Hardcore Fitness Maniacs Checkin for Wednesday July 19


Good morning,

Lora, the concert must have been really good! Where are you?

Today's workout was Step Blast (3 combos) and then SJP abs and planks. I really enjoy the music from the Body Blast series and Cathe's demeanor is so fun.

Hi to everyone, hope the heat eases up soon. We had another big forest fire nearby to our town. Think it's out now. Not sure how it started as there were no thunderstorms yesterday.

Good workouts to all,

Woo ...hooo. What an evening I had. The concert was absoultely wild. We pushed our way uup front. Never been in a mosh pit before. I got pushed, pulled and fought people off of me all night. It was quite an intense workout. It was probably over 100 degrees in this small place and everyone was soaked head to toe. The band fed off the crazy crowd and rocked like there was no tomorrow. As many concerts I've been too, that was the wildest one I've ever been too. Me and my niece hung tough though. I got on the scale this morning and was 4 pounds lighter than yesterday. Something to be said for granola bars and apples for dinner and then sweating and having that kind of workout......not the best thing for me but it was fun.

I'm off to attempt P90X Chest and Triceps and Ab Ripper. My ears are still ringing last night.

I hope my pictures came out. I also ended up giving my extra 2 tickets to a lady I met on the BC Forum from Dayton who has a child with Down's Syndrome. I just met her online and met her there. She was really nice and she had a digital camera at the meet and greet and took a few pics of me.....so I might be able to post some. Gotta go. My adrenaline is still pumping from last night.
This morning I did Gym Style Legs & Shoulders. I had to double up today since I won't be working out after Friday. No cardio today.

For legs this is what I did:
BB Squats: 3 set/16 reps - 50 lbs. (last set with add on low-ends was a killer!)
Front Lunges: 2 sets/8 reps - 15's
Rear Lunges: 1 set/tons of reps - 15's
Plie Squats: 2 sets/16 reps - 30 lbs. (last set with add on low-ends, another killer!)
Leg Press w/Band: 2 sets/15 reps
Elevated Deadlifts: 1 set/10's (I can do these for some odd reason)
Hamstring Curls: 3 sets/10 reps - 35 lbs.
Slow Motion Lunges: 12's (After doing Hamstring Curls, this was really burning)
Calf Raises

Seated Overhead Press: 3 sets/10 reps - 15's
Lateral Raise: 2 sets/10 reps - 12's
Lateral Raise w/Band
Front Rais w/Band
DB Rear Flies - 2 sets/4 slow ct. 8 singles - 12's (burner!)
Rear Delt w/Band

Lora - Glad you had such a great time! Sounds like fun!

Had a great workout, I was sweating like crazy. Its finally cooler here, low humidity.

Hope you all have great workouts!
Lora, sounds like you had a fantastic time! Made me grin to read your post! So happy for you :) Think you go for your sonagram today too? Keep us posted, okay?

Debbie, what a good workout you had today too. Man, the shoulder workout reads like a killer. 12# for rear flies, wow!!! Glad your humidity is lower, makes it more comfortable.

Moving right along here........just finished P90X Chest, Shoulders and Triceps and AB Ripper X with 4# med ball and ankle weights.

I have to get ready for my doctor appt and go take my film to get develeped.

Debbie - That sounds like fun? ARe you crazy? I didn't feel like a very good Aunt putting my niece in the mosh pit, but she seemed okay....so I went with it. At least I taught her how to survive the mosh pit *smile*.

I'll be back later.
Jeanette - thats funny that you say that about my shoulder workout. I didn't think it was all that hard and wanted to add on some other stuff but ran out of time.

Lora - I'm sure your niece loved it!
Where the heck has everyone from this thread gone???

I just got back from getting the pic's and I look like an old, neurotic, dork who is NOT photogenic at all. My top didn't come across very nicely in the pics either. That being said, I think I have low self esteem also.

Stevie D's pics turned out the nicest. He was so warm and friendly and I was most at ease with him. I even took a half decent picture. He's a cutie but he's tinier than me. He's the asian one. I'm still reeling from the show last night. I can't wait for them to come back!!

I also taught my niece how to use her "female charm" to get up front at a concert. She's a bit shy, so it's always quite an experience for her to be with me. I tend to talk to total strangers and meet all sorts of people and I think she likes it cuz she's so shy and won't do that on her own, but once I start talking to people....she starts talking.

Sounds like everyone had good workouts yesterday.

Debbie - I see you got Seasun's Step. Yes, she is very cute and thin. Wish I had her belly!!

Susan - My DH didn't go to the show and neither did my niece's boyfriend. It was only Jessica and I and it's a good thing my DH didn't go, cuz he wouldn't have been able to hang in the mosh pit....we woulda been leavin'. Too rowdy for him.
Good afternoon,
This morning I did I Max 3 stopping at the stretch then 2.25 mile treadmill run then did the str., I like to get a stretch in after the treadmill for my legs, then I did GS back, shoulders, and biceps and Core Max# adding 3 sets of 15 hanging leg raises with a 10# med ball and 100 reps of oblique twists with the 10# med ball.

Lora , it sounds like you had a great time. I hope your appointment goes well this afternoon. I hope we get to see some pictures.

Debbie, I use 12# on GS for the lateral raises and the rear flys. I don't know why I feel stuck there on these. I always wonder if I am just not pushing because I use 15# on P90X. Maybe it is the angle or something. I sometimes use the GS shoulders separate from the rest of the workout except you hit shoulders some in the pullovers on the back. I kind of wanted to I kind of wanted to add a little more but my workout was taking too long.

Netta, I think I reach for the Body Blast series a lot because I like the music. It really makes a difference for me.

Charlotte, sorry your training partner skipped out. It would have been interesting to see how it went:)

Hi to everyone,
Diane Sue

Diane Sue - I had the same problem with GS Shoulders this morning, I just didn't feel it, even using 12's for lat raises and rear raises. I know I can't jump up to 15's for lat raises, however. I also wanted to add something to my shoulder work but ran out of time. Weirdly, I'm already sore there so I guess thats good. Great job on the ab work. You are a machine, lady!
okay, guess that didn't work. I don't know how to do this. I'll be back.

Okay, I can't get it to work. Does someone want to be kind enough to tell me how to copy and paste a digital picture out of an email someone sent.

If I copy and paste it in an email, it works but I can't get it to copy and paste in this space.

The doctor thinks I need surgery, but he's getting some blood work first.

Go to where the picture is on your screen.

Place the curser over the picture and "Right Click" on the mouse.

Then a box will apear, click on "Save Picture as" in that box..

Another box will open, At the top of that box is a drop down menu "SAVE IN"

Pick the location you want the picture. "IE Desktop"

Then at the bottom of the box "RT side" click "SAVE"

Good Luck........
Lora, The information my dh gave will get it on your desk top where you can e mail it. It sounds like you have that. If you want you can e mail the pics to me and dh says he will post them here for you. He says it is a lot more complicated since you recieved them through an e mail. I am not good with that myself. So sorry to hear you might have to have surgury.
Diane Sue

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