Hardcore Fitness Maniacs Check In Sat 5-27


Morning Fitness Maniacs -

This morning I did CIA - Cardio Step Express with Gay Gasper followed by the Core Work (60 min) and then Duncan Won'gs Yogic Arts - Source Power - Energy Section (50 min) but then I added on the hip opener segment, shoulder segment, and core work. I wanted to add on the kicking segment, but I figured I better stop, as I have lots to do today.


CIA STEP REVIEW -The CIA workout was good. It starts out a bit slow but gets going about 20 min into it. It's a combo of dancy step and athletic moves. It's sort of like a mini Imax in that it has energy bursts but not quite as intense as an Imax. My HR stayed in the 150's. I could have pushed it higher, but I wanted to stay a bit lower. This was somewhat hard to follow, but I've only done it one other time. Gay is very professional and never makes any mistakes. She's almost too perfect. She has never really grown on me as an instructor.....maybe I'll warm up to her. The workout is good though and the ab work was really good and different. IT was sort of Pilates meets athletic.

SOURCE POWER REVIEW - Duncan Wong's Yogic Arts "Source Power" - WOW...all I can say is what a workout. This dude is serious about his stuff and he knows what he's doing. Obviously, he has been doing yoga and martial arts for a long time. He is even more flexible than Shiva (if that is even possible). I've never seen anything like this, nor have I ever done anything this difficult. The first person I thought of was Diana Sue. I said to myself "she would love this"! This is a blend of the ancient systems of Korean Buddhist Gung Fu, Astanga yoga and Thai bodywork. This DVD states it is an "intermediate to advanced practice". It states "take your inner warrior to the next level" under the title. They aren't kidding. Okay, maybe if I hadn't just done 60 minutes of step and core work, this may have been just a tiny bit easier (maybe not). Oh and he is obviously friends with Shiva as there is a trailer of this DVD on the beginning of her Trance Dance DVD and a quote from her on the front case.

SOURCE POWER cont - This has 2, 50 min segments on it. One is Prana and one is Energy. I chose the Energy practice with the above add on. The entire workout is 100 minutes if you do all of it. It is also chaptered, so you can add anything on. This is hard to describe, but it is more of a strengthening type of yoga. I had to modify quite a bit with both the strengthing poses (handstands, headstands, arm balances) and even some of the poses were way to deep for me. I don't know if I'll ever get to that level, but all I can say is that it felt really good trying today. He has his own spin on each yoga posture and somehow manages to go deeper into the poses than I've ever seen. I can't wait to get the beginner level DVD (from Amazon called Awakening ...and it was only $11.99). I hope it has a bit more instruction on it. I'm sure it will still be hard if this one is only intermediate to advanced.

SOURCE POWER cont - Here is an example of one of the poses (that I cannot do). He does full lotus and then binds his arms behind his back and touches his forehead to the ground. He then even goes off into side variations of this pose. The standing segment works your legs A LOT. It has a section with gluteal work and you do deep lunge pulses, etc. I liked this, but I think I will end up loving it as I practice it even more and become better at it. (one last thought on this DVD. For an example of how strengthening this felt - I think if you only did this DVD 3 times a week and cardio - you'd be exceptionally fit!! I can see why he's worked out with Madonna - she's no slouch when it comes to yoga/exercise).

Well, I better quit babbling. I know not everyone cares for yoga here , and no...I'm not the cult leader (LOL).

I'm not sure what movie we're going to yet. It all depends on what time I can be ready. I've got a lot to do this weekend.

I think I may take a rest day tomorrow since I have to work. Would Pilates plus a stretch be considered a rest day?

Have great workouts everyone and I'll be back later. I'm off to soak my shoulder in the tub. My pain is flaring pretty badly. It always gets worse right before my period and yesterday, I did some pushups on my toes to see how my shoulder could handle it. It didn't like it...which is frustrating cuz I'm strong enough to do them, but it aggravates my injury (specifically the deep intrascapular pain on my left side from my disc bulge).
Sabrina - Nicole -- ARe you ladies out there? I have free videos up for grabs that nobody wants. I figured one of you might want them.
Good Morning Maniacs!!!

Getting ready for work here. Short day. Last night finished my lower body workouts at 9pm. I was really ready to workout after a long day at work and I felt so much better then the day before. Today I will work chest/back and abs. Tonight is DD prom. I will take pictures.

Good Morning,
I am off to do a total body circuit workout and some abs. Then I have a birthday party to go to. My granddaughter is 6. My grandsons 6th birthday is Monday, but we already celebrated his because he is off to Disney World for his birthday. Yesterday I bought the grandchildren that Twister Moves game. They were dancing away on there pads. It looked like a good way to get them moving.

Lora, that yoga workout sounds interesting. I want to be flexible like that. As far as the videos you are wanting to get rid of I used to have the Great Body ones. I sold all of my video tapes on E bay several years ago except 3 of the Firms I couldn't bring myself to sell but also never use. I am spoiled by dvd's.

Hope everyone is having a great Memorial weekend.
Diane Sue
This morning I decided to go with the Pure Strength series even though I don't care for it that much. I did Chest & Tri's this morning. Cathe only does 2 sets of each exercise in most cases in this workout so I added a on 3rd set and went heavy. My chest got a great workout. I used 50 lbs. for the barbell chest press and that seemed light for me. I used my 30 lbs. dumbbells for the incline presses and 25's for the flies. She does this superset exercise where you do a flie and then two presses and she does this 9 times. I used 20's on the first set but did 10 reps and dropped to 15's for the 2nd set that I added on. My chest is still flaming so I'm happy with that.

Tri's, on the other hand, don't feel worked that much. This workout is so short. I did three sets for each of these exercises as well and went heavy. Mostly used 12's for each extension exercise and I used a 35 lbs. barbell in my lap for the dips. I actually worked to failure on this one with the last set. She does 24 reps and I think I made 22.

Anyways, too short of a workout for my taste, but not bad when you add sets to it. I wish Cathe would say what weights she is using.

Lora - did anyone ever send you the breakdown of Extended Low Max? If not, let me know, I'll send it to you.

Hope you all have great workouts!
I just finished my chest/back workout: 3 sets of lat pulldowns with 80#, 76 pushups in sets of 15, a few in sets of 10, 3 sets of double arm row with 20# and benched 70# in 3 sets of 5 this time....darn it! I will do abs this evening. Just took my dd's picture of her in her prom dress. I will post later as I got to get ready to go to the highschool and watch dd parade across the stage and see about prom pictures, etc. DH and son are in the garden clearing out the rock and then will put in the plants tomorrow. I am so glad I am not at work right now. Wasn't a good day, that is all I will say about it.

Good afternoon!

Wish I could report on the bike ride, but it never happened for me. Here's the story: DH and I left yesterday before 6 p.m., towed the trailer out to the woods, set up camp, etc. It started raining a little, then later it turned to snow. And kept snowing. We'd heard the prediction but not that it would be that much. Anyway, when the alarm went off this morning, there was about 4" of snow where we were and I knew I'd have to climb higher on a skinny mtn. road to get to the highway. I just assumed it would not be good where the bike ride was, so I didn't go. We also had problems with our refrigerator in the trailer so we loaded the food and stuff in the truck and jeep and we headed home. We left the trailer cuz we didn't think we'd be able to get it out. What a fiasco! The weather is already better now and should be warming up later so DH will go out and retrieve the trailer. We locked it up and didn't leave anything valuable in it. So that's the scoop.

Will work out with DH tonite. Have some housecleaning to do today.

Lora, thanks for the reviews. I'm not that flexible in yoga, but working on it. With Eoin Finn's PY4H, I can do level 1 or 2 moves. Enjoy your movie today. Hope your shoulders start feeling better.

Charlotte, I'm looking forward to seeing the prom pictures. Bet the garden/yard is starting to look nicer.

Diane Sue, I'm not familiar with the Twister Move game. We used to like to play Twister when we were kids. Left foot blue, right hand yellow... We'd get to laughing so hard.

Debbie, wow, the weights you use are pretty good. All you ladies are really strong! I'm getting better but it'll be a good long time before I'm hoisting weight like you all do!

Must go vacuum now, sigh. Glad to be home to a warm house.

Charlotte - EXCELLENT workout! Wow, you go girl! I wish I had a weight bench, I know I could bench more than 50 lbs. but I have a hard time getting that weight over me when using the step as a bench. I have access to getting a weight bench but I have no clue where I would put it. Darnit!!! Back in my late 20's I was up to a 90 lbs. bench and could do three sets of 8. I really miss lifting that heavy. :(
Good evening,
We went to my granddaughter's birthday party. THey had a cookout and my temporary crown came out. I could not get hold of anyone in my dental office so found one to go to. THey could not help so I ended up at the drugstore finding some cement to put it in myself. Now I have to wait till Tues. to talk to my office:( I got in a good circuit workout. I did the HC Extreme Circuit workout stopping at the stretch, I followed with Low Max#3 off of the HiLow HC Ex. Then I put in High Step Challenge and started at cardio#4 on cardio#5 I did the Calves and Hover squats as I had already done the shoulder work. I stopped at the Stretch and did 75 wood chops on the stability ball and 50 hanging leg raises then finished with HSch stretch.

Charlotte, sounds like work wasn't so good. You got a great workout in anyway. SOmething to feel good about.

Netta, I am sorry you did not get to go through with your plans. Us having a fifth wheel trailer, I was wondering how you got out of there. Maybe they will do it again later. I am sure you were working hard for this. That would be such a great disappoinment.

Tomorrow, I plan to have a rest day. Unless I do a stretch or easy yoga workout.

Diane Sue
Hi Diane Sue,
Thanks for the kind word on the missed bike ride. I talked to my riding partner and she did 80 miles of it. Said there was just snow by the road, none on it and the weather was better there than where we were. I'm so happy that she did most of it. We've all been riding regularly, but not putting in the long miles due to time constraints and a long winter so 100 miles would be a stretch for both of us. The most I've done this year is 57 miles in one stretch (last weekend). The next organized century ride is June 24th. Hopefully, the weather will be better for that one and I'll be more prepared. It's all good.

Re: the trailer, hopefully in the next couple of days DH can go back up there along with another truck and get the trailer out. It's just in an awkward place that you have to go uphill to get out of there and with the snow and slicker conditions, he didn't want to try it. We have some nicer weather coming this week so know he'll get it out. Good think it wasn't the Donner party. We had no trouble getting our vehicles out as they are both 4WD, but the trailer (a bumper pull) would have made it trickier for sure. It's in a pretty isolated area so hopefully no one will vandalize it. I hope your patch job holds until you can get back in to the dentist.

I lost a temporary crown once while I was taking a riding lesson. Was just cantering around and it flew out of my mouth. Of course, it was a front tooth and I didn't want anyone to see the "stub". We searched for the temp but didn't find it.

Just got done working with DH on the Bowflex/free weights and stability ball. Put on some John Berry music, the fan and water. It's fun working out with him. He sure grunts and groans, though, when he gets a burn going. You'd think I was torturing him }(

Hoping to do a bike ride tomorrow if the weather cooperates. May do my Cardio Coach #3 as I figured out what was wrong the other night on my mp3 player. Pilot error, of course.

Charlotte, hope work goes better for you next week.

Netta sometimes figuring out the downloads and mp3's can take some time. I have done that before. I love Cardio Coach with my treadmill. I am glad my temporary filling did not go flying. It sounds like you are enjoying your workouts with your husband. Keep it up.
Diane Sue

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