Hardcore Fitness Maniacs Sunday Aug 6


Morning Fit Ladies -

This morning my rotation called for Kenpo X, but I'm sick of that one so I did Billy Blanks Favorite Moves first 30 minutes (I double timed most of the moves and ran in between to keep intensity higher) and then I went down on the treadmill & ellipitical and did intervals for 30 minutes. I then came upstairs and finished the rest of Favorite Moves, leg work on the floor and cool down/stretch. I also did Eion Finn's Power Yoga Volume 1 - 46 minute routine.

Yoga is a funny thing with me....sometimes a routine will click and other times I'll hate it. The last 2 times I did this particular yoga routine, I did not care for it, but I liked it today. You already know how much I love Eion :), but I usually compare everything to Magically Hips and nothing can touch that routine IMO. It was funny today cuz he said (when we were in a hip opening pose) that if you have tight hips (like I do) that just means you've been having fun. He says that most sports/activities make the hips extremely tight. His dog is in this video also, but this one is done on the beach and the dog goes tearing by running in a circle. He has full free roam of the beach and is in his glory. He's too cute (but so is Eion).

Charlotte - I talked to Beth yesterday (the BPAL owner). She finally had a free minute since the update's done. She wants to see my Buckcherry pics. She is feeling down in the dumps cuz some people on the Board actually complained about the update going live 6 hours early (cuz that meant the price increase took effect earlier) and they couldn't get their orders placed with the lower prices. She is so hurt by it. I feel bad for her. You'll like Beth. She is very vocal on the Forum. She does NOT back down and speak's her mind. She lets people know exactly how she feels and she's brutal some times. I'm sure she's probably a woman after your own heart...cuz I know you speak your peace also. (oh, and I wore Bordello yesterday - it's one of my all time fave's and was perfect in the warmer weather).

Well ladies ....I'm off for my weekend soak in my Lushie bath ...with my little pink Flotsie Glitter bubble bar and my issue of Oxygen. We're going to see some horror movie today...the name escapes me.

Every week at this time my body feels beat and I say "i'm gonna take a rest day next week" and I never do. I think I'm gonna take a rest day next week though.........Really! :9

I'll be back later ladies.

ETA: I meant to say ....I'm still liking the results I'm seeing in my upper body with P90X. I'll probably need to do a lower body blast rotation for a month and fat loss one after I finish P90X though. I just wish I could get my lower body to look as good as my upper! Isn't that the truth for most of us?
Hello Lora and all to come!
I got up at dawn to do yoga to the sunrise (its my rest day!) I think Lora, you and i are too similar!
I keep hearing about Magically hips, is it that great??? Must try it.
Anyway, have a great soak, and everyone else have great workouts and great Sundays!
Back later,
Stephanie - Yes, Power Yoga for Happiness with Eion Finn is the absolute best yoga DVD out there. It has 6 premixes on it with practices from 30 min to 80 min. ones. Magically Hips is my favorite premix and it comes in at 60". Eion also has some free downloads on his site. www.vancouveryoga.com. I also just ordered his new DVD Pure and Simple Yoga. It's supposed to be shipped on 8-11. I can't wait. His dog cracks me up in Power Yoga 4 Happiness. He's sitting on a mini sticky mat in this one shot and he's up on his hind legs like he's doing a pose with everyone. I literally was rollin' on the floor laughing the first day I saw it. What yoga did you end up doing? Have you ever done Mark Blanchard's yoga? He's like the "Cathe" of Power Yoga. Most intense practices I've ever done. Here's the link to his site:

HI Lora
I have never done Mark Blanchard, thanks for the link! I like Jennifer Kries, all segments are 20 minutes, so i tend to add it to the end of a cardio or strength workout. This morning i did metabolic booster (use light weigthts) and AM rejuvination. They are simple. In September, i'll start formal classes again!
My dog Bowie ALWAYS comes down on the mat with me on Sunday morning, he cracks me up!
I love the name magically hips!
Good morning everyone! This morning I did IMAX 2. I sure can tell its been a while since I've done an HIIT workout. I was dying. I didn't have to modify but I took an extra breather between interval #8 and #9. Phew! Glad thats over!

I was in my zone for 37 minutes and burned 320 calories. Thats pretty high for me with this workout.

Hope you all have great workouts! Its suppose to get hot here for two days and then cool off again. I can handle that!
Hi guys!! I am running out the door for groceries, but I just did 2 miles running on the TM and then RS! I feel great, but beat!

Charlotte- I love Guns n Roses!
Deb- great Calorie burn!
Stephanie-I really don't think I could get up at dawn to exerccise, but you make it sound really nice!
Lora-great WO as usual! Are you REALLY going to take a rest week???LOL!!

Maeghan AKA megadoo

New pics added in July 25 2006 and Fitness album!!!!

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Afternoon Maniacs!!!

Hello Stephanie, and welcome!!!!!


What is this about tight hips? What exactly does that mean? How can I tell if mine are tight or not? LOL, but I am serious though.

Well I got all my addictions lined up. I am back on my lean rotation and I just love that rotation, and the weather is cooler too. I am getting back into selling on ebay too. Now, I don't need anymore addictions, just so you know. My list is long for the scents. No more, k? LOL! Are you still going to buckcherry with your hubby?

Anyhow, this is what I did this morning off my rotation:

Breakdown Circuit

Tri-Set 1:
Bench press on ball or bench (Chest) with 60# (yeah, I know..went down in weight today..not feeling the love)

Overhead press (anterior deltoid) with 15# db's
Alternate dumbbell curl (Biceps) with 25# db's
(Repeat tri-set)
Cardio: 2-1 minute Plyometric drills: jumping off stepper into wide stance position non stop for 1 minute and then a 30 second rest and then repeated

Tri-Set 2:
One Arm Row (back) with 30# db
Step Ups w/glute lifts (Quads) with 20# db
Triceps dip (triceps) with 30# db
(Repeat Tri-set)
Cardio: 2-1 minute Plyometric drills: plyo's for 1 minute non stop and then 30 second rest and repeated

Tri-Set 3:
Deadlift (Hamstrings) with 70#
Upright row (Lateral deltoid) with #15 db's
Front raise (Anterior Deltoid) with 12# db's and then dropped to 10's
(Repeat Tri-set)
Cardio: 2-1 minute Plyometric drills: jumping jacks and tuck jumps

Tri-Set 4:
Squat (Quadriceps) with #150
Plie Squats with #120
DB Pullovers with 45#
(Repeat both exercises)
Cardio: 2-1 minute Plyometric drills: jumping over hurdles

and coremax 1

I went down in weight on alot of stuff today. Don't know what my problemo is.


Burn it girl, burn it!!!!!! That is amazing!!!!!!!! Good job!!!!! HIGH FIVE!!!!!


Hey!!! Guns n Roses are o.k. Not a big fan of theirs though. Do you like Twisted Sister with Dee Snyder?

I forgot what RS is like...been too long. Sounds like you burned alot of calories too. I did get your email, but dh has been constantly on the computer so I will answer it on Monday when he is not around. LOL!

Megadoo - I love Guns n Roses too. If you like them, you would most likely like Buckcherry. They are a blues based rock band like Guns. Have you heard the new CD Fifteen by Buckcherry with Crazy Bi#$@ on it? It's excellent and a really good CD for the treadmill }(

Charlotte - do you know what pigeon pose is? if you can do pigeon pose with your foot up by your armpit, you have very open hips and if you do pigeon pose with your front foot by your hip....you have tight hips. I can't think of another example of a hip stretch (that I can explain, that is) but it's pretty much guaranteed if you do lots of aerobic activities like plyometrics, running, step, etc. you have tight hips and would greatly benefit from Magically Hips. Yes - going to see Buckcherry with my DH, niece and her boyfriend. I got the tickets yesterday. No meet and greet or sound check though...as they aren't offering that for this particular show.....I'm a bit bummed cuz my DH is a good photographer and any time Josh wants to put is arm around me again is fine by me!! I already informed the DH that I'm pushing my way up front for Buckcherry and guys won't let me shove by them with him, so I'm either going alone or with my niece....we'll see. Good luck with your Ebay venture. I need to start saving for the Halloween and Yule updates........you've discovered BPAL at the best possible time of year!! Wait....you'll see.
Good evening,
Today was a rest day for me. I can still feel some soreness around my upper ab area from Friday's workout:) I spent my day at churchand shopping I am still feeling like I have a scratchy throat and not real well. My granddaughters are coming over in a little while to stay the night:) That should be fun.

Lora, when you buy those bath bombs and bars are they for one bath only? I have looked at them but thought they were a little pricey for one bath. I generally stick with scented soaps and shower creams.

Charlotte, sometimes when I have to drop my weights it is because they need a lttle more rest. Continually working them may break down the muscle and not give it a chance to rebuild. Also I have had to lower when feeling a little under the weather. I hope you figure it out. Your workouts look awesome to me:)

Stephanie D, Yoga at dawn sounds fun. It is usually dark when I start my workouts in the mornings.

Debbie, it sounds like you got in a good calorie burn:)

Hi to everyone,
Diane Sue

Diane Sue
Diana Sue - Some people use one in the bath but I don't. I split the Bombs in half and use for 2 baths and the Bubble Bars are good for about 5 baths. I couldn't even fathom using a whole BBS in a bath. Every once in a while, I will use a whole bomb in a bath though, when I feel the need for a little extra pampering. The bath melts are a big hit with my Mom. I also like them, but I can only use a small amount at a time because they are sort of like bath oils and bath oils cause me to get urinary tract infections so I have to be careful. I do like to cut them into about 7 pieces and add a little piece to my bath with a BBS to make the water a bit more moisturizing and I tend to like that a lot. As a matter of fact, I think I need to buy some....as I don't have any lying around. I love the Chai Shower gel, but I think it's being discontinued, so I'm not sure if they have it. The other items they make that my Mom and I both like are their shampoo bars. They last forever and make your hair feel nice. We like the one called "New" the best. I use a lot of different ones, but that is our favorite. I also use that Hsuan Wen Hua hair pre-treatment. It smells like pumpkin pie and you put it in your hair before you workout (or whatever) and then you wash it out in the shower and use regular condition (love the American Cream conditioner). The owner is a Trichologist so their hair stuff is really good. I also use the Cynthia Sylvia Stout shampoo cuz it helps take the frizz out of my hair (has beer in it and believe it or not, smells really good.).........and no I don't work for the company.....just my other wicked addiction. Lush and BPAL go together and most people that use one, use the other....LOL!

Charlotte.....in case your interested in another addiction it's www.Lush.com dear! (sorry, I couldn't help myself & they also have a Forum).

Well ladies - I'm depressed cuz it's Sunday evening. I'm going to bed early tonight. I'll talk to every one in the morning.

The movie today was really stupid. It was the Night Listener with Robin Williams and it had a really stupid ending. Sorry I wasted my time in that one!
Well, right after I left to go shopping I got a phone call to go to the hospital. My 2 yr old Connor had a seizure and they were bringing him by ambulance. This is the second one in less then 2 months. He spiked a high fever out of nowhere and went into a seizure. My mom and dad jumped in the pool with him to cool his body down and he came out of it. I found out he has the Coxsackie Virus, and has sores all over his mouth and throat! I had NO idea he was sick. He was totally fine and no fever. He was drooling, but I thought his molars were coming in. Very scary. A fever caused this Frembrile Seizure last time too. He goes to his Ped tomorrow, and he will probably run some tests (which he said last time if it happened again), but it is at the perfect age for it I guess. I hope he feels better, and he is very contagious, so I hope Chase doesn't get it, or me and DH!

Lora- I do like Buckcherry! They rock!
Charlotte- I like twisted sister too, Poison and MOtley Crue.

Maeghan AKA megadoo

New pics added in July 25 2006 and Fitness album!!!!

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Thanks Diane Sue! It was scary and nerve racking, but he is resting quietly now. I hope he has a restful sleep. I am keeping my fingers crossed about us not getting, or Chase. I feel bad since he was around my 5 month old neice yesterday and today. I REALLY hope she doesn't get it!
Thanks again.

Maeghan AKA megadoo

New pics added in July 25 2006 and Fitness album!!!!

http://www.3fatchicks.net/img/bar072/slider-but3/lb/203/145/154/.png[/img] [/url]


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