Hardcore Fitness Maniacs Check In for Tues June 13


Morning Fit Ladies -

This morning, I was severely depressed and didn't want to get out of bed, let alone work out. When I did get up, I wasn't feeling that well, as my pain is flaring....must be due to TTOTM again! I planned on doing CIA Criss Cross Cardio (kickbox intervals). Once I started, I really got into it and enjoyed it. I was punching and kicking like a maniac....and it felt good. I really love that one combo where you jump back and then jump kick....jab, jab, jab & cross jab to the throat! She also puts all of the combos together in the end and it gets sort of hard to follow....but I'll get it after I do it a few more times. I guess it's just what the doctor ordered! However, about 30 minutes into it...I was spent and had to slow down a bit. I also modified the flying jacks on my rebounder due to my sciatica that's flaring.

I really want to start a Cathe rotation, but I think I figured out what keeps me from doing it. I really REALLY enjoy my midweek Power Yoga and 30 minutes of cardio I've been doing midweek (Wednesdays). I guess I could try to fit the yoga in on Tuesday evenings....but that's not always possible as I get too busy to do it. I don't know what to do!

Marietta - did you see my question from last night about the Bosu Blast workout? Can you run on top of it yet? That's hard to balance, huh?

So Toasty's on vacation, huh? Where did she go? It's not the same around here without her.

Debbie - what rotation have you decided to do? Are you trying to lose weight?

What happened to Sabrina? She hasn't been around for a long time.

Have great workouts everyone. I'll try to check in from work, but may not be able to. The evening supervisor saw me online last week and told my boss. She comes in at 4:00 pm and I went online at 4:20 one day and she told on me! So, I have to be really careful.
Good Morning,
Today I am doing Cardio, Abs, & Yoga. I am not sure what cardo though. I would like to run on the treadmill so I can preview my new Jari Love Slim & Lean dvd. I have had problems with really sore tight hamstrings everytime I do the treadmill unless I do yoga and lots of stretching afterward. I didn't have time yesterday so now they are tight.

Lora, I did not see Criss Cross Cardio or The CIA Total Body one you mentioned yesterday in Collage. Are they on the CIA website? I am getting a huge list of what I would like to have. Now I need to break it down:) You can do whatever you want even with a Cathe rotation. Just do the yoga and cardio combo on a cardio day or change the rotation around to suit your needs. Those hormones can really get you. You can work through it though. We all have to at some point.

Suz, enjoy your ride this morning. Windy again, huh? With the heat we have had the wind we usually have here is a welcome relief.

Marietta, did you get your dd packed. My children used to go spend several weeks during the summer with their grandparents. THey had a lot of fun. I enjoyed the first day or two and then I wanted them back:)

Nicole, enjoy your time with your parents.

Hi to everyone,
Diane Sue

Good morning,

Today was Pyramid and Muscle Max biceps and triceps and abs from MM. Toasty feeling in my arms right now. Have a bike time trial tonite if it's not too windy.

DH and I took the trailer last night to the woods and had a very nice dinner with friends at a restaurant at Lake Almanor. I had halibut that was delish! Also had a couple cups of coffee afterwards but was pleased it didn't interfere with any sleep. Guess I was tired from Sunday's bike ride.

Lora, I will miss my yoga also but will try to slide it in somewhere. Hope your pain eases today and your boss doesn't make an issue of the internet thing.

Diane Sue, my hamstrings get tight too. The yoga helps a lot. Enjoy your workout today. How did the dentist appointment go?

Suz, hope your ride is fun and satisfying for you. I'll pray to the wind gods that they take a break this morning.

Must go now,

This morning I did Step Blast, had a great workout. I have to say, I am getting really sick of my step workouts. I definitely need something different. I was in my zone for 45 minutes and burned 335 calories.

Lora - glad you ended up having a great workout and kudos to you for getting up and getting it done even though you didn't feel like it!

Diane Sue - my hamstrings are tight all the time. I have to do yoga or streching several times a week to keep it loose, its such a pain!

Hope you all have great workouts!
Diana Sue - Criss Cross Cardio is only available thru the CIA website ...I think. CIAvideo.com (??) The cardio one is called Double Cardio. Collage has it. I hear ya about tight muscles without yoga.....the older you get, the more you need to stretch!!

Thanks for all the Birthday wishes yesterday :) I had a nice day. Today I am doinf PUB and the Bonus butt workout and then a treadmill run. Too hot for me outside to run.95 today they say. I am sick of the heat already and it is only June :)

Nicole-I love your new signature. Have fun with your parents.
Lora-I think you are putting to much pressure on yourself thinking you have to do a rotation. Maybe that is adding to your depression. Just do what you feel like doing and cathe will be waiting on your shelves when you are ready. As long as you're working out is the important thing.
Diane Sue-Is DH feeling OK now?
Netta-Your evening sounded fun. Always nice to hang with friends.
Debbie-I see you are not liking the weight workout you were doing. what is the new plan?
Marietta-Enjoy some mom free time :)
Dallas-Any trips planned this summer?
Suz-My gosh you get a lot of wind!
Susan-How is work going?

Hello to anyone I missed,

Terri - you are right........I always put too much pressure on myself for everything! thanks

My DH just called me to tell me we have to go to a Father's Day picnic on Sunday. His father is not even alive (nor is mine). I'm really bummed...cuz I was really looking forward to my weekend (to myself - sorry if I sound selfish). Plus - his family is obese and they always have all kinds of fattening foods and with my current state of depression, I REALLY don't need to be around that. It's not easy for me to turn the sweets down or potato chips. I never buy junk food in my house...but if I'm exposed to it, I want it. With my personality, I'm not real good with not using food for comfort. ;(
This is something I REALLY don't like about myself...but it's how I am. Thanks for listening!
Terri - HAPPY BIRTHDAY! I missed that it was your birthday. My new plan is going back to Gym Style and adding some of my own things. You can't beat Cathe's weight training workouts so I think I'll just stick with them. I honestly don't think my problem is my training, I think its my diet. I have changed things around with the help of someone from a bodybuilding forum I belong to. Hopefully this will do the trick.
Hello Maniacs!!

This morning I ran a few miles on my treadmill and did Cathe's BBW. I woke up a little later then I wanted, but I still managed to get the workout done. I'll probably do chest or back at lunch.

Lora - Sorry you are feeling so badly...why do you think you are so depressed? When I say the workout was interesting, I meant it in a good way. At first, I was having a hard time staying on top of that darn BOSU, but I put a little more air it in and it was a lot better and I was able to run on it. I was determined I was gonna run on that thing!! I did feel it in my core...I'm glad I got it. Thanks for the recommendation. Terri's advice is right...stop putting so much pressure on yourself. As for the picnic....don't go there with a defeated attitude...you know what you are up against so go prepared for the fight. If you know that they won't have foods that are good for you, then take your own, that way you won't have to eat what you don't need to be eating...If you believe that the day won't be so bad, then most likely things will turn out okay and you don't have to mad at yourself at the end of the day.

Diane Sue - I know I'm gonna miss my baby...she is so outgoing that I know she will have a great time...this if her favorite aunt/cousin that she's visiting. I still have my oldest here and she will keep me in line...

Netta - Awesome workout today....sounds like you and you dh had great night...sounds fun.

Debbie - Glad you were able to redeem yourself from yesterday's workout. Hope you can find some workouts that you like...do you like hi/lo? Interested in hearing about the changes you are making and if it does/does not work for you.

Terri - Glad you had a great birthday....you certainly deserve it. I'm not mom-free as my older daughter is still around to drive me crazy!!

I gotta get to work...Hi to all that follow!!

I'll be back...

Good afternoon,
This morning I previewed the Get Ripped Slim & Lean I see what everyone means about the pauses in between. Lora, can you skip to the next exercise sequence? I ran on the treadmill (no hills) for 5.25 miles, then I did the abs from the Jari Love dvd (short and nothing special) then 3sets of 15 barbell roll outs, 25 hanging leg raises, and 50 Bowflex resisted crunches, then I did the abs from Keli Roberts step it strong with some weight added to it, I finished off with Yoga Shatki Warrior 1-4, Core which is longer than the booklet says, Supine poses and inversions, this took 40 minutes. The yoga really made my hamstrings feel good.

Jeanette, it sounds like you had a nice evening. My dentist appointment went ok. No root canal. I have to go back the 27th though to get the crown finished.

I have to run an errand for dh so will check back later and see how everyone is doing.
Diane Sue
Hello Maniacs!

I'm late getting on here, our company has merged with another and I have to gather payroll info/lease info...so I've been staying pretty busy, as I want to get it all done, in case they think of something else they need.
Okay yesterday I pretty much worked from home until my air was fixed. They did fix it, and we have air now, and today in the Carolinas it's a nice 60 something temp, but cloudy. We've got rain and it was much needed, so that's a good thing! Yesterday at lunch I did Kickmax the premix 48 min one. I'm feeling it today, I can't believe it. I knew I was working hard but not that hard. :) This afternoon I might go to the YMCA (they teach BOSU classes) I'm gonna try that one sometime, since I here a lot about it here, I'll probably do weight work. :)

Lora - Sorry you are depressed, but glad that you made yourself get up and workout. Good that you felt better doing that. Your w/o sounds great and fun!

Diane Sue - Have a nice w/o whatever you decide to do! How's DH doing?

Netta - Love the w/o you did! I hope it's not too windy for the bike ride and enjoy!!! Sounds like you had a great time with your friends!

Debbie - I'm getting tired of Step w/o's too, so I know what you mean. Hope you find something that works for you!

Terri - Glad to hear you had a great day yesterday! 95 degrees!Yesterday it was about that hot here, and today it's in the 60's and rainy. It's all good though, we needed the rain. :)

Marietta - Good w/o! You're gonna miss your dd aren't ya? ;-) Hope you have a good w/o at lunch! I need to do some walking lunges again, I just may incorporate some of those tonight.

Suz - How was your bike ride??? Sounds like you're doing really good with that!!!
Diane Sue - Wow! That looks tough. I bet I couldn't do it because of the problems I have with my low back. Thanks for the link, I can't believe you did these with 35#!
Hello ladies!

I have tried to post a million times today but keep getting interrupted.

Well this morning my friend couldn't ride, as she suffered a pretty bad asthma attack last night on her ride and hasn't recovered fully. That was good for me though b/c I really wanted to do the hill time trial route that everyone did last night. It was great. I wondered if my legs would be tired after Saturday's ride and yesterday's Muscle Endurance, but they were fine. Today at lunch one of my fast friends said that I am just as fast as her and another gal we ride with. Awww...how sweet. I don't think so, but how nice of her to say. :)

Sounds like you are all getting in some great workouts. I had a weight day planned for tomorrow (probably Power Hour) but now 2 friends want to ride at 6am, so I guess that's my workout for tomorrow. I suppose I could do a weight workout tomorrow night, but if you know me, you know that if it doesn't get done in the morning it doesn't get done (unless it's a planned evening ride with friends).

Diane Sue - I'm so happy you don't need a root canal!

Netta - good luck on your time trial. I hope you don't have the wind.

Debbie - I don't have SB, but it looks like a fun workout from Fit TV. Is it good?

Terri - glad you had a nice birthday.

Sandy - I hope you have fun at the Y. Let us know how you like it.

Later gators!


"Until one has loved an animal, a part of one's soul remains unawakened." - Anatole France

Suz - Step Blast if my most favorite Cathe step workout. I love it.

This evening I did the stretch workout from Yoga Focus with Karen Voight. Love this stretch workouts, its about a half hour and she does some majorly deep stretches and holds them for a long time. I feel so relaxed now.

Have a great evening!
Incoming lurker............

Diane Sue, very cool exercise. Thanks for posting that link-I am going to start incorporating that move in my workouts.

:D :D Always enjoy reading this thread ladies. :D :D

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