Hardcore Fitness Maniacs Check In for Sunday April 30


Morning Fitness Maniacs -

This morning I did Mindy's Kick Butt Bootcamp Med Ball segment and step segment (60 min) with warm up and cool down followed by Yoga Now with Rodney Yee (50 min).

Wow ...Mindy's Bootcamp was pretty tough. They used a 4# med ball and I used my 5 and 6 pounder. This was quite a bit of impact for me. I may modify a bit on the rebounder next time I do it. It was fun and unique and had a functional fitness feel to it. I'm warming up to Mindy a bit. It ended with a strength segment for abs with the med ball and lots of pushups.

I have been doing pushups and tricep dips the last few days. We'll see how my shoulders handle it. I'm having trigger point injections at the doctor on Wednesday, so I figure I may as well spasm the heck out of it now! Just kidding...but oh well.

I hate doctors. I went to the eye doctor on Friday cuz I've been having a problem with my one eye and he told me I have corneal abrasions and I have to use these drops and I'm not allowed to wear my contacts for a week. I don't know how the heck I'm supposed to see to put my makeup on tomorrow for work. I'm blind without my glasses/contacts. Of course, I have to go back to him this week also! and it's back to work so I'm getting extremely mental right about now. I'm PMSing also so it's gonna be bad tonight and I probably won't sleep. Oh well, I'm off to enjoy my last day of freedom.

Thanks for listening.........I'm babbling.

I'm off to soak my weary body. I'll check back later.

Have great workouts.
Good Morning,
I am off to do a 3 mile treadmill run and Power Half Hour ab burner. I may do the yoga portion of Cardio X as well for some stretching. Then I am off to church and the arts festival. Two weeks and dh will be home. I can am so excited!!

Lora, I only have one of Mindy's workouts and that is Awesome strength. I gained a lot from it but injured my shoulder so have let it sit for a long time. I liked the ab work on that one. I always hated when I had to leave out my contacts. I had to use a magnifying mirror to do my make up. I had the laser eye surgury so no longer have that problem. I am going to be having more when they think everything is stable so they can correct the stigmatism a little more.

Hi to everyone
Diane Sue
Diana Sue - I just bought Awesome STrength with my CIA orders. I got the VHS tape for $4. They were having a sale. I may do it later this week. I'll have to be careful with shoulders. I usually have to modify most shoulder workouts, cuz I'm not allowed to do any movements over the head. I mainly stick to lateral raises and front raises, as well as bent over laterals. My eyes can't be fixed with laser surgery. My main problem is that I can't focus and I have a lazy right eye and I'm farsighted. I think they can fix one of the problems, but I'd still have to wear glasses, so what's the point? Your DH comes home in 2 weeks ...WOW ...how exciting!

Charlotte- what's up? Did you find out what day you start work? I bet you're out shopping for dress clothes! Good Luck!! Have fun...yea right!!

Terri - I'll let you know how the airplane movie is. We're going at 12:30. My DH doesn't want to see it, but I do.

Hi to everyone!
Happy SUnday ladies,

Today I am going to go see dad for a bit after my workouts. I also want to finish reading Burn the fatfeed the muscle. I could have this done by now if I could make myself sit still and if life weren't so darn busy:) I am just doing my "own thing" until I see what rotation cathe puts out for May. I will decidethem what my ne=t rotation will be. What are all of you doing for May? Lora, I know you are undecided :)

Diane Sue-I bet you are counting down the dyas until DH comes home.
Lora-Yes I will be anxious to hear about the movie.

Hello to all who follow! I am going to go run at the park.

Hi ladies! Had another killer workout this morning, I did The Viper. I've never done this workout before, I really enjoyed it. Three of Cathe's very best workouts mixed together. I loved it! I was in my zone for 56 minutes and burned 389 calories.

Lora, I hate doctors as well. Bummer about your eye, I can relate. I'm totally blind (almost legally) without my contacts or glasses and they seem to get worse each year. Its scary. I hope it heals fast. Do you know how it got scratched that bad?
Good morning Ladies!

I'm going for a hike with DH today. A short one - 6 miles - because we slept much later than we usually do.

Lora - How are the push ups and dips feeling?! That's great you can do those again. Good luck with your eye. I hate wearing my glasses all the time! I hope it heals soon - that is scary!

Diane Sue - my DH got back from a 5 day trip to London and I was excited to see him, I cannot imagine how you must be feeling! I'm so happy that he's coming home! Two more weeks!

Debbie - Viper and Gauntlet are two of my favorite workouts (and two of the ones I miss most doing the P90X rotation). Yes, I agree, it's a really good one! I'm glad you enjoyed it.
Not Debbie here- but I think the Viper is 75 minutes long. It is one of my fave's...although I haven't done it for a while..

Christine - thanks for asking about how I'm feeling from the dips and pushups. It's really too soon to tell. I usually get the most severe pain 2 days afterwards. I always have spasms in my traps and upper back, so it's just a matter of how severe they get and how bad my pain is going to get from hormones this week. PMS (believe it or not) makes your pain flare badly when you have problems due to the hormones. It also makes my migraines get severe and my asthma worsens. I'm just a real mess, aren't I. So far....though -- I've been slowly doing just a bit more in yoga, as far as downdogs and chatarangas and I think I'm getting myself a bit used to them. I've ony done about 20 pushups here and there over the last week. Today I did about twice that....so we'll see. My doctor tells me I may never be able to do them.....but I'm trying to heal myself thru yoga since it's supposed to be so healing.

The doctor has no idea how my corneas got abraded. The only think I can think of is that my one eye has been watering something fierce and getting a scab on the inner corner and I've been sticking a tissue in the corner to dry it. We think I may have scratched them with tissues. I'm very sensitive like that.

The movie was very VERY emotional. I cried. It brought back a lot of memories. That was such a horrible day! The movie theater was pretty crowded for a matinee.

I'm sooooooooo depressed. Hate to complain...but it helps me to verbalize it. I guess I should be glad I have a job to go to with the way things are where I work right now. Every day I have a job is a good day! Still, it's hard to return from a nice vacation.

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