Hardcore Fitness Maniacs ROLL CALL question Please check in!!!!!! Miss so many of you!!!!!!!!!

Hardcore Fitness Maniacs ROLL CALL question Please check in!!!!!! Miss so many of you!!!!!!!!!

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RE: Hardcore Fitness Maniacs ROLL CALL questionPlease check in!!!!!! Miss so many of you!!!!!!!!!

Hey Charlotte,

I really have been extremly busy with the merger! I get on here when I can and read the posts. It sounds like a lot of you are all doing well with your workouts!

Loved the pics of your bike ride.

I'll try to post more soon!

Oh and Welcome Steph and Anne!!! You'll enjoy this thread! :)
RE: Hardcore Fitness Maniacs ROLL CALL questionPlease check in!!!!!! Miss so many of you!!!!!!!!!

Charlotte - I just get too busy with work. By the time I can check in, since I'm out west a bit, there are so many posts and it's hard to catch up.


"Until one has loved an animal, a part of one's soul remains unawakened." - Anatole France

RE: Hardcore Fitness Maniacs ROLL CALL questionPlease c...

Well, let's see Char Char,
you totally offend me with your "words" and the use of them, not to mention you offend me with you butt shots and your 2 piece bathing suit.

What else can I say, it's you, you offend me.

Like, duh, as if you even needed to ask.



Oh, PS-You can't see the smileys, but I am not being serious, I am just kidding with the above!
RE: Hardcore Fitness Maniacs ROLL CALL questionPlease c...


I did not vote as none of the choices really applied to WHY I quit checking in at Hardcore. In fact if I were to say why I am sure I would make a couple people mad. So that being said my answer is, I will not be back.


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