Hardcore Fitness Maniacs for Sun Feb 11


Morning Maniacs -

This morning I did Cardio Coach #4 on the treadmill and just a couple sprints on the elipitcal. I also did Tae Bo Amped Live (45"). Total cardio was 1 hour and 40 minutes and I burned 647 calories. I also did Rainbeau Mars Yoga Dusk series (45").

Have great workouts everyone. I'll be back later.

I'm not as excited about my job interview (for the hospital) tomorrow, as I rec'd a letter in the mail from the hospital stating that one of the Campuses closed and that there will be "much" bumping over the next year due to job loss. Just what I needed to hear, right?? Oh well, I guess God will put me where I'm supposed to be and if that means getting back in the hospital for a while and then bumped out again, so be it. I guess I best just learn to roll with it........as it seems this is the way my life is going to go from now on.

Deb - I wasn't really into that movie yesterday. We actually left a bit early. It was sort of slow and boring.......maybe it was just me not in the mood for it.....so don't judge it by what I say. I wanted you to know that I hung from the bar for a little bit yesterday (not long cuz it hurts my hands) and I had my wedding ring on and put a big gouge in my hand! Yikes. Also, just from that little bit, I got blisters all over my hands from the bar. Ouch....it hurts....I don't know how you guys even do a pull up. Am I just super sensitive or what?

Toasty - did you end up getting a bottle of Dark Delacacies? I bought another bottle yesterday, as well. I love it. I see you changed your mind on my auction. I think I put another auction up with Banekeko in it (or however you spell it).

Janie - Don't copy me and workout on your rest day! Sometimes, I think I'd be better off listening to my body and actually taking a rest day.....but I'm hard headed....and tend to feel guilty or mental when I don't do something! I need to learn how to start taking one....especially when I'm working out as hard as I've been the last 2 weeks.
Ok, ladies. I am back and i feel like a total weanie.
I did MMax. I am not allowed much weight. Well, thank god. I almost died oin static lunges at 25#.I have alot of building back up to do.
I am allowed no chest work, so i had to skip the pushups and pull overs and dips were pulling, so i did the band twice.
Abs i put on the ankle weights and did the curled leg curls for lower abs. Can't do much more, but it is something.
I got on the treadmill for 30 min. I elevated that baby to 10 today. I stayed at 3MPH. I am not supposed to run, but it was hard. I am falling out of shape here.
I am going to try LIC cardio this week and low max. No impact for another month, but at least i have the treadmill and recumberant bike.

Lora, don't feel guilty for taking a rest day . Your body needs it.

My diet has been lousy, and i didn't do crap this week. By the time i got home from work i was whipped. Doc said as i am able to increase my activities it will get better.

Well, going to catch up.

Aka( Storm)

I had an excellent workout this morning, did Back, Biceps and Forearms and then did cardio. Needed some cardio today since I ate like crap yesterday.

Workout today was 3 sets/8-10 reps, 2 minutes rest.

Close Grip Chins: 10/8/6 (this is my best with chins so far)
Barbell Rows (overhand): 55# 1 set/10 reps; 60# 2 sets/10 reps
Dumbbell Incline Rows: 30's 1 set/10 reps; 2 sets/9 reps

Barbell Curls: 50# 1 set/9 reps; 2 sets 8 reps
Dumbbell Preacher Curls: 20's 1 set/9 reps; 2 sets/8 reps

Dumbbell Wrist Curls: 12's 3 sets/20 reps 1 minute rest

Then did Cardio Coach #2, it was 35 minutes, was in my zone for 28 minutes and burned 196 calories. I only had my HRM on for the cardio part. Travelled 2 miles.

Entire workout was 1:15 minutes.

Lora - Its hard to just hang like that, its hard on the hands and shoulders. I had to work my way up. I never got blisters, though and I never hand with rings on. Do you have anything that you can rest your elbows on and lift yourself off the ground? My power tower allows me to do that, its a little easier on the body to do it that way.

Hope you all have great workouts!
Morning Maniacs! It's raining here today, but the birds are all out and cherping. It's not very cold either, about 40 degrees. It's kinda nice.:) Looks like another cardio day for me.

Lora- I built up calluses on my hands when doing pull-ups.

Anne- You're not a wheeney! You did good on your workout. You'll be back to normal:p in no time.

Debbie-Great job on the pullups! 10's!! Whew!

Diane Sue- I haven't tried icing yet. I wasn't sure if I need ice or heat. LOL! I am taking Ibubrofen and Asprin. I'm going to go get one of those elbow staps today. That's supposed to keep the tendon tight and keep it from moving to much. I bet the sore thumb was a toughie to work around too. I hate injuries. The only good thing about them is they make us appreciate when we are healthy and strong.

http://www.thesmilies.com/smilies/sports/barbell.gif ~Dallys~

Dallys, I usually do 12 on lat raises. 5's were heavy.I have to watch the shoulder work . They work the chest some.
Little better than nothing.If i get it all back in 2 months i will be happy. I more monthe recovery and then building back up.
Wonder if i wuill be sore tomorrow.

Use the elbow strap right below on the forearm. When you work out put an ice pack on it for 2 min. I bought one with a cover and you could velcro it in a circle and i threw it on for a while . It helped.
Gonna be a while for push ups. LOL..
Didn't you use gloves for pull ups.

Deb, is that magazine any better than Oxygen lately? It is like 1/2 adds . I at least like the exerciss and recipies..

Treadmill was not as boring when you are sweating. It felt good. I just don't want to over do. If i feel a pull, i quit.

You do loose cardio capacity in a month though.

Aka( Storm)

Mornin, Maniacs,

Got up way to late today. Just ate breakfast and have to wait a couple of hours before my exercises. Will do GSL's today. Oy.

Lora, I would say if you feel enough energy to want to burn it off on a rest day, then why not.

You sound so frustrated. I think I can speak for everyone here that we want the very best for you. Think positive and be grateful for what you have and all of a sudden things will go your way. You could perhaps start out by being grateful for your education, or for all the good things you've learned/experienced or grateful for us cause we care...Anyway you get the picture.

Next time you hang around, take your rings off. Might do yoga today or tomorrow, see ya in the yoga forum as well.

Ann, It sounds like you are getting stronger, and for a person that has limitations placed on her your imagination with "What else can I do?" is admireable.

Debbie, you are my hero! My Gosh girl. (I'm very proud of you).

Dally; Have I ever told you that I was born and raised in Sunnyside WA? Enjoy your cardio today.

I'll be back to tell you how my w/o went. Oy.


The idea is to die young as late as possible.

Anne- I got my elbow strap. It has alittle gel cushion that goes right on the sore part. It's a cirle like you said. Luckily Pushups haven't bothered me. At least not while I've been doing yoga. I'll try icing and see how that goes. I still can't believe I've done this to myself. If it were and accident that would be different. I might as well have hit my elbow with a hammer. Would have been more entertaining if anything. LOL! I never wore gloves when doing pullups. I have some too! Doh!

Janie- That's cool you were raised in Sunnyside. I have that name because I like to keep-on-the-Sunnyside of life--Think Positive and happy and fun things, life is good (except when your elbow hurts, LOL!:) Have fun doing GSL's. That's a real good one! Oy!

http://www.thesmilies.com/smilies/sports/barbell.gif ~Dallys~

Hi, Janie.
Did i ever tell you you look great.

Dallys, i hated the round hickey. Bothered me.
I wish we were on the sunnyside of something right now..LOL...

I just made some awesome stir chick stir fry w/ Sechaun sauce. MMM.
No rice only veggies.

Aka( Storm)

Today is my rest day. So I slept in and went to pick up my grandson for church. He went shopping with me and then came to my house for lunch. I hope you all are enjoying your weekends.

Dallys, my dd is always telling me to to use ice to take down the inflamation. I hope it helps.

Janie, how was your workout today?

Hi Diane Sue,

I was just now going to post my workout, thanks for asking. I did Cathe's Gym Style Legs. OMG! I pretty much kept up with her, hardly any modifications, except I couldn't go deep for that long of a period, so for the rest of the time is wasn't as deep. For me, it is a rubber feeling in my legs day. It feels good, I know I did some good there.

My husband and I are getting a Smith Machine for our weight room. What attchments do you recommend? We want to do squats more than what can be done in Cathe's w/o's, cross over's for pecs, dips, and leg curls for the quads and hamstrings.

Any suggestions from you Maniacs would be worth it's weight in gold.


The idea is to die young as late as possible.

Janie, from what I have seen on the Smith machines is that some have some chin up options. You can do calves. I love my Bowflex because I can go heavier for squats and have the leg extension and curl option. I do not have the Smith machine so maybe others can be more help. I love GS legs. Lots of good moves in this series:)


I have a lat pulldown bar instead of the chin bar, but I use the lat bar for chins as well and set the weight on about 170 so I cannot pulldown, only go up. I use the barbell when I do calve raises which is better then holding heavy db's in hands as it strains my shoulders too much if I already worked them, etc. I don't use it for pecs as I prefer doing flys instead with db's. You can also lay down and use the bottom lat bar for bicep curls, but you have to go really light.

Oy Peeps!

It's been awhile! Busy busy. Yesterday we went with our friends to Colorado for lunch and today I rode (more on that later) and then came home and started a loaf of 100% whole wheat bread in my new bread machine, put turkey chili in the crock pot to cook tomorrow for tomorrow night's dinner and put together chicken casserole to cook later for tonight's dinner. Just call me Betty C. :)

I was going to ride with my girlfriends today (you know, the fast ones I wasn't going to ride with this year but we're really good friends outside of cycling so they can't help but ask) but it got REALLY windy so I think they bagged the ride. But before it got windy I decided I'd go early b/c I knew my cardio was lacking so I thought better of going with them so early in the season. So AS SOON as I leave my house the wind picks up from 8mph to hurricane force I'm pretty sure. My average speed on the way out was 8-9mph and my average on the way back was 35mph! I only rode for 55 minutes. I just couldn't do it any longer. I was cold (listened to DH on what to wear for a change instead of going with what I knew). That was my first time out since October I think.

I'm loving the use of the word Oy here today. I told the gals in my office that I think we all need to use it at least once a day. Did I tell you that? We'll see if they can do it. :)

Dallys - I'm sorry you're still having elbow (not shoulder - that was ME! :p) trouble. Don't you HATE to ice stuff? I would rather use heat any day! When I was a runner I was constantly using ice. Me and ice packs were thisclose. I hope you get some relief and heal soon. O

Debbie - Another awesome workout! OY!

Lora - Good luck on the interview. You'll land in the right place sooner or later. Keep on the sunnyside! I got calluses on my hands from pullups too, by the way.

Storm - I hear ya on the cardio. Since doing P90X I feel like I've lost a lot of my cardio capacity. Boo! You'll get it all back. You're such a hard worker. And you'll have AWESOME HOOTERS too. OY!!!

Janie - I have a Smith machine and it does everything. You can look at it on my picture trail. We got it at Sam's Club for under $500. It's awesome. You're doing so great on your workouts!

Diane Sue - I hope you enjoyed time with your grandson. :)


"Until one has loved an animal, a part of one's soul remains unawakened." - Anatole France


That looks exactly what we would like in a Smith machine. I looked on the internet, and some of them are outrages with their prices.

What are the dimensions or "foot print" of the machine? Looks like I can only fit that and the treadmill in one room, but that's OK by me. Who is the company selling it at Sam's Club?

OH! OH!, am I excited.

Thank you so much for your input! Please get back with me.


The idea is to die young as late as possible.


It's even cheaper now! Check out this link (you'll have to cut and paste):


DH is on the phone with my mom's DH trying to help him with his new computer/e-mail. He's having issues. When he hangs up we'll go measure it. There are no dimensions on the website. If that link doesn't work, go to Sam's Club and do Shop By Product then Sports & Fitness then Smith Machine Combo.


"Until one has loved an animal, a part of one's soul remains unawakened." - Anatole France

Dallys - Bummer your ride got rained out. Oy! Little does Amber know we have a long weekend with her next weekend. I'm taking Thursday, Friday and Monday off with DH so she'll be soooo happy!

Janie - Okay, here are the specs. 80" wide with the Smith bar attached, 84.5" tall and 109" front to back (this includes putting the bench "inside" with a little extra room to do leg extensions/curls). Hope that helps!

There is NO WIND right now. I just had to mention that. x(


"Until one has loved an animal, a part of one's soul remains unawakened." - Anatole France

Dally, I have a feeling we'll be getting it. I can't wait!

Suz, Ever since you told me about this machine, I was on line looking at it on Sam's Club site. WOW! That is a fantastic price!

Oh I almost forgot! Does it come with weights?

Thank you so much for the specs. I was right, there won't be much more room in our weight room for anything else except the treadmill, my climber, and the stationary bike. Who cares, there is so many exercises you can do on one machine.

I saw the word Oy, someplace on the forums, was it you that started it off? I love it. Oy, is a Yiddish word. Meaning OH Know! Expression of pain, grief, or dismay.


The idea is to die young as late as possible.


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