Hardcore Fitness Maniacs Monday July 31


Morning Fit Ladies -

This morning I did P90X Chest & Back and Ab Ripper X with med ball and ankle weights. I listened to my own music. I did all of the pushups on the floor and subbed chest flies for 2 sets of pushups. I used my green Xtreme band and sat further away from the door to make them harder.

When I was doing my daily neck stretches yesterday, I must have pulled a muscle. THis has never happened before, but I was okay prior to doing them and after my intital head to ear stretch, my neck didn't feel like it wanted to straighten all of the way up and had a bad pain and felt like it needed to crack. Now it's really sore and spasmed in my right trapezius going up into the sternocleidomastoid on the right. I can't turn my head to the right or look up and I can't straighten up either. I still can't believe I did it stretching, but that's when it started up.

Debbie - Enjoy your workout today. I know you're looking forward to it. Maybe it will be a good change for your body to do total body workouts for a while.

I've got to get back to practicing building up to running again this week (if my sciatica can take it). For some reason, plyometrics and running make my sciatica flare and I get a spasm in my right piriformis. My right side tends to be my problem side, as that's the side that was injured in the last car accident I was in.

I can't believe it's Monday already. The weekends sure do fly by.

From past experience, how long does it take for Cathe's DVDs to be available after filming? I see she's filming the end of August. Yay!!

Have great workouts and I'll try to check in from work.
Good Morning,
Lora,check the video discussion forum. There is a thread there where people are discussing how long for filming and shipping Cathe's dvd's.

I am in a hurry this am since we are going to the zoo. I still have not come up with the rotation I want to do. I guess I will just go in there and wing it:) I'll try and check back later.

Diane Sue
Well, I started my workouts this morning. I'm once again attempting the T-nation full body rotation. I have to say, I don't know how anyone can get gains doing this. I'll give it a couple weeks and see how I respond to it. This is what I did this morning:

All exercises are done with 3 sets/8 reps going as heavy as I could. Rest period was 60 seconds between each set.

Barbell Bench Press: 75 lbs.
Dumbbell Seated Incline Rows: 30 lbs. each hand
Squats: 85 lbs.
Hamstring Curls: 35 lbs. (I could have gone way heavier, but I really feel this exercise in my low back and didn't want to risk another pull)
Dumbbell Seated/Incline Alternating Hammer Curls: 20 lbs. each hand (this was tough, the last set I worked to failure literally)
Lying Barbell Tricep Extension: 40 lbs. but should have gone heavier

I did feel each exercise and I broke a sweat. It only took me 45 minutes though. So I added on some ab work:

Knee raises on Power Station: 3 sets/10 reps w/8 lbs.
50 crunches w/8 lbs.
12 oblique twists w/8 lbs. each side
20 oblique twists no weight each side

REALLY not sure I like this. We'll see...

Lora - I hope your neck gets better. I hate that kind of injury. Its horrible not to be able to move your head around.

Hope you all have great workouts!
Debbie, it sounds like you got a good workout in.

I did my workout like this
Pyramid upper w/up, treadmill run 2.25 miles
Pyramid chest, 2 sets 16 reps pushups
Pyramid back, 2 sets reverse grip dumbbell rows
2 sets dumbbell over head press, Pyramid shoulders
Pyramid triceps, 2 sets lying triceps extensions
Pyramid Biceps, GS biceps concentration curls #1&#2
Pyramid stability ball work and stretch

This workout took me 1hr and 31 min. I think it was a pretty good workout.

Diane Sue
Sounds like you guys got some really good WO's today. How was the zoo Diane Sue?
I decided to ease back into my WO's since I still wasn't feeling 100% today. I did 20 min on TM at 3% incline, PLB stability ball, and PUB abs. I really don't feel like I got nearly enough of an ab WO, but I will for sure hit them harder either tonight, or tomorrow.
I am hoping to be back to 100% tomorrow.

Maeghan AKA megadoo

New pics added in July 25 2006 and Fitness album!!!!

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Diane Sue - It only took me 40 minutes to complete that workout which really bums me out. I love working out for an hour or more. Maybe I should have done some cardio but I'm doing an hour of cardio tomorrow. Your workout sounds excellent. Did you just do your own pyramid workout or did you follow Cathe?
Hi everyone,
I just returned from the zoo. I feel pretty wilted from the heat. We did lots of walking. I really probably did not need to use the treadmill this morning.

Debbie, I used Cathe's Pyramid workout. I go heavier than Cathe on these and sometimes I will do several of the sets at the heaviest weight. I keep trying to push these up higher on the 8 rep set.

Diane Sue
I usually never post to these Hardcore threads, but will to ask you, Debbie, if anyone would be able to look at you and tell how long you worked out???!!!!

It's not how long you work out, but the results you get. Working smarter, not harder or longer. I'll butt out now.

"You can't win them all - but you can try." - Babe Zaharias http://www.clicksmilies.com/s0105/musik/music-smiley-004.gif[/img]
Home from work finally. It was a busy day.

Sorry you're not feeling well Megadoo.

Diana Sue - I'll be interested to see what rotation you choose. I like the look of Cathe's this month, but I'm committed to P90X for now.

Debbie - glad you were able to work out today.

Where's everyone else today?

I'm thinking of preordering these. This is Amy Bento's friend. She just taped 3 workouts with Greg Twombly (the CIA producer). They are supposed to be advanced. Apparently, Tracey is a huge Cathe fan also (like Amy).


Here are some raw clips from the actual filming that just occurred over the weekend (although I can't get them to work on my computer):

I can't believe it, but I'm actually sore from this mornings workout! I didn't think doing one exercise per body part would make me sore but I guess when you go as heavy as you can it does. I like it! LOL! My bi's and tri's are sore and its really hard for me to get my tri's sore.

Diane Sue - thats cool how you use the Pyramids. I love that series.
Thanks Lora. Those videos look pretty good. I might be interested in trying them out. She looks pretty intense. THanks for sharing those.

Deb-I am glad you got some DOMS, feels good huh?

Maeghan AKA megadoo

New pics added in July 25 2006 and Fitness album!!!!

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