Hardcore Fitness Maniacs Checkin for Thursday 6-20-06


Morning ladies,
Guess I'll start this...

Today's workout was Timesaver #1 step only, Timesaver #2 step, Rhythmic Step combo #2, finishing with the abs and planks from Timesaver #?. Good, fun, steady state cardio. Don't think I'd ever done the abs and planks before from the Timesaver. Tonite is our ladies night bike ride. Will probably be an easy spin as I'm needing fresh legs for Saturday's century ride. Will also skip the legwork in my rotation tomorrow, will sub with a nice long yoga. Also will start hydrating well tomorrow. It's supposed to be near 100 degrees here on Saturday.

Marietta, thanks for the concern for the heat for me. I don't usually suffer like others do in the heat, but it is a factor when I'm not acclimated. I've been trying to get out during the day at work and walking in it. I ride with a Camelbak of water, bottle of sports drink and also every couple of hours take a couple Hammer Gel endurolytes (sodium, potassium, magnesium, etc.) I'll just do the best I can and make sure I'm sipping on my Camelbak often. I find when I'm riding with just bottles, I don't drink as much as it's less handy to reach down for the bottle while riding.

Suz, sorry about the headache. I hope you got your ride in this morning with your friends. I don't blame you for not wanting to do an organized ride in the wind. That wouldn't be fun (unless of course it's a tailwind, but the odds are usually against us).

Lora, please don't quit posting. I miss you already...will be thinking of you today.

Debbie, I'm loving this rotation and looking forward (so far) to what each day has. I'll skip the leg work tomorrow, subbing yoga instead. Got to have fresh legs for Saturday.

Hi to all! I'd like to write personals for yesterday's posters, but I can't seem to flip back and forth without losing what I have written now.

My Friday today (whoohoo!!!). Love that feeling when I leave work today.


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