Hardcore Fitness Maniacs Thurs Aug 10


Morning Fit Ladies -

This morning my rotation called for Yoga X but since I do yoga on the weekends, I did Seasun's Straight Up Step. It took me a while to get my HR up again today. I don't know what's up with that. My favorite combo in this is still Goofy Foot and Spin Your Basic ....up and over.... I still can't do the push steps towards the end turning...I need to stay front. I still love Seasun and this workout, but I'm not sure if I'm ready for the other 2 DVDs I bought (or if I ever will be).

I feel bad cuz this thread continues to shrink. I'm wondering if people are sick of hearing me complain about my depression.

If you read this thread, again, I welcome you to join our check in.

I rec'd a new yoga DVD yesterday that I ordered from Amazon about a month ago. It's called The Yoga Karma Project Flow & Yin. The entire practice is 115 minutes (long) or you can do the Flow segment at 50 min or the Yin segment at 75 mins. It looks good. I'll probably try it this weekend. One's more of a recovery workout and the other more strenuous. I wish the easier one was a bit shorter though.

Have great workouts everyone. I'll try to check in from work later, but it depends on how busy I am and how my boss is today.

Charlotte -when do you leave for your vacation? How long are you going to be gone and where will you workout (if you are going to)?
Did you ever place a perfume oil order?

Megadoo - How's your son?

Hi to everyone else.
Morning everyone,
Lora, i definately dont think its shrinking because of you, i think some people are on vacation. I leave for London today,and of coarse, there is a terror alert! I go on vacation every 5 years, so i'm ticked!
I got up at 5am, cut the grass, cleaned the house, and i'm hoping to get in Ripped slim and lean, and Imax 3 before i leave for airport.
I will check in when i get to London!
Great workouts everyone.
This morning I did Power Max. I have to say, I'm really getting sick of these step workouts. I need a change and bad. I'm not even enjoying myself anymore doing these workouts, I just think I'm really burned out on doing these over and over again. PM is a good workout but she drags on each section so freakin' long. It gets boring after a while.

Anyways, I was in my zone for 45 minutes and burned 299 calories.

My dh's Doc appointment didn't go as I expected. He is a lot better today but still can't drive. The idiots at workmen's comp (the doctor there) said he was ok to go back to work. I couldn't believe it, he can't sit for more than 5 minutes in a car so how the hell is he suppose to drive? He told the doctor that but he still said he could go back to work on light duty. I was never so mad in my whole life. I told the nurse there that if my dh's back goes out again and he's in that pain he was in on Monday, I will hold that doctor personally responsible and that he'd see me in court. I know I embarrassed my dh but I don't care. It pissed me off big time. So now I have to worry about him tomorrow going into work (takes him a half hour to get there) and hope that he will be ok. He told me that if he feels the slightest pain he will turn around and come home. I'm sure its because this crappy state we live in doesn't want to pay for his days off. Anyways, he got to work ok this morning but had to stop twice to get out of his truck to work his back out. I hope he'll be ok today.

Hope you all have great workouts!
Debbie, so sorry to hear about your DH.Workers comp is a pain in the A**....
I get tired of step too, then i do the treadmill, then i will get out the kickbox...
I much prefer lifting weights.
Last nght was GS chest and tri. I always feel that one the next day. Tonite's goal is GS legs and coremax maybe cardio if i feel like it...
Have a great hardcore day ladies...

Good Morning Maniacs!!!

This is what I did yesterday:

Challenge Circuit

Completed 10-12 reps for each exercise.

DB Chest Fly with 30#db's
Push Ups (chest) 12
Lat Pull Downs (Back)80#
Seated shoulder press on ball or bench (anterior deltoid)#20 db's
Lateral Raises (anterior deltoid) 10# db's
Plie Squats 4 sets of 15 pulsing squats with 120#
Static Lunges (Quadriceps)#20 db's
One Arm Row (Back) #30 db's
Hammer Curls (Biceps) #25 db's
Lying Triceps Extension (Triceps) #12 db's

Following first circuit, did 2-IMAX2 Blasts
Following second circuit, did 2-IMAX2 Blasts
Repeated circuit

Today I will work biceps/triceps/shoulders and do some tonectics and ab work.


No, I didn't order anymore oils.
I will be gone from Saturday thru Thursday while on vacation. I won't need to worry about working out too much, I will be doing alot of walking in the parks, but if I see weights in the fitness center, in the hotel, I will be grabbing them, ya know I will! LOL!


Wow, you sound like you have an exceptional day lined up for yourself. Have fun in London!!!!


Sorry you are going thru such crap with dingy people! Hang in there! Glad you spoke your mind. Your dh is lucky to have you!


Hope things are going better with your son. Will email you today.


So how much you lifting now? You still listening to the cd I burned for you?

Meaghan - I forgot to answer this, this is what you wrote:

"Holy crap! I didn't know you had Reynauds! It does SUCK! I can't handwash clothes in the sink with cold water either. Do you get pain or just numb? I feel bad pain first. As soon as I feel it I warm them fast, usually before any numbness. I wish they would numb first instead of hurt like hell!! Do ever feel it in your toes? I do."

I haven't gotten any pain with mine yet. It goes numb almost instantly, my finger tips turn all white and it takes FOREVER to get the blood flowing again. I hate it. I run my fingers under warm water as soon as I feel it get that way but it usually doesn't help. Yes, I get it in my toes as well but not as often.
Well, Deb I am glad you don't get any pain! I hate it too. I hope your DH has a good day, but I totally agree with you for saying your peace and standing up for him. That is crap! Good luck.

Steph--have a safe trip! Look forward to hearing from you from the other side of the globe!

Lora-hope you are feeling better today! My son seems to be feeling a little better, not a 100% but better. We are getting ready to leave for bloodwork (poor guy) but it has ot be done ya know?

Anne- I am really starting to LOVE lifting. I need the cardio for sure, but I really enjoy the burn from lifting (and results)

Charlotte- looks like we are doing the same thing today! I just will do more cardio since I didn't do anything yesterday. I need to watch my leg since I felt a slight pull in the muscle behind my knee. I NEED to work abs too.

It will probably be a late WO today, since I have a lot to do. Of course I will check in later.
Hope you all have good days.

Maeghan AKA megadoo

New pics added in July 25 2006 and Fitness album!!!!

http://www.3fatchicks.net/img/bar072/slider-but3/lb/203/145/153/.png[/img] [/url]

I am workin them up. Chest flies 25 then i go down to 20.I am really sore today..
Squats 60. I can't handle much more on my shoulders.I don't have a big squat machine...Bummer
Bicep weanie me is doing 15's but alternating arms.But i am getting better. I can't seem to do them both at once for 10 reps slowly.
Lat pullovers 30 barbell.
1 arm rows 25
Static lunges 35-40 depending on how my legs feel.
Seated shoulder press 15's.
Tricep ext. 10's , when they give out they really do...
It is coming along. If i go too heavy i am sore for 3 days.
Yes i do listen to the cd. MY dh has about 200 cd's and i have been burning the ones i like to media player to make a good mix finally.
Have a great workout today ladies.

Drinking my yummy chocolaty protein shakey. Just finished working biceps. Trying something different....

started out with 70# off preacher bench (cheat curls...half way it) and did 20x's

Dropped to 65# and did 15x's

Dropped again to 55# and did another 15x's

Dropped again to 45# and did 10x's standing up

Dropped to barbell only (25#) and did 30x's

Grabbed two 10# db's and curled 20x's and now the telephone is too heavy to grab so if anyone calls...sorry! LOL!

Now almost done with protein shake and onto triceps. Gonna burn them babies too! Then shoulders next. By the time I get done with shoulders I will be draggin' LOL!

Back again...

Tricep work, I did:

12# db's for kickbacks (3 sets of 10)
35# barbell for skullcrusher (3 sets of 10)
45# handbar w/weights in lap for dips 20x's

Now onto shoulders. Will search my Oxygen magazine for some ideas. Later this evening will do tonectics and core work.


Lora- thought you would like this: my 4 yr old son Chase loves RHCP's song Dani California! I love the video myself! They are coming to ALbany in October! I would love to go!

Maeghan AKA megadoo

New pics added in July 25 2006 and Fitness album!!!!

http://www.3fatchicks.net/img/bar072/slider-but3/lb/203/145/153/.png[/img] [/url]

I'm seeing them on Halloween in Cleveland. I can't wait. I missed the last tour cuz I was not working and it was a bad time. I just saw the new video "Tell Me Baby" on VH1 the last couple mornings before work. Anthony's a hottie, but needs to be shirtless!!
Good afternoon,
I have been busy. My puppy hasn't been feeling well. ANyway yesterday I did treadmill run for 3.25 mi., Core Max #3, 3 sets of 20 reps w/10# med ball hanging knee raise, 2 sets 15 reps 35#barbell roll outs on the toes, Yoga Shatki, shoulder openers, core, upine poses, inversions,Stretch Max #3.
Today I did SB/SJP 81 min. circuit premix, Stoppin before the str and doing SJP Step, I followed with Muscle Max Push Pull Premix no w/u.

Stephanie, sounds like you have a lot planned today. Enjoy your vacation.

Debbie, glad to hear your dh is feeling better. I hope he does okay going back to work. That doesn't seem right. I get bored with the same workouts over and over. That is why I use the treadmill and have bought some other workouts to help keep from being bored.

Hi to everyone,
Diane Sue


I just started doing my corework and I fell off my stability ball with the db. See, I thought I could be such a maniac like Diane Sue and trying out a 25# db for woodchops on the ball...well, it didn't work! LOL! Took me right off onto the floor!!!!! Tried with 15# and much better until I get use to this. I am having a great time laughing at myself. I am going to finish now and see what other amusements wait me. he he

Diana Sue - What's wrong with your poor little puppy? Poor baby. You better give them lots of TLC and spoil them (him/her?). Have you figured out what yoga poses are giving you trouble yet?

Charlotte - thanks for the PM. I'm about the same. I'll email or PM you in a little bit, although I don't really have much to say. You're probably busy getting ready for your vacation. I bet your excited.

I'm trying to decide if I should do some restorative yoga or try to get in bed a little early tonight.....hmmmm...
Diane Sue,

I am sorry to hear about your puppy. Let us know how the puppy is doing tomorrow, ok?


I haven't had time to get ready for vacation. It is usually just last minute that I throw everything in the suitcase and out the door. LOL!
Now I have to do tonectics (work out my legs). Gosh, it is late.

Charlotte - 25# for woodchops? My God, are you nuts? I already knew Diane Sue was but you too? LOL! Wow, I can't imagine doing woodchops with 25#. The highest I have gone is 8#. Maybe I should up it a bit and see what happens. I can't seem to get my abs sore, kind of pisses me off because I always think I'm working them so hard.

I gotta come up with a good ab routine. I'll figure something out.
Hey Maniacs!

Here I am again. :) I thought I'd just pop in to tell you all that I finally went back to the lung doctor today (yes, it's already been 6 weeks!). And Diane Sue, I hope your puppy is feeling better soon.

Sorry my wonderful explanation is a little lengthy...

I went back to the lung doctor today and yes, I do have lung issues. Why is it when we go to the doctor it's so hard to retain anything they tell you? So basically what I remember is that I do have exercise-induced asthma, as my pulmonary function test showed some high numbers that shouldn't be high and she could see the same issues with my lungs on my chest x-ray. Something to do with the smaller something or other and the oxygen getting trapped in this thing that looks like grapes (she drew me a picture - see how much it helped?) and you can't get it out b/c of that smaller opening not allowing air to pass through very easily (I'm just sure I'm explaining it just like she did - hehehehe) because that smaller something has issues. She thinks that I'll still see improvement with the use of the evening inhaler b/c it's one of those that builds up in your system. I have to go back in 3 months and if I haven't noticed a difference she'll take me off that one and only keep me on the rescue inhaler. I'm headed in some certain direction according to my test results and so apparently it's good that she has me on these inhalers. That was definitely the right thing to do, she says. I think when I go back I'll ask her to explain everything just one more time and I'll put a little recorder in my purse so I can get it right this time. :) I'm so bad about listening anyway. I was just sure I was going to go in and she was going to say everything looked good and that was that. Not that being healthy is a bad thing, mind you. But I did start to wonder if it was all in my head. She said she could tell the inhalers were working b/c I blew a much higher number today on the flow meter and that can not be helped by better conditioning. It is what it is. Oh - and she said that the heart and the lung are married (sheeesh - I didn't even have a ceremony!) and so when the lungs can't work to their fullest capacity that the heart has to work harder and vice versa. So I wonder if this explains my high heart rate (that has been in the mid 190's on hills lately!)?

So there it is...a terrible explanation, I know. All I really heard was "it's not in your head" and she didn't even say that. :p She did say she knows the frustration of having a doctor not figure out what's going on with you and she knows how nice it is to finally get answers.


"Until one has loved an animal, a part of one's soul remains unawakened." - Anatole France


How nice to hear from you FINIALLY! Good Grief, missed you! I am not a good listener either. I do understand what you are trying to say and I am glad to hear how you are doing. Glad it is all figured out and I hope you start to notice some improvement as time goes on.


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