Hardcore Fitness Maniacs for Friday November 16

Have a great workout, Lora!

Today is my rest day. I only have two more days of the rotation I'm doing and then I'm taking a little less then a week off from weights. I'll continue to do cardio a few days next week. Then I'm starting a rotation that I did last year and got great results from so I'm looking forward to that. Hopefully my wrists will get better.

Have a great day everyone!
I started my workout with Amy's Step Challenge 2 and repeated the Power ups 2 more times. I did better on combos 1-3 but 4 & 5 is going to take awhile. WHen I come back from taking the grandchildren to school I will do the Dome segment of Hi Lo Dome. I may repeat it or add something to it. BBL

Good Morning Maniacs!!!

Did BM2 ab work last night after cardio. Today working arms..grocery shopping and applying for more jobs. I hope I get some packages today.


Let me know what rotation. I might want to follow with you as I am thinking I should get on one as I have just been going on my own and I think it is harder for me to stay motivated unless I have something telling me what I am suppose to do. I guess I feel more challenged when I see I have to stick with something...same when you have a list of things to do at home, etc. cuz lately I am just not feeling as motivated. Not sure why. HELP!
This morning I did CC#7. LOVE that workout. But I seriously almost puked. I drank an entire Carnation Instant Brekkie b/c I am now taking a 6 day Medrol pak for my migraine and you have to eat first. I just got tired of it and a) didn't want to go into Thanksgiving week with it and 4) I'm working on a big project at work and I've been pretty worthless and I'm starting to worry about that. So I started it last night (took all 6 pills at once). Of course this morning I woke up feeling great. Not sure if that's coincidental - was it just going to be gone finally? Anyway, I had to cut back for about 5 minutes in challenge 1 or I would have lost my cookies - and my Medrol, which would have been a waste. Other than that my workout was great. Kept my HR around 181 for all of the hard efforts. Stayed around 170 the rest of the time.

This morning I did something HUGE at work finally, so that should get me big points. It's great not to have a headache. The other day when I woke up feeling like a million bucks, it only lasted for a few hours, so I'm really happy right now to not have a headache. We've been hiring some really awesome people lately and I can't afford to be a lackluster employee. :)

Char - You just did a P90X rotation not too terribly long ago, didn't you? Have you thought about applying at the grocery store? Just thought of it since you said you had to go. You seem so outgoing - you'd probably like it there.


"Until one has loved an animal, a part of one's soul remains unawakened." - Anatole France

I ended up doing the dome portion of Amy's Hi/Lo dome 2 times. I have so much to do. We have at least 22 people coming over tomorrow for DH work turkey dinner. I had to run to Walmart for a couple of things I am missing. Found a Golds Gym 20# weighted vest there so I bought it. Planted pansies in my back planter.

Charlotte and Lora, I got my Jai Mal soap, smooch, and whipped:) That is such a great scent.

Suz, glad you got rid of that migraine. Congrats on doing something big at work:)

Diane Sue - WOW! That's a lot of people!!! Great workout, by the way. Hopefully that reduces the stress level a bit. :) What fun - a new vest! Our weather has been so up and down lately. It's warm right now (but really windy) so flowers would be nice, but I think it's supposed to be really cold at night.

Where did you get that soap from? I looked at Lush's site. I couldn't decide. I wish I could do some of those bath bomb things. But I have to stick to soaps. Can you and Lora recommend the best soaps between the 2 sites?


"Until one has loved an animal, a part of one's soul remains unawakened." - Anatole France

Hi ladies, just checkin in to say hello. No w/o last night. DH wanted to go eat and got home from work after 7 .Hoping to do something tonite..

20 people. GULP... I don't know where i would put them..
Have a great time...
Take care all...


Soap freaks.....

I got mine too!!!! lol. Love the Jai something other and the pumpkin smash. Got my oils as well. Love them all. Now snowstorm is a bit like vicks when first applied, but it settles down very nicely to a light mint smell so it works for me. Snow White has such a lovely innocent girly smell to it..can't describe the smell anymore then that...very nice. Lick It....that one is probably the best....candy cane smell...gotta love that!!!! I got nice samples with my perfumes too...some repeats of what I already have..shows I have too many then cuz I almost have them all! lol. Then I went to this Organic/Vegan store I never went to. Bought fresh Ginkgo Biloba and the lady gave me these tea bags to put them in and I have to "iron" the end of tea bags before I put in the tea cup. Cool. We had a lovely chat on nutrition and such. A bit eccentric she was, but very nice. So I bought the tea there. Then I got some facial cleanser, REAL cream..no ADDITIVE crap CUZ I STILL DIDN'T GET MY PURITAN'S PRIDE ORDER YET IN THE MAIL which has my other creams I ordered. lol. I wanna go back to that store and get the almond hand cream. Gosh! Oh, and she has stevia there too so no more Splenda.
Then onto Wal Mart for groceries and then applied for job. Their application is very very long. Forever. Now I got to make dinner and workout after.
Hi all. Today I did Turbo Sculpt (the 50 minute one), then Totally Tubular Turbo. An easier ull body worjout that supplements the hard core weight workouts of this week. I hate to admit I like Turbo Sculpt - I am so anti cutesie instructors like Chalene Johnson - but these ab moves she does really work like noting else (all from capoeira). My abs are a screamin as I speak.

Tomorrow yoga, then off to FLA for a week. Warm air, sunshine and lots of running. can't wait.

Fit Over 40
Suz, I just bought the Lush Karma soap because I loved the scent of the Bubble bar. I also bought the Flying Fox shower gel. The place the other soaps came from was www.villainess.com The smooch I purchased is more of an exfoliating scrub. I have bought several of their soaps. They have soaps, smooch(exfoliating cream cleanser, and whipped which is a body cream). Their prices are not as high. This was only my second Lush order, but I loved the stuff so much I had to get some more:)

Charlotte, I miss the grocery store we had a couple of blocks from us that I could get Stevia from. Tastes so much better. The Akins nutriton center is really close too and would probably have it but I hate the extra stop. Grandchildren love the dehydrated strawberries and stuff for snacks. They have a pretty big grocery as well as nutritionall supplements and vitamins.

Diane Sue - Thanks! I'll have to check that one out too. You guys are getting me addicted already. :)

Charlotte - I wish we had a place like that here. No such luck. Too many cowboys. :p


"Until one has loved an animal, a part of one's soul remains unawakened." - Anatole France

Hey all you Maniacs! Today has been real busy. Went to lunch with mom and sister. Mom ordered DESSERT (d**m her)... CHOCOLATE cake with ice cream. Geez, I had to taste it, right? Now, I'm done eating for the rest of the day and that makes me mad. LOL! Oh well, girls gotta eat and suffer for it at times.:) Then I went to Bath and Body works and bought some bath gels and lotion. Couldn't wait or decide on the villianess or lush. Got my fav...Cucumber Melon.

Julie- I like Turbo Sculpt alot and I hate cheesy instructors too. Something about Charlene that makes it ok.:)

[font face="script" color=magenta size=+3]*~Dallys~*[/font]


The eccentric lady at the organic stores says Bath and Body Works is "evil" cuz it has some things in there that is bad for your skin. lol. I have lots of the stuff myself. I have pumpkin and Creme Brulee, Clean Cotton and a lime one. YUM! Sounds like you had a nice day. I had my cafe mocha while talking with dd and her (1) normal nice friend this evening. Well no one home again as usual. Gonna enjoy the rest of the evening by myself.
Diane Sue,

Been putting that one on my face. I agree, scent doesn't last long. There is one soap that scents last longer then most, and that one is BPAL's snake oil. I don't think many lotions have very strong or long lasting scents in my opinion.

My dd's friend is 29. Her birthday is close to mine so we seem to have some similiar interest. She is a scorpio too. All three of us get along really well and would like to have more time doing things with dd and her. Would be fun.

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