sorry for the little tangent there. :)

Hey to everyone else!
Good todays workout was Straight up step, Punch Kick & Jam cardio only, Yoga Shatki dancing warrior1-4, core, and inversions, then Stretch Max with the Band. I woke with a headache and dh took the grandchildren to a movie so I could rest. He is so sweet.

Lora, of course you want it as an avatar. It is a good picture.

Charlotte, you are really showing those young men up:) SOunds like you had fun.

Netta, it sounds like you have a fun weekend planned. I think I am spoiled with our fifth wheel with television and everything. I would really be roughing it tent camping. It is 108 here today. They say 110 tomorrow. That is to hot for camping for me. I usually check the forums before I go to bed and go back & recheck the previous day in the morning.

Debbie, I hope you enjoy your vacation.

Hi to everyone,
Diane Sue

Diana Sue - I did it. Thanks so much. Make sure you tell the DH, I thank him. I'm not sure I'm totally comfortable looking at my mug when I post though! LOL. How are you liking Straight Up Step?

Debbie - did you try SUS yet?

Charlotte - I PM'd you back. Have you spoken with Marietta lately?

I meant to post this AM that I got really good DOMS from yesterday's workout. I must have still had that adrenaline rush from the concert going on and worked out like a maniac.
Sandy - Yes my hair is still that short, I love it spikey. I doubt I'll ever go longer again.

Lora - No, I haven't tried SUS yet. I will soon, but it looks so complicated. I hate learning new step workouts. You are very pretty, I love your new avatar!
Debbie - thanks for the compliment *blushing*. Seasun's step is actually sort of easy to learn. If I can learn it, anyone can. It took me a while, but then Cathe's generally do also. She has excellent cueing and I did it all facing the TV at first and omitted the turns. That always helps. It's addicting though.

Diana Sue - I hate to bother your DH again, but is there any way that avatar image can be shrunk to 80x80 pixels? I want to use it on the Buckcherry Forum, but that's the largest you're allowed and this one is 400 x 400. If not, that's okay also.
Just dropping in to see if anything is going on.

Susan, hi. I bet that there are a lot of us that feel that way about the clothes we wear.

Lora, I see you got your Avatar up. Good! You will get so used to it you won't even notice it. I'll tell dh you said thanks:) I like Straight up step. I still don't have it down but get better all of the time. I am slow with some types of choreography. I bet if you really like this one and didn't have to much problem you could do Rock Steady Step. I am still working on that one.

Debbie, SUS is kind of complicated but I think it will be worth the time to learn.

Off to watch Big Brother. I am recording Smallville so we can watch that as well.

Diane Sue

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