Hardcore Fitness Maniacs Sun July 16


Morning Maniacs -

This morning I did Kenpo X followed by 10-15 minutes on the treadmill run/walk. I then did Tias Little Yoga - Bird of Prana Level II.

So much for taking it easy today. Good calorie burn today. I tried to do a full hour of cardio (like Diana Sue - see, she inspires me to try harder) but I fell 5 minutes short. I could have done it, but I didn't want to overdo it on the treadmill since I'm just starting to run.

I thoroughly enjoyed the yoga DVD. It had an excellent selection of poses and was pretty challenging. My legs are feeling it. Yet another rec from the VF crew.

Well, it looks like TTOTM is going to come every 2 weeks or even closer?? I really don't want to spend my day off from work at the doctor's if this is just menopause. However, they said I should have a sonogram to make sure I don't have a cyst. I don't know what to do. At least I know why I've been bloated, can't sleep and have had a migraine almost every day this month cuz It's been TTOTM for almost 2 weeks solid now. Sorry to complain, but I'm having a hard time dealing with this. It makes my disc pain worse also. :(

Toasty - I can't really think of anything else to burn you right now except for the other Theory of a Deadman CD. It's their latest one. You liked the first one, right? If so, I can burn that later and then I'll mail your package. I'll need your addy again. I was up doing E-bay stuff till 9:30 pm....cuz this computer's been acting up. I've still got more stuff to take care of today. errr....

Diana Sue - You've got me looking at Sodium content in everything in my house. I can't believe how much sodium is in pre-packaged oatmeal.....yikes. The best thing in my house, cereal wise, is my shredded wheats with have 0. I'm happy about that cuz I like them and they have good fiber content also. I used to only read labels for fat, sugar, total calories, fiber content and protein/calcium. Now I've turned into a sodium hound. LOL. Thanks for pointing that out to me.....although there is probably some ways I can't avoid it unless I move and get a bigger kitchen with a stove that works }(

Well, gonna go soak in my Epsom Salt and Lush bubble bath. I'm gonna order some new Lush Bubble Bars later, as they just came out with some new ones that sound good.

Have great workouts or rest days.

You, Me and Dupree wasn't as good as I expected yesterday. It was good, but not real good. Movies have been disappointing this summer.
Hey Ladies,

I wanted to pop in and say hello. I have been dealing with the loss of my dog stil and somedays just don't feel like posting. Workouts are going very well. They keep me sane. Sooner or later I have to try to get back to normal what ever normal is as far as the rest of life etc. I need to go see my Dad and take care of some things I have been neglecting. Like eating. I just don't have much of an appetite.

I check in here and it seems you all are doing great. Keep it up:)

Lora-Go see the doc even if it is menopause. I am lucky that my periods just stopped about a year ago. I had blood work drawn and yep it was menopause. No other real symptons though for me. I am sure there are things he can give you to help you if you are menopausal.

Hi Terri - I meant to mention that I didn't have money to buy the pink Saucony's from Zappos cuz right before you posted that, I spent a lot of money there. I bought boots, clogs and 2 pair of Rocket Dog casual sneaker like shoes, one pair of mules and one funky black pair. I think I'll try a Saucony Cross Trainer next time I get one though. I'm curious how they fit.
Good Morning,
Today is a rest day. I am thinking of doing a some stretch and light yoga though. Maybe I will do the Yoga Booty Ballet I got free from Beach Body. It is the Caberet one. The family is coming over this afternoon for DD birthday. I went out this morning and did some outside stuff before it really heats up. My puppy enjoyed her romp outside with me.

Lora, I know keeping track of sodium is hard but it really does help to know what you are eating. You can still microwave a lot of good stuff though. I bought the steam works green beans almondine yesterday and ate that. I did add some shrimp to it though for more protein. The sodium is not bad on this even with the sauce. It adds flavor to whatever you want to add. I figure some of the fat calories are due to the almonds so that is a good thing. You could eat them and drink a protein drink for a more complete protein. That is the hard thing (getting a good balance of amino's when not eating meat) Maybe if you like egg whites or egg beaters you could microwave some and add them.

Terri, it is good to hear from you. I am glad you are keeping up with your workouts. That does help. Eat some food girl, it will help you keep up your energy. I need to call my Dad. I would love to see him. It takes 7 hours to get to his house. He has been having health issues.

Hi to everone,
Diane Sue
I got my Saucony cross trainers from zappos.com And really like them. They only had one style though and they are all white. They are comfy. I feel like they are more comfortable than the running shoes I bought (which are not bad and a lot cuter)I probably need to break the running shoes in more. Although I feel like if I have to break them in then they are not the best shoe. I do have problem feet though.
Diane Sue
Still cramping this morning, not sure whats going on. Usually I have one day of cramps and then its done. This is going on four days now. My back is sore from yesterdays workout, especially near my shoulder blades. I'm thinking the pullups are to blame for that.

This morning I worked my chest using Gym Style. Had an excellent workout. I did the 72 pushups with my pushup bars that are on my Power Tower. They seemed really easy, I was able to do them all with the rest Cathe took except for the set between 8 and 6. I feel these more with my back than my chest so I'm wondering if I should do these with my dumbbells again instead. I'm up quite high with the bars but you would think that would make them harder?

For chest press I used my barbell instead of dumbbells and went with 70 lbs. I was able to do two sets of 12 with that and then dropped down to 60 lbs. for the last set of 12. For flies I used 25 lb. dumbbells for the 3 sets of 12.

Incline chest press I used 60 lbs for the first set of 12 and then went up to 65 lbs. for the second set. Used 25 lb. dumbells for the incline files, 2 sets of 12.

Then I did Step Blast. I did the premix of Step sections #1 & #2 and then the challenge. It was 45 minutes long. I was in my zone for 34 minutes and burned 253 calories.

No ab work again. : ) Maybe later.

Have great workouts everyone!
Good morning Maniacs!

Sounds like everyone's been busy doing workouts and fun stuff. That's the way it should be. And when the workouts are fun, that's a plus too.

Today will be an active rest day for me as my legs are sore from yesterday's organized bike ride. I ended up riding the century (98 plus miles). There was road construction for a short section so they shuttled all of the riders in pickups past the worst section, thus why the # of miles was less than 100.

The ride was in Fall River Mills, California and absolutely my favorite ride. I've done modified routes (shortened) 3 times previous as it is always hot and the group I rode with never wanted to do a longer ride. However, this time I rode with 2 guy friends and they DID want to do the century. I've been wanting to do it so this was my chance and the weather was predicted to be around 93 degrees.

I carpooled over the day before (Friday), set up my tent at the Fairgrounds under some nice shady trees, met up with another rider and the 3 of us had a nice dinner, tall beer, and walked thru the exhibits at a street fair. It was very nice. Back to the Fairgrounds, filled water bottles, my Camelbak and in bed around 9:30, slept okay.

Up at 5:00 a.m. as we wanted to depart at 6:00ish to beat some of the heat. The beginning of the ride is my favorite part, there are mint fields, wild rice fields and fantastic views of Mt. Shasta, Mt. Lassen and Burney Mtns. And the smells... That's one of the nice things about cycling, you smell so many things on the road (good and bad). I stopped early to take off my jacket and one of our riders (he's aged 65, but been training very hard, he's awesome) kept going as he figured we'd catch him. We did, but it took some work and the guy I was riding with is a VERY strong rider. I stayed on his wheel but I was afraid of going too fast, too early and then burning out later on.

There are a few big climbs on this ride and after the first big climb, I wondered if my legs were not quite recovered from this week's time trial on Tuesday, where you really push. I was getting that very slight burning in my legs on the hills and hoping I hadn't overdone it, but turns out I was okay for the rest of the ride. We made great time, easily climbed the 2nd big hill and after a nice long downhill, hit the lunch stop in Fall River Mills around 10:30 a.m. After that, we were on the Lassen Bench climb (very hot part of the ride) at around noon.

After the "bench", it was in to the town of Day (10 miles) for a cool indoor rest stop and they handed out frozen neck coolers for you to wear on the way back. They were very refreshing while they lasted. As we entered the town with the finish line, I got those lousy thigh cramps in my right leg and then my left leg. These are pesky and a sign of fatigue, dehydration, electrolyte imbalance, any or all of the above. But I was done, so it was all good. Time at finish was 2:00 p.m.

I absolutely love this ride, it was all the challenge I wanted, most of the roads had a very smooth surface, and the rest stops/lunch stop/spaghetti dinner were top notch. And scenery, well you just can't beat it for this part of northeastern California.

Final stats:
Total miles: 98.5
Total ride time: 6 hours 4 minutes
Average Speed: 16.0
Max Speed: 40 mph

Back when I started riding in 2001, this was my very first organized ride. I did the 25 mile option and NO WAY could I even fathom doing the 62 mile route, let alone doing the 100 mile route. But hey, I can and if I can, anyone can. On these organized rides, you see lots of folks, young and old (mostly 30 year olds on up to 70's). And you see lots of folks that don't look as fit as you and those that look very fit. As in other sports, most are very friendly and out there enjoying the day and their health.

Well, must get going now. My hamstrings are pretty tight so may pop in a yoga later if I get the chance.

Hi Debbie,

Thanks. It was hot. Today is predicted at 98 degrees, tomorrow at 100. It is dry, though the area I rode in has sections that are more humid due to lots of irrigation, streams, etc. Yesterday didn't feel all that humid, thankfully.

Netta - Geez........98 miles. You are the ultimate bike maniac! Suz is also though! I can't imagine that. Good for you. Glad you had fun.

Diana Sue - Do you have a recipe for your Raspberry Vinagarette salad dressing you could give me? Also, I don't know if I could stomach egg whites. What do people put on them to make them more appealing? Do you know? I know I always see that the fitness professionals eat them for breakfast.
Hi Lora,
I eat my egg whites (with one egg yolk) along with green salsa.

Thanks for the maniac compliment. Suz is tougher than I am though. She does Spinervals and I know they are hard.

Toasty -

I PM'd you cuz I can't find your email addy.

Netta - thanks for the info........what is green salsa? I've never seen it? Do you shop at an organic store? I wish I were more of a "domestic" person. I'm not AT ALL, as you ladies know. I can't change that about myself. I'm pretty pathetic in a kitchen. I freak out and am extremely neurotic. I could never cook a Thanksgiving Dinner for anyone (nor would they want to eat it....cuz it wouldn't be Turkey). LOL
No, Lora, it's not organic. I get it at Safeway and it's just their Select brand. Nothing special. I just find eggs bland so need to spice them up. Any salsa would probably do me. In fact, that's what I just had for dinner, along with some veggies.

I'm not all that domestic, though I do love to bake. Trouble is no one would eat it in my house except me. For potlucks at work, I usually make a dessert.

LOL, I think I've cooked a turkey once in my life. My DH does most of the cooking around our place any more. He's pretty good at it.

I just purchase the raspberry vinegrette in the grocery store. Another thing I like to do with my salad is put diced apple on it w/ some nuts and feta cheese, then sprinkle w/ lemon juice adn red wine vinegar. The raspberry dressing is just easier. It works well w/ mandarin oranges and fat free cheddar and nuts. As far as egg whites I like to add some parmesan cheese or fat free cheddar and as Netta said salsa is good. I also will add some frozen onion and pepper mix to them sometimes.
Diane Sue
Good evening (if anyone's still around!),

We were busy today. I got up about 5:30 since the only time I can ever sleep in anymore is when I have to go to work. :p I did a weight workout but didn't get biceps done, figuring I'd do them later. We had to go to the police dept. so DH could do something and I was all whiny about having to sit and wait...UNTIL...we passed the workout room. They have an AWESOME workout room. DH is in charge of ordering all the equipment. They have a lot of Hardkore stuff, ellipticals, stair climbers, treadmills. Anyway, I figured I might as well work my biceps while I waited. So I did that and back. They also have a power tower so I did some ab work on that. DH took much longer than he said he would. Then we took my mom's DH out for lunch for his birthday. He doesn't like me a whole bunch (I see my Dad and my mom HATES my dad with a passion - he's been married to the same woman for 30 years and she's on her 6th marriage - but he's the devil if you ask her) but I am very nice to him anyway. He loves my mom so that's what matters.

Lora - I was excited about that movie. I'm sorry to hear it wasn't good. Thanks for the nice comment about cycling. I think Netta's the true cycling maniac though. I really have no desire to go 100 miles. :)

Netta - YOU ROCK!!!!! And that sure isn't a bad average for 100 miles! I hope your leg cramps stop soon. Did you see the crash today in the Tour? WOW!

Terri - I'm sorry you're still hurting. {{{{{{HUGS}}}}}}

Diane Sue - people at work always tell me they need me to live with them to help them eat right. I need YOU to live with me to help me! I'm not very good on the weekends lately. During the week I'm really good but lately my one cheat day has turned into 2 or even 2 plus Friday night. :( I need to just stop it. I know I can.

Debbie - what a workout! I'm sorry you're still feeling crampy. That sucks big time!

Well, time to go knit. I want to finish this blanket so I can work on a dog sweater. I hope you all have a great evening!


"Until one has loved an animal, a part of one's soul remains unawakened." - Anatole France


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