Hardcore Fitness Maniacs for Sat March 3


Morning Maniacs -

I'm planning on taking a rest day today. I think I'm going to do Bryan Kest's 90 min audio practice, Long, Slow & Deep.

I'll be back later. Have a great rest day or workout.
Well....I stuck to my "plan".......albeit very difficult. I only did Bryan Kest's Long, Slow & Deep.......the cover says it's 90 minutes but it was 2 hours. One of the hardest yoga practices I've ever done "mentally". Lots of long holds and it's very hard for me to slow down like that, but I felt I needed the stretch. We held a forward bend for 10 minutes straight. I've never done that before and it's a lot different than holding it for a minute or 2.

Have great days everyone. I think we're going to see Zodiac today....not sure. That's what I want to see and the DH hasn't given his opinion yet.

I'll be back later.
Good morning, today is my second rest day in a row. I have been feeling really sick and slept a lot. Yesterday the only thing I managed was some dry toast and two crackers. I am a little better today. Sitting here drinking some tea:) With all of the nausea I just can't workout. Got to go get a shower and try to look presentable when dh has his work meeting here at noon.

Lora, good for you taking a rest day. At least now you know that the Aleve was your problem not fat. A lot of medications can cause water retention.

Diane Sue - Sorry you are so sick. Get better soon. I think part of it was water and the other part fat. Maybe I've been eating slightly more than I should be! I get so hungry all of the time. Must be cuz I don't get enough protein. I was going to try to eat chicken on my salad at Chili's last week and my DH said "you don't eat chicken". I was gonna try it though.

Toasty - I forgot to remind you that Buckcherry played Jay Leno last night. I taped it. They performed their new single "Everything". It was cool.
Good Morning Maniacs!!!

Today I am working chest/back on my own. My legs were burning after I got home from my bike ride and persisted thru the night, but today they feel fine. lol

Diane Sue,

Sorry to hear you haven't been feeling well. Glad you are resting as much as possible cuz I don't think you like to stay still long. lol
Take care and hope you feel better soon.


I don't stay up that late so I would have missed that. So did you try the chicken anyways???

WHERE IS EVERYONE??? Still sleeping????

Hi ladies! Just wanted to say I have missed you all and sorry for not posting. I have done no workouts and have been feeling really bad about it. I am planning to get back on the wagon today-maybe with the "heavy" weights I so love and miss. I have been peeking in, though and taken inspiration from what you are doing!

Have a great day and talk to you soon!


P.S. Diane Sue-Hope you feel better soon! Nausea is the worst! Enjoy your tea...makes me want some!

Char-Smart taking Mace with you. I used to have some and should keep carrying it. I've had two dogs (huge Rottweilers) try to attack my dog when I was walking him and that would have come in handy. They were circling us and the owner called them off just in time. I never went in that neighborhood again.
Hey Jen Jen!

At least your working out today so give yourself a pat on the back!

Those dogs are the same dogs everytime that come out after me so I always expect it. I refuse to let dogs keep me from going where I want to go. I am not afraid to fight my way to where I want to go.

Good morning maniacal peeps!

It's 9:30 am and my house is now clean as are the bird cages and I'm getting ready to do CC#5 on the elliptical. My bike on the trainer still has a flat. DH is going to look at it and see why it keeps getting a flat. It's a new tube and a new tire. Could just be a coincidence. Or my fat tushie! :)

It's been sooooooooooo cold and windy here all week. Yesterday the windchill was minus 12 during the day and by 4pm it was minus 18. I'm so sick of it. Everyone in my office is getting to be really grumpy. I hate the wind, as you all know. I don't mind the cold but the two combined day after day after day after day just wear on you. Last year and this year have been awful. People who have lived here their whole lives say they never remeber it being THIS windy. I told DH that if it stays this way for the next 10 years when we retire we need to seriously consider moving b/c it's just no fun to live here in the winter. He agrees.

Well, am I just full of fun or what? Hehehe. :p On a happier note it's supposed to be 50 degrees tomorrow and NO WIND!!!!!! Woo hoo!!! And I donated $10 to this raffle for this man who has pancreatic cancer and no health insurance (see, I should really quit whining) and I won the raffle. It was for a Dooney and Bourke little bucket bag purse. The retail tag says $220. They're selling on Ebay for around $100-$120 so I'm selling it with a buy it now price of $90. :) It's too small for me. I have a Tommy Hilfiger purse from TJ Maxx for $25 that I love. I bet you can get that D&B purse at TJ Maxx.

I hope you all have a FABULOUS weekend!!!!


"Until one has loved an animal, a part of one's soul remains unawakened." - Anatole France

Morning Maniacs! Today is Cardio. My first try at downloading a Itread workout didn't work, but I just tried again and it worked and I ordered a different workout. I got Icycle from set 9. It's 40 min.

Lora- DH didn't presuade you to not try the chicken, did he?! You should try it. Maybe you are right and you need more protein.:) Don't know how you can concider 2hrs. of yoga a rest day! That's a tough day for me.:)

Jen Jen, Keep checking in, even if you aren't working out. It helps! I go through weeks of slacking and so-so workouts, but I'm still here to annoy everyone on a daily basis.}(

Diane Sue- Get yourself back to bed! You sound so sick. Hope you get better soon.

Char- I have the same dogs that come after me too on certain routes. I'm real good at carrying rocks and sticks. You know I'm nerdy! Oh! here comes the paranoid nerdy woman again...LET THE DOGS OUT!

Suz- I hate the combonation of Cold and wind too! We've mostly just had the cold here. But, I hear ya, on how grumpy it can make people. Can't wait to just sit in the sunshine somewhere. That's cool that you won that purse. To bad it was too small for you. Gotta have all our stuff with us at all times, ya know. LOL!

http://www.thesmilies.com/smilies/sports/barbell.gif ~Dallys~

Finished my workout. I did Icycle Set #9-40 min. I really liked it. It's different than the CC's, in that it works in more of a Pyramid on intensity, than short, high and low intervals. I really liked the music too and didn't find anything annoying. I then did Eoin Finns Y4H tradically hips practice. Total workout was 98 min.

Have a great Saterday everyone!:)

http://www.thesmilies.com/smilies/sports/barbell.gif ~Dallys~


Rocks and sticks you say??:+ :p :eek: :+ }( :p :+ Now that is funny, but it works for you? Knowing me in my nerdiness, I would miss throwing the rocks/sticks at the dog. I would..only I would. I ended up spraying some mace down my throat..that should tell you something. LOL!

So done with my chest/back

27 pushups
3 sets/8/7/5 75# BB Press
3 sets of 8 40er's# dropped to 35er's# for decline flyes
Pullovers 40# db's and 8x's (shoulder still bothering me as I went lighter)
Lat Pulldowns with 80# 3 sets/8
Lawnmowers with 35# db each side and 3 sets/10


I agree...too much winter. Would be for me.


Got my package today! Thanks so much! I was really surprised to see the others in there...that was so nice of you. Love the way they smell..gorgeous..all of them. Made my day!
>Rocks and sticks you say??:+ :p :eek: :+ }( :p :+ Now that is
>funny, but it works for you? Knowing me in my nerdiness, I
>would miss throwing the rocks/sticks at the dog. I would..only
>I would. I ended up spraying some mace down my throat..that
>should tell you something. LOL!
Hey Char- Whatever we have to do-- to keep the dogs at bay....We will do it! Nerds Unite! (Secret nerd hand shake).:+

LMAO! Sounds great! he he.


this morning, I had to tell FIL to stop calling me "Babe". I just told him that it made me feel weird..call me Dear or something and don't call me "Old Broad" either. He said "Babe is suppose to mean beautiful". So in my head..thinking...beautiful hot babe...ughhh, no! Not the image I want to give my FIL..no thank you! Gosh. Eeek. So it ended with him saying he will call me "The Misses".

He was looking at more homes today too. ALthough I thought he already found one?

Toasty - The Misses........please! sounds like the "old lady". How about calling you Charlotte.....sorry, couldn't refrain. No ...didn't get chicken. I don't think he wanted to pay for it. He's probably right cuz I would have tried to take 1 bite and gagged on it. I need to start exploring other protein options besides low fat cheese and fat free yogurt/wheats/grains/beans. Egg whites in the microwave sort of gross me out also. I'm so darn picky. I want to throw up just thinking about microwaved egg whites and chicken. (are you wearing Passion? .....I keep forgetting that I'm supposed to test those TAL's again).

Dallys - Have you ever eaten Quiona? I saw a salad in one of my fitness magazines that looked interesting. I wonder if that would be a good thing for me to try? I don't know why I've been so hungry lately. It's ridiculous and soon I'll be PMSing. I know I take a high potency vitamin (vegetarian formula, etc) and mabe that increases my appetite.....or maybe I'm just a little piggie. As I mentioned to Charlotte above.....I probably would have just gagged on the chicken if I got it. For some reason, I've never been able to chew and swallow meat without having a problem. Everything about it grosses me out. Give me fresh fruit and vegetables and wheat pasta every day and I'd be happy. The Yoga wasn't so bad.......except for the 10 minute forward bend hold. It was really hard to stay in all of the poses and not get fidgity. It took a lot of practice on my part...so I guess I needed it. It felt really good.....really got each part of your body feeling cooked and stretched and then moved to the next area. We did a different kind of hip opener also. Most of the class was done on the floor.

We did go see Zodiac. Good movie and based on a true story. It was really long and the way it ended (which, of course, was true - was very bizarre -- makes me really want to know what this guy is doing today). It's about a serial killer from that went on a killing spree thru the late 60's and 70's in California. He was never convicted ....don't want to give away too much.......so that's how I'll leave it. Good cast, Jake Gyllenhal (spelling), Robert Downey Jr, Mark Ruffalo and many more.
Char- FIL is getting strange. Hoping he doesn't have a crush. YIKES!
Maybe that's just him though. Lots of old men are flirts with the girls. Mostly harmless. They get a kick out of it.

Lora- I've tried Quiona. It kind of reminded me of Couscous, but not as good. Kinda chewy, LOL! It's definitely something you'd need to find the right recipe for, and experiment with, I think. Do you not like cottage cheese? I know Edemame (soy beans) has alot of protein and it's pretty tastey. You could put egg beaters or cottage cheese or tofu in a smoothie to disguise it. I haven't been eating alot of protein lately and I can really tell with the ole fat layer. It seems to work for me if I get more. Protein powder is also easy to sneak some protein in. I always put it in my soymilk and pour over oatmeal. Also, the grain Amaranth, has alot of protein. There is a cereal at my health food store that has it in it and it's pretty good.

http://www.thesmilies.com/smilies/sports/barbell.gif ~Dallys~

Dallys - you sound like you eat a wide variety of foods. Like I said I'm picky. I can eat cottage cheese sometimes and other times the texture grosses me out. I don't know what Couscous is....sorry. I'm too afraid to try Tofu or Soy. I guess I'm not very brave and adventurous. I have a protein drink....but every time I'm thinking of drinking it, my DH says..........that will make you gain weight! I take Amino's daily for some protein. I guess I better start reading my P90X diet program like Diane Sue suggested.
Lora- first off, quit lisening to Dh, LOL! Anyways, up above I added in Amaranth, it's alot better, to me, than quiona. Edemame is the one I recommend you try first. You can eat it cold as a snack. It is just green bean looking things and they taste buttery and nutty. Kind of addicting. I haven't always eaten such a variety. Just the last couple of years, I've been exploring and finding all kinds of good stuff. I still haven't aquired a taste for tofu, but when I've put it in a shake, I can't even tell. Couscous is pasta. It's the little teeny tiny kind. You can buy that in whole wheat. Not sure it's high in protein, but it looks like quiona when cooked.

http://www.thesmilies.com/smilies/sports/barbell.gif ~Dallys~

Hi ladies! I finally worked out tonight. Did Turbo Jam 20 min WO followed by Push/Pull. Matched Cathe's weights except on chest press I went higher (25 lbs) and on triceps dips I had 3 pounds in my lap. I used 5 lbs ankle weights for the leg lifts but did not do them with the stability ball. I love stability ball abs but can't seem to get into using it for legs much. My barbell only goes up to 40 pounds and I think I am ready to move up in weight in squats and deadlifts.

Amazing how much better I feel.....:)

Have a good night!

Toasty -
Stick to your guns and be very firm with FIL - don't tolerate any behavior you are not comfortable with. I'm glad you stood up to him and told him what you will not accept with this "pet" names thing. I have a feeling that since he's lived with you that when he gets his own place he'll still feel like he can come & go as he pleases at your place. Establish those ground rules and stick to them. I would not call this guy "harmless" - I've gotten bad vibes from this situation from the beginning. How does he act around your daughter?

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