Hardcore Fitness Maniacs Saturday Aug 5


Morning Fit Ladies -

This morning my rotation called for a rest day, but since I had the 15 minute aerobic session on Thurs, I did my aerobics today. I did 30 minutes of X-treme Step and then I put in Seasun's The Next Step and did another 30 minutes and the ab part cool down and stretch. I then did Cathe's 10 min. Total Body Stretch on the Ball and Jill Miller's Triangle Tune Up (yoga/fusion). (I learned a few more steps in X-treme Step and had fun).

Let me just say that I'll NEVER learn The Next Step. I repeated the first segment (which is only about 5 minutes long) about 5 times and still didn't get it. She does about 70 min of combinations on this DVD and they are all about that short and she just keeps linking them together....so you never really repeat one part. This must be for the SUPER advanced student. I guess that's why it's called The Next STep. I didn't know this was more complex than Rock Steady Step when I bought it, but bought the 2 together to get $10 off. Well, if anything, I can use the tape for the 20 minute core/ab segment and stretch segment on it. I liked the ab segment, cool down and stretch.

Well, I don't know what to do about continuing my Progesterone pills. I'm only 4 days into them and I'm starting my period. They said I'd start after I finished the 10 days of them. I don't know if I should stop taking them, as I'm starting about 28 days from my last period and maybe my body is straightening itself out. The doctor's not in today, so I don't know what to do. Sorry if this is TMI...but I need advice.

Debbie - Has the numbness in your husband's leg subsided? Just to put you at ease a bit....numbness isn't as bad as if he had extreme shooting pain down his leg, or even worse, if the spinal cord had so much pressure on it that he lost use of the leg, that would be really bad. THat's the most common way to herniate a disc....twisting and bending at the same time. Sounds like that's what your DH did. Hopefully they can give him a short course of prednisone to calm the irritation down around the disc and it will eventually get better on it's own with rest and NSAID's. I'll keep you in my prayers.

Charlotte - Since it seems like you're gonna get hooked on BPAL (like me *smile*). A couple tidbits of info. Kebechet on the boards is Beth. She's the Goddess of the oils and her brother Brian is Corinthian on the boards. Puddin' is Beth's fiance and his name is Tedwin and he runs the Trading Post that is linked to BPAL from the menu on the main site. He sells scent lockets, statues and the BPAL teeshirts and hoodies, etc. Macha is the artist. If you look at the Carnivale Diabolique scents, you'll notice that MME Moriarty is actually a portrait of Beth, Doc Constatine is actually a portrait of Brian, Gennivre is Macha the artist (self portrait), and Theodosius is a portrait of Tedwin. Lastly, Antonino is a portrait of the Lab Manager. Intersting, huh? I thought it was very cool when I saw the artwork. If you click on it to enlarge, you can see how talented Macha is. Good luck with your new addiction. It's a costly one. Now you know why I sell on E-bay and spend my weekends trying to make extra money. (Oh, and when Beth finishes updating the site and gets the info about the Lab (shameless self promotion is what she calls it) - be sure to check out the pictures of them and their credentials. Beth's an amazing person and is very creative and she also has a very unique sense of style - you can probably look at the pic's thread and find a pic of her somewhere).

Have great workouts everyone. I must go put the groceries away and get ready to go see Will Farrell in Teledega Nights.
Good Morning Maniacs!!

Yesterday I did 3 sets of 20 of the following, with weights:

Leg curls #60
Hamstring curls 40#
plie squats #80
dead lifts #80
squats #80

It had to be a quick one cuz I went to Maryland soon after. Still feeling weak yesterday due to TTOM so now arm workout. I will do arms today. I am so terrified I might be weak again,but I think it is just in my head. I actually feel stronger. Last week was just weird for me and it must have been the heat that left me feeling like Olive Oil instead of Popeye.


Shame on you for doing this to me so now I am going to yard sales this morning so I can sell on ebay to keep buying. I got a list of stuff I want now. I got other things I want too so now my list is just a million miles long. Why, thank you Lora!!!!!! LOL!

I am not a doctor so I don't know what to tell you about those pills. Does it give a reason on the paper for the description of medicine when not to take? I would read that and see and also you could try to call a pharmacist. They might be able to help.

I was wondering how you threw 80 lbs on your shoulders . You have the big y hickey. I love that thing.No where to put it.Unless i get rid of some equipment.
60 is about my limit on my own.
Well i did supersets the 70 min one last night. Felt good . I was upset about my tape and some other things so a good pumpin was needed.
Had a great workout this morning but I didn't feel it as much as I did the last two full body workouts I've done. I'm wondering if I didn't go heavy enough but if thats true then I'm between poundage where you go from 15 to 20 or 20 to 25. I may wear my ankle weights next week to raise up the poundage to 2 or 3 lbs.

This workout was 2 sets of 15 reps with 2 minutes rest between each set:

The first exercise was suppose to be declined barbell bench press. Have no clue how to do it with my weight bench, I tried it and almost killed myself. I don't think my bench was made to do this, but then I can't figure out why it is made to decline the seat?

Dumbbell Chest Press (flat) - 25 lbs each hand (here is one that I could have gone heavier, but I think 30's would have been too much.)
Pull Ups - No way could I do 15 of these but I'm excited to say that I can still do 6 reps and I haven't done these since our vacation. I then did a set of 4 and a set of 5.
Squats - 65# (should have done 70#)
Leg Extensions - 45# (felt these, love this exercise)
Dummbell Overhead Shoulder Press - 15's (here is another one that I could have gone heavier but I know 20's would have been too much)
Seated Overhead Tricep Press - 20 lbs. (again, could have gone heavier but 25 would have been too much)
Calf Raises - I did this holding 25# dumbbells. I did 15 reps with toes forward, 15 with toes pointed outward and 15 with toes pointed inward. Did two sets of these.

Then I did the ab work from Muscle Endurance. Love this ab work, its been a while since I've done it and I really felt it good.

My dh is doing better this morning, thank for the thoughts and prayers!

Lora - The numbness is almost gone. I think he had shooting pain going down his leg yesterday but thats gone today.

Charlotte - what is "leg curls"? Can't picture these. Great workout!

Anne - I'm pretty sure Charlotte uses a rack to do squats.

You got to get to a gym then!!!!!! Nice to hear from you here. Why don't you stop by more often?


Leg Curls is just sitting on the bench, like I am in one of my pictures with my bikini top on, and then you take your legs and curl up with the weight attached to the pole bar, at bottom.


I just got back from yard sales. Gotta run to the bank and get more money and go again! GOSH!!!!!

Hi everyone,
Since i'm joining this fantastic group (and i had to pick the one with Maniac in the title of coarse!), i should tell you a bit about me, since everyone seems so open!
I live in Toronto, so Canadian! I'm a registered dietitian, and work with HIV+ patients in the teaching hospital downtown. I also teach nutrition at college and university, and cowrite a column in the Toronto Star, called Diet Decoder, which is lots of fun!
I have a musician fiance, a pug named Roxy Music, and a Boston Terrier named David Bowie.
Anyway, i work out 6 days a week, 7th is stretch. I usually do 3 strength workouts/week, and 3-4 cardio sessions. I'll have to figure out how to upload some pics!
Anyway, that out of the way, today I did MM, and Ripped to the Core with Jari Love (Canadian!!) Its a long weekend here in Ontario, so more time to work out!
I cant wait to get to know all of you!
Thanks for being so open and accepting me into your amazing group!
Good morning Maniacs:

So good to be back and catch up on all your workouts while I was gone. You all are keeping at it, of course, and totally inspire me.

Welcome Stephanie! Glad you are here. Some of us are crazy, yep, but hey, life wouldn't be any fun, would it? Glad to have a dietician amongst us too. I'm interested in getting the Jari workouts someday too.

My bike trip was WONDERFUL! Our original plans were to go to Bend, Oregon but after repeatedly checking with the locals, we determined on Sunday night (the night before we were to depart) that it would be too smokey to enjoy the scenery (forest fire nearby), plus not good for the lungs. We decided to go with our second choice which was the Ashland/Medford, Oregon area (which I love). Ashland is about 3 1/2 hours from Susanville so our travel time was much shorter than if we'd gone to Bend so that was nice too.

There were 5 of us ladies and mostly all of us had the same goals for this trip which were to cycle from 40-60 miles a day (for 3 days), eat at nice restaurants in the evening, drink nice wine and beer, and be near some good shopping. We definitely covered all of those and were drawn to the historic town of Jacksonville for 2 our our evening meals after the rides. Highly recommend that little town for their shops, museums, great restaurants and beautiful Victorian homes. Also the BRITT festival which is an outdoor concert venue and really floods this little town with lots of people. Anyway, we had perfect weather, good roads and low traffic (mostly) and beautiful scenery. Highly successful trip and we all had a blast. One of the ladies (she's near 60 and didn't prepare as much) was getting a bit tired toward the end so we didn't do quite as many hills or miles as we could have but it was okay anyway. I'd like to take my DH up there and stay in a B&B for a couple of nights. Must plan that sometime soon.

Well, back to my workouts again. Think I will do 2 more weeks of circuit style workouts before changing up. Today I did a Step Blast/SJP/weights premix for 85 minutes. It was fun.

I have lots of housework to do today, mow lawns and get stuff ready for a BBQ here tonite. DH and our sons went wood cutting today. I should have gone to help but there is so much I need to do here so I opted out.

Lora, I don't know what to tell you about your progesterone. What do the instructions and precautions say on the package?

Charlotte, hope you are feeling better and less weak (believe me, I wish I was as weak as you). It was probably the horrible heat you all have experienced recently.

Debbie, I'm so glad your DH is feeling better and you sound like your back is all recovered too. I'll be doing week 3 & 4 of your Circuit Mix Rotation. I've really enjoyed it and my endurance has been getting better.

Hi Anne, welcome to the forum! I have Supersets also but have only done it once recently but I like the work on the ball.

Hi to everyone else. Hi Suz, sounds like you are figuring out what works for your cycling as far as leg workouts. I have a bike time trial this coming Tuesday afternoon. I'm crossing my fingers we don't have the wind as the last 2 have been very windy.

Must run and get something done today.

>Leg Curls is just sitting on the bench, like I am in one of my
>pictures with my bikini top on, and then you take your legs
>and curl up with the weight attached to the pole bar, at

Charlotte - What picture? The only one I see with you in the bikini is the one where you are doing the levitation lifts. Which part of the bench are you doing the leg curl with? Does it work your quads or hamstrings?
Lora- I hope you feel better, sorry no advice other then talk to your doc when you can.

CHarlotte- you crack me up! Do you have any money left??LOL!

Deb- so glad your DH is better.

Netta- sounds like a great trip! Glad you are back.

Diane Sue- I want to get SLim and Lean too. It is endurance, but she talks about how the compound exercises burn more calories. I sure was sweating. My shoulders are sore, but not as bad as I was expecting. She did do her deadlifts a little different then I am used too, so I have to work on that. I really felt them in my back.

Stephanie- "nice to meet you"! Glad you joined us. Sounds like a killer WO you did!

Anne- I am glad SS was what you needed!

I haven't done a WO yet. Fighting the fatigue right now. I need some cardio, hopefully a run. I don't want a rest day today, but if so, I will rock tomorrow!

Hope you are all having fun today!

Maeghan AKA megadoo

New pics added in July 25 2006 and Fitness album!!!!

http://www.3fatchicks.net/img/bar072/slider-but3/lb/203/145/154/.png[/img] [/url]

Hi Ladies - Teledega Nights was freakin' hilarious. I laughed my butt off. Although, I have sort of a warped sense of humor, so I'm not going to recommend it. Yes, it was stupid, but I'm goofy as heck....y'all don't know the half of it!! LOL. I liked it though. A few parts had me rollin'....but I noticed I was the only one howlin'.....sort of scary, huh? My DH was laughing with me though, so I guess it's good we found each other, huh?

Charlotte - I've created a monster. You better not let you DH find out about that Forum, cuz I've known some DH's think it was a Cult and not want their significant other to join. It's not though!! Also, people who don't understand people like Beth (she's Goth and Wiccan) but she's good peoople and until you read up on what they are about, it's a highly misunderstood topic! I've done some research....although, I'm a Christian...so I can't be swayed to believe that way...but what I'm saying is that it's not like black magic and devil stuff! I've met A LOT of really cool people on that Forum and have some friends in the UK to get my Chili Peppers stuff that doesn't sell over here, etc.

Stephanie -OOhhhh, I'm so excited we have someone new. Welcome. Charlotte and I are into a lot of the same music. I'm going to see Buckcherry in a few weeks. What kind of musician is your fiance? I also work in a hospital, but only as a secretary, but I've been in the medical profession and have worked for doctors and hospitals for over 20 years. I look forward to your nutrition knowledge.....although everyone else here is pretty knowledgeable about that also.....I'm probably the worst person with my diet cuz of my past addictions, etc. If you've been reading this thread and know we're open, then I guess you know I'm a recovering drug addict - clean around 20 years though. Food is a bit of a problem with me (still) as I don't have much left in life to fill that void left in my soul....except for exercise, music, and a little bit of daily chocolate or sugar. I try to keep it in balance though....but it's a constant struggle. My sister is a Dietician also. I look forward to getting to know you and yes, some of us are crazy (I'm speaking for myself)!! LOL.

I called the doctor this morning cuz I just wanted to make sure what to do. He called right back and was very nice. He told me to continue taking them. I hope to God I don't end up having a 14 day period cuz of this.....or I'll be mad at him. I should probably go to a woman doctor cuz how can a man possible be at expert at that kind of stuff??? I know ...I'm psycho!

I've got tons of E-bay stuff to do. I'm bummed cuz the Buckcherry tickets never went up for sale on the Website and I had to get regular tickets from the Venue which means no Meet & Greet or Sound Check....Yes, I'm spoiled and I wanted to get better pics!! Oh well...such is life. I already told my DH I'm going up front and he can't come cuz guys won't let me push on thru with him on my arm. He laughed!!

I'll be back later.
Hi Lora!
Its funny you mentioned the music, i had notice your Buckcherry love first and thought, yeah, this is the forum for me!
I didnt know about your past, but i will be another support if you need it! I've had food issues in the past, present, you know!
I love lots of music, i'm an 80's girl though, from hair bands to Boy George! I made out with Trent Reznor when i was 19, that has to buy me some cred right???
Christian (my DH, its been 10 years!!), does electronicish..music, NIN/synch stuff, now he scores for movies primarily, so different business now.
Thanks to everyone who welcomed me to the group, i cant tell you how excited I am! Now i want to be on this computer all the damn time!!
Where is everyone else from???
Stephanie - Where do you live? Debbie and I are in Ohio (different parts though). What made me think of it is that I think Trent Reznor was from around the area I live in. Akron, Warren or somewhere in Ohio. That's cool. I've only made out with cover band lead singers.......back in my crazy days. I used to see this guy (sort of) that was the lead singer for a Door's cover band called Moonlight Drive. I was such a bad girl back then!

Charlotte - where are you? I sold some stuff on E-bay today...now you have me curious about those new TAL blends you mentioned last night! Bad girl. No...I didn't realize the Carnivale blends were available till 2007....geez...I spent a huge wad cuz I thought they were only available for a month. Now what am I gonna do for Halloween money and Yule.....the next 2 huge updates? My favorite time of year being a BPAL addict. Halloween is Beth's favorite holiday (along with VAlentine's day)...plus the Carnivale is going to have new Acts coming all year.....oh my!! I better get busy selling more on Ebay!
Hi Lora
I'm in Toronto, as in Canada, i have emailed Allwild girl Shelley, she lives not far from me here. So funny how people are closer than you think! I too had wilder days, now i'm a working girl, and working out girl!
Hope you have a great Saturday!
Stephanie - Duh......that's right ...you did say that already. I'm such a dork. You have a great evening also.
Good evening,
I know I am late here. I did a late workout and went shopping. Today I did Straight Up Step, then Muscle Max Lower only, then Muscle Max timesaver omitting the w/up. This was my 3rd total body workout for the week. I lost 3pounds this week. I didn't do the full hour of cardio today. I have allergies or a cold or something. Coughing and sneezing scratchy throat.Yuk!

StephanieD welcome to our checkin. I am from Oklahoma. I have read some good reviews on Ripped to the Core. I know Slim and Lean really builds up a good burn.

Anne, I like the Super Sets so much. Last week I did the premix with two sets of everything. Great workout.

Debbie, I am so glad your dh is feeling better.

Jeanette, it sounds like you and your friends had a fun time.

Charlotte, where did all of your pictures go. You don't have as many? So did you lift the 80# over your head? I can do 75# barbell but I did 80 once and had a hard time taking it off my shoulders.

Hi to everyone,
Diane Sue
Hi Stephanie, I am from NY. I am with Charlotte and Lora on the music, but I am a sucker for 80's big hair rock bands.

Diane Sue, I am definately going to buy Slim and Lean now. I do recommend Ripped.

Maeghan AKA megadoo

New pics added in July 25 2006 and Fitness album!!!!

http://www.3fatchicks.net/img/bar072/slider-but3/lb/203/145/154/.png[/img] [/url]


I like the big hair bands too. Count me in. I like Ratt. You like them?

Diane Sue,

I don't lift over 70# over my head. I just use the machine. My pictures were getting outdated so I cleaned up my files and will post new ones soon.


DH isn't going to know. I don't want him to. I want to see if the scents work. If I tell him, then it will probably not.


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