Hardcore Fitness Maniacs Saturday 7-15


Morning Fit Maniacs -

(Sorry so long - skip the yoga reveiew and info on Jill Miller if your'e not interested and it makes it a bit shorter)

This morning my rotation called for a rest day, so I was only going to do a short run/walk and a few other things. I ended up doing 25 minutes on the treadmill (mostly running - hope my back is okay tomorrow, as I'm supposed to start slowly here), 25 minutes of P90 Fat Burning Cardio, short PIlates ab routine 5-6 min. and Jill Miller Yoga Tune Ups, Hip one (30 Min), Core Inegration (30 min)one and Shoulder one (about 15 min). This ended up making a pretty good workout and it was hardly a recovery workout. I'll have to take it easy on Kenpo X tomorrow, as today was supposed to be an easy day.

I had to workout in the basement today. I used the DVD player down there. There is NO air conditioning down there and it was very HOT! I was sweating like crazy. Yet, another reason I hate that basement. Also, aerobics are very hard on my joints on the cement floor, as well as yoga/stretching (ouch).

Okay - Jill Miller's DVD's (I'll try to be brief - but you know how I am). I read about these on VF and without knowing too much, bought the 5 pack cuz the girls at VF know their stuff about yoga. These are only made for her personal workshops and are not a commercial venture, so the production quality is not good and there is no music....but let me say...I've never NEVER had anyone get into the nooks and crannies of my body that she had me get into with these. At first, doing the hip one, I was like ....whoa this is more of a strength workout and what kind of hip openers are these (highly different than the normal). We did some weird lunge walk/stretch things and some side lunges (sort of) and then we did some stretches with one leg up on the wall (ooohhh these felt really good). Then we went down to the floor and got really deep into stretches. She holds all of her poses so long that you have trouble coming out of it and have to regroup for a minute or so afterwards. I've never held poses this long and it felt really good.

The Core Integration one starts with some unique supine abdominal core work and abdominal breathing and moves into planks that you do until you start shaking. She then does some stretching against the wall for your waist, torso and abdominals.......again...I never felt anything this good before. I was in Heaven during this part. She had me get into places I never knew I could get into that deeply.

Lastly, the shoulder tune up (only 12 mins - so I thought). Basically , this DVD only shows you the exercises to do on your own. AGain, never got so deep into my shoulders and have never seen most of these moves.......and I've been to physical therapy 5 or more times over recent years! I skipped the behind the back move cuz of my injury. I guess you're suppposed to pause the tape and continue the moves on your own and build up, but I only stopped it a few times cuz the rest was plenty for me just starting out.

Outstanding series - if you don't mind the quality of production. Here's her website http://jillmilleryoga.com/products.html. Here's some info on her and I highly recommend these (so far - although I think there's a learning curve with these cuz of how unique they are).

Jill Miller Yoga (INFO on JILL)

Embodying 20 years of expertise, Jill Miller?s yoga classes synthesize a vast repertoire of movement arts including; Modern Dance, Pilates, Breathwork, Shiatsu, and Butoh. Jill choreographs a total experience for each individual?s body, mind, and spirit. Her yoga strengthens you from the inside out ? removing tension from the body, releasing the entrapments of the mind and reconnecting you to your core in a thoroughly conscious way. Her insatiable curiosity for authentic movement and healing infuses every moment with surprising clarity.
"Jill?s fascination with core issues, not only physical, but emotional and spiritual, has led her to develop a unique approach to deep gut work called "Core Integration- A Total Abdominal Awakening."

Diana Sue - thanks for the tips on starch and sodium. I don't use salt at all, but I don't really read labels for sodium. What is considered high for sodium? Also, starch is a problem for me cuz I only eat a few food groups, breads/cereals, cheese, fruit/vegetables, salads, and occasionally pasta. I don't know how to change my diet to include less starch and more protein. This has been an ongoing problem for me. I wish I was rich and could hire a chef to cook for me like the celebrities do and then I would look good!! Dream on. So what yoga have you been doing that you think you might be overdoing it? I'm curious....cuz you're like the chief maniac!! LOL. I know some of the yoga I do can be extremely taxing on "rest" days and they seem like more of a workout than rest.

Toasty - I'll probably get around to emailing you tomorrow cuz I have tons of E-bay stuff to do today. I listened to Seether this morning and it's not really good for aerobics. It will be excellent for weight lifting or walking, stretching, etc. I listened to it after my aerobics ended. It's pretty good.

Well.....better go....lots to do. I tell ya...this E-bay stuff is really time consuming. I have to sit here and fill and label about 30 little sample vials of perfume oil every Saturday and then make them up into little packages of 3 each that I sell. I'm so addicted to making the extra money though.

We're going to see You, me and Dupree today. I like Owen Wilson and it looks funny. Off to soak ......be back later.

Have great workouts. SORRY SO LONG. DISCLAIMER - DON"T READ THE REVIEW part if you aren't interested in yoga.
Good Morning,
I am going to do Straight up Step and maybe add some other cardio, and Ab ripper X, Abs from Step it strong, and some of my own stuff. It rained here for several days so now is hot and humid. The humidity makes me pour sweat when working out and I am not supposed to have fans on as they can dry out my eyes:(

Lora, the only Yoga dvd's I have are yoga X and yoga shatki, then I have the Eion Finn free audios which I have not used much. I have not pin pointed the moves yet that bother. I noticed it more after I started doing Shatki so am working through sections to see what bothers me so I can work into them. I will tell you most cereals and breads have a lot of sodium in them as well as cheeses. The fat free cheeses tend to have even more. I try to keep it around 1000 mg a day but generally go over. If I consistantly go up to 2000 or over I tend to retain a lot. Starches hold that water too. I drive everyone crazy reading labels at the grocery store.

I am sorry I do such long posts I tend to get to rattling. You girls should see how much I delete:)
Hi to everyone,
Diane Sue
Good Morning Maniacs!!!

Well I set out this morning for a bike ride. Hazy, but not raining and end up doing 15 miles on a farm road. Once the sun came out in full force, it got blazing hot again, but I was on my way home by then. I also want to work my abs today and maybe more leg work in the evening. Yesterday I worked chest/back. Was a short workout day (45 mins)


Thanks again! Looking forward to your email. Sorry you had to workout in your basement. My sunroom is probably just as hot, if not hotter here in the south, but I got a fan too, and that helps, but my floors in there are concrete...doesn't bother my joints too much unless I am in plyo heaven.

Diane Sue,

You sound like me reading all the labels. I only check for fat and sugar amounts though. I do buy packaged deli meat and I know that has alot of sodium in it. I sometimes buy the fresh lunch meat, but it never seems to last long and I am afraid to get food poisoning as I don't let stuff sit in my frig too long. I am not sure you can freeze lunch meat cuz when I try, it takes weird sometimes after it is defrosted.

Woke up not feeling too energetic this morning, I started my period and have had cramps and a headache for two days now. However, I still had a great workout.

I worked back today and started with pull-ups. I have been stuck at 5 reps for some time now and made up my mind last night that I was going to get 6 reps out if it was going to kill me. Well, it almost did! LOL! I did it though, I got 6 reps out! Woo Hoo! Then I did another two sets of 4 reps.

Then I did Pyramid Back using 20/25/30 for pullovers and 12/15/20 for double arm rows. Then I did Muscle Max Back and used 40 lbs. for barbell rows. I then did the one arm rows with what I thought was a 25 lb. dumbbell. By the time I got to rep 7 and 8 I was really struggling and couldn't figure out why. So when I went to put the dumbbell away I realized it was my 30 lb. one. LOL! I can't believe I did that with 30 lbs.! Then I did another set of pull-overs with 30 lbs. as well.

Went up to my cardio room and did the step premix of Cardio & Weights. Wanted to do abs but didn't because of my cramps. I was in my zone for 26 minutes and burned 182 calories. I would really like to know the true burn of calories while working muscles and doing cardio, I wonder how you would figure that out.

Diane Sue - I finally got Straight Up Step, I want to preview it this weekend and try it out soon.

Have a great day everyone!
Diana Sue - Thanks for the info. I never knew cereals had sodium. I checked my labels and only 1 I eat is 5 mg and the rest are a couple hundred. I usually only eat a half of a wheat roll when I eat bread and we buy the bakery kind, so I can't check that label. Also, we buy Alpine Lace (low fat) swiss cheese. Is that high in sodium? I don't know what to eat if I cut out cheese and cereals, cuz that's where I get some of my protein from.

Charlotte - I burned the CD, but I'm gonna think if there's anything else you might want before I send it. I'll check tomorrow.

gotta run....movie starts pretty soon.
Well, it was such a nice morning I couldn't resist riding. And I wanted to get in more than 21 or 22 miles and since DH had to work part of the day I figured it was a good day. I did 32 miles. It got really hot though, as I didn't leave until about 8am. At 10 when I got home it was already 88 degrees. I used to love to run and ride in the heat, but I think as I get older it zaps me quicker. So now that I've mixed up my workouts tomorrow will be weights. I've been on the bike 5 times this week so I'm not doing very well at resting my legs. I won't ride again until Tuesday now.

Lora - sorry you got stuck in the basement. Are you getting a DVD player this weekend? I hope you like that movie. I saw Kate Hudson on an interview about it. She's adorable.

Debbie - CONGRATULATIONS!!!! I knew you could do it. And great mistake there on the 30 pounder. Better than accidentally having a 20 pounder as a mistake. :) You're stronger than you thought.

Charlotte - you're becoming quite the bike chick. There's a really cute sleeveless cycling jersey that says bike chick on it and it has a little chick too. So cute.

Diane Sue - I hope you don't overheat during your workout! Can you use a fan behind you or would you be turning around?

I hope everyone has a good day and a great weekend!


"Until one has loved an animal, a part of one's soul remains unawakened." - Anatole France

Good evening,
I did Straight up Step then Step Blast premix add on section #2,#3, and challenge then Ab ripper X with my Jolies and a med ball, 2 sets of Hanging knee raises with a 5# ball, then Step it Strong abs with some weight for resistance and stretch.

Lora, if you use salad dressing you might check the sodium on those, they can be really high. I make my own a lot or use a fat free raspberry vinegrette which does have sugar. Brands vary. 2 Tbs can have over 300mg of sodium. As far as alpine lace cheese. If I remember right it had lower sodium in it. Swiss cheese usually is low in sodium. Kraft swiss has a lot of sodium in some of it. Check the labels. I like seargento light swiss. It is low in fat and sodium.

Charlotte, most lunch meats are loaded with sugar and sodium. Lots of corn syrup, look at the carbs and you can tell. I hardly eat lunch meats. If you get it sliced at the grocery store it is usually the same thing anyway. They are just slicing it for you. I prefer leftover turkey breast that I slice or roast beef. Watch the turkey and chicken, a lot of it has broth added as a solution. I try to find some that has less of this and the sodium drops radically. Maybe I pay to much attention to label. Beef does the same thing so if you see a filet at a low price it probably is injected with broth and will shrink a whole lot when cooked.

Debbie, I think you will like Straight up Step. I am a little challenged with Choreography but after the third time through the whole thing I am getting some of it down:)

Diane Sue

Diana Sue - I buy my cheese from the deli ...so there is no label to check. I eat salad dressing at work. I'll have to see if they let me check the label in the cafeteria. They got mad at me when I asked to see the calorie content....which I finally was able to. I think I'm bloated cuz I'm starting my period yet again. I don't know what the heck is wrong with me. I'm probably going to have to make an appt cuz they said if I kept bleeding, I needed to have a sonogram.

Ugh.....my computer's been acting up. I just finished part of my e-bay business. At this rate, I'll never be done.
Lora, I did a search and Alpine Lace Reduced fat swiss has 110 cal., 7 fat, 75 sodium and 10 protein. Not too bad. Seargentos has less sodium and the low fat has less fat. Also I forgot that Kraft 2% swiss is fairly low in sodium and fat it is the sandwich slices that are not low in sodium and taste awful IMO.
Diane Sue

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