Hardcore Fitness Maniacs Check In for Sat June 10


Morning Maniacs -

This morning....I'm late checking in. I overslept ....until 3:45 am. I didn't hear my alarm go off. I did Seasun's Straight Up Step (40 min w/ w/u & c/d) and Winsor Pilates Advanced Body Slimming (20 min), Cathe's Total Body Stretch on the Ball and Yoga Shakti 55 min. For Shakti, I did
Rhythmic Vinasa, Dancing Warrior 4, Standing Poses, Backbend Prep, Backbends, Supine Poses, Forward Bends & Twisting, Inversions and Shavasana. It equaled about 55 min. I just love those forward bends and twists. One day I'm gonna get my leg up over my head. I can get it right to my head now...but I can't quite go to the top and over. I even got my hips open enough to do double pigeon for a few minutes. Gomalgosana (spelling?) is REALLY hard for me to do. My hips are very tight. Must be from that bad day I had yesterday.

Diana Sue - After thinking about it, here are my picks for advanced aerobics. These are my recent favorites and then some I just picked for intensity. For intensity purposes, I think Kelly Coffey's Ready, Step, Go and Amy Bento's Advanced Step are good ones. I tend to like Kelly's a bit better because it's a little easier for me to follow. Neither one are very dancy, but more athletic step. O

f course, first on my list is Seasun Zieger's Straight Up Step (available on her website). This is the most fun and after testing it today, I'd say, as long as you hop the knee ups, etc., it's pretty intense. I put a bit of propulsion into all of my moves today and had to slow down a bit cuz I was getting naseous. My HR was between 145-159 which is pretty good for me, as the highest I usually go with an interval is around 65.

The other one I'd recommend...although it's a circuit workout with weights (but I checked today and it does have a cardio only option which includes abs (I think) and comes in at 54 min just for the cardio with w/u & c/d. The entire circuit with weights/cardio is 75 minutes and is taught by Sharon-Twombly (Greg Twombly - CIA's...wife). It is one of the new CIA DVDs and it's called Double Cardio. It also has a 70 min Bosu aerobic workout with Seasun on it and one person does this workout on a 10" step, so you don't really need a Bosu....although I think it's slightly more fun on the Bosu cuz it's bouncier on the Bosu. When Greg first posted about this workout....he said it would be harder than Cathe! I don't think it's harder, but I think it's equally tough as Cathe.

For a Kickbox/Hi Lo DVD, I'd recommend the new CIA...Criss-Cross Cardio with Sheri Jacquelyn. I liked this, but I did read that some at VF said her cueing wasn't the best. I'm not very particular like that and I really liked her and the workout (as you can tell ....the new CIA's are probably the best aerobics I rec'd recently).

Also, Cardio Intervals (P90 Masters Fame). This is 55 min of Athletic Cardio INtervals ala Tony. I love doing this one to my own music. It's simply to follow and effective. (Think aerobic moves from Plyo X plus other Tony exclusives ....Skiing...Tires on Fire....Groucho in a Hurry...etc).

Lastly, the other 2 step workouts I've been enjoying are Gay Gasper's Cardio Step Express (like a mini Imax) and it has a lot of Cathe like mambo's ...cha cha's...etc.

Also....the other REALLY complex (but fun) DVD that I'm still trying to get the coreography on is Pam Cosmi's Steppin' Rhythm. She throws in some regular athlettic aerobic drills to raise the HR once in a while cuz the step part is very dancy. I've been meaning to try this one and Seasun's on a 10" step to see what it does for the HR. Once I get this (if ever), it will be really fun cuz I like the syncopated moves in it. (ETA - most of these are available on Collage so you can review them there -as far as Seasun's, I can't remember if her website has a preview option or not...but you'd have to just trust me that this is super fun - you can also search on VF to see what everyone else says about this. Majority of people LOVE it...so I don't think you can go wrong).

Okay........off to soak in the tub. Geez....that was long...maybe I should have PM'd it to you.

I'm not sure what we're going to see today.

I'll be back later.
Now how on earth is it that I'm the second one posting here today? I had planned on riding with our cycling club for 40 miles, but it's really windy (I know you're all surprised) and it's hard enough for me to keep up with those fast crazies when it's not windy. So I'm debating on whether or not to go with them or to do a 40 miler on my own. The great debate! They go at 9am and it's 7 right now.

Lora - so you get up at the same time even on the weekends? You're crazy girl! How many hours a day do you average working out? I do try to sleep in on the weekends, but usually can't do it. Lately 4:30 am is the magic time since it starts getting light and one of my dogs jumps up at 4:30 every morning to go on her gopher hunt. When it's not summer, she'll sleep in. But we have lots of them around here and there are tons of holes in our backyard and she checks every single one of them throughout the day. We have prairie grass, so from a distance you can't see the holes, but what a pain!

I hope everyone has great workouts and rest days today. I'll probably check in after my ride - be it with the group or solo (well, me and my MP3). I was kind of looking forward to a solo ride since I haven't been out alone in quite some time since everyone always wants to ride lately. So maybe that wouldn't be so bad. I just like the push of other people to help get me faster.

Off to get bagels...


"Until one has loved an animal, a part of one's soul remains unawakened." - Anatole France

Good morning,
I want to thank all of you for your wishes for dh recovery. He goes back to the doctor Monday and they may x ray his foot. I am so glad he is a diehard helmet wearer. His helmet has scrapes and gouges over the side and face parts of it. I have ridden with him for years. He is very safety conscious. This morning I will do cardio, Abs and Yoga and stretching. I have to make birthday cake this afternoon for ds birthday tomorrow. I will try and check back later.

Lora thank you so much for the recommendations. That is exactly what I wanted. Also thanks for the links. Is Seasun's Straight up Step easier choreography than Rock Steady. I have hung onto RS for because it looks like it could be fun if I ever got all of it. I hate feeling like I didn't get much of a workout trying to get the steps. I think if I ever got it I could do her others. I add propulsions and jumps to most of my workouts as well. How is the music on these workouts. Any with good music? I don't put in my own. I like the music on the Turbo's and Body Blast and GS series.

Hi to everyone,
Diane Sue
So did you all hear me scream this morning? I gained another pound. I don't get this, but the good thing is I'm not gaining body fat. I can still see definition in my abs and upper body. So I'm thinking its muscle but its still so discouraging to see that scale keep going up. I'm still in my size 4 jeans so thats a good thing too.

I'm changing things up again. Not sure why I keep doing this. I've been reading a lot of forums lately so I thought I'd try this approach for a while. Its doing upper body twice a week, lower body twice a week and cardio. I just have to figure out how much cardio I should do.

I hope you all don't mind me not doing videos for a while. I'm going freestyle for a while to see what happens. If you don't want to read my breakdowns, just delete.

Push ups - 20/15/10
Dumbbell Press - 8/10/8 - 30's
Dumbbell Flies - 8/10/8 - 25's

Pull Ups - 5/4/3 - I'm up from last week!!!
Barbell Rows - 10/10/10 - 45 lbs.
Pull Overs - 8/10/8 - 30 lbs.

Dumbbell Overhead Press - 10/10/10 - 15's (this was easy!)
Front Raises - 10/10/10 - 8's
Lateral Raises - 10/8/10 - 12's

Barbell Curls: 10/8/10 - 40 lbs.
Alternate Dumbbell Curls w/twist - 10/8/10 - 15's

Lying Extensions - 8/10/8 - 35 lbs.
Kickbacks - 10/10/10 - 8's
Dips - 10/12/10 - 35 lbs. in my lap

Sit Ups on decline bench w/5 lbs. - 20/20
Oblique Twists - 20/20 - 5 lbs.
Side to Side Oblique Twists - 60 - 5 lbs.
Reverse Crunch w/feet in the air wearing 3 lbs ankle weights on both ankles - 20/20/20
Crunchs - 20/20/20 - 5 lbs. behind my head

Hope I feel this tomorrow!

Jeanette - you fell asleep doing yoga? OMG! I LMAO when I read that, talk about relaxing!

Have great workouts everyone!
Suz - yes, I try to get up about the same time...or no more than 1 hour over. Due to my insomnia, this is the best schedule to keep (per the experts). I need to start getting to bed earlier during the week. I've been getting in bed at 10:00 pm and getting up at 2:30 ....not good. I usually like to go to bed at 8:30 or 9:00 but I've been busy lately. I usually work out 7 days a week. I'm thinking I might start taking a rest day once a week (or once a month) and just stretch and do restorative yoga. I can't seem to lose this weight though....so I don't ever rest....when I know maybe I need it. Working out helps tremendously with my mental state....thus I keep pushing. I always say I'm gonna take a rest day cuz I feel spent at the end of the day and then after I sleep, I always wake up feeling "rarin' to go"....LOL.

Diana Sue - Yes, when I was getting in the tub, I realized I forgot to mention the music. The music on P90 Masters is nothing spectacular...similar to P90X instrumental sort of guitar stuff....but you can listen to whatever with this one. The CIA's....I actually sort of like the music on. It's not outstanding like Cathe's, but it doesn't grate on my nerves at all and I sort of enjoy it. Maybe you can watch the clips and get an idea. Same with Seasun's Straight Up Step....I actually sort of like it, but it's not spectacular. I'm REALLY picky about music too....so if I say I sort of like it....it's not bad. I don't know what to compare the CIA music to....it's nothing like other DVDs. They seem to have their own style of music. Seasun's Straight Up is like the CIA music, as it was produced by Greg (CIA). I actually really like it. It goes with the workout. I think it has some vocal stuff. NO...Straight Up Step is supposed to be loads easier to learn than Rock Steady. I still think it's plenty challenging enough to keep it fun and take a little time to learn. I'd compare it to about Cathe complexity ...maybe just a tad easier....to pick up. It depends on how often you do it. I never did Rock Steady Step, but from what I hear, it's VERY hard to learn. I hope all of this babbling helped.....I don't really know how to explain it.

Oh, and the music on Amy's workout is nothing remarkable but it's not bad. I don't know how to describe it. Anyone else have Amy's DVD's that can chime in here?

The other DVD by Kelly Coffey....I actually sort of like the music. It's also produced by Greg (CIA) so it's similar to the CIA's. You could probably hear it on the Collage review??/
Hey ladies today is a run and leaner legs. Since I am going out with Dave and Ashley tonight probably won't do any extra. But you never knoow with me :) I could come home late tonight and do something. Sometimes late at night I get a second wind.

Lora-What movie you seeing?
Debbie-I hope this new aproach works for you.
Diane Sue-How is DH feeling today?
Suz-Did you goon the bike ride?

Hello to all that follow.

Lora - you are nuts girl! I could never function on so little sleep. :)

Debbie - when I started reading your workout I thought you were posting the workout for the week. Did you do ALL that today??? I'm sure your weight is muscle, but I know what you mean? I haven't worn a size 4 since I was umm...4. Hehehehe. Okay - so I can fit into some size 6 dresses and suits. :) But a 4? A dream!!!

Well, with 22mph winds I decided to ride alone. I rode 50 miles in that SUCKY wind!!! I HATE wind. I can't believe it's June and we still have this much wind. I was dying. My legs were tired from yesterday's ride and then riding in the wind with MONSTER hills I'm not sure I'll be able to move in a bit. I think I'll go soak in the tub. DH had to work today since they're testing for new police officers. Usually I don't have that much time to ride. I think I'm happy about that though. I did hook up with a guy (not like THAT!) who rode with me for a couple of miles until he had to turn. He got on my side and blocked the wind for me. Awwww... We had passed waaaaay out there as he was heading out and I was on my way back in. He caught me on the way back. I couldn't believe how many people were out riding in this wind today. I saw 2 other guys, a guy and a girl together and then my neighbor and a guy. SO...she was ending her ride and I was starting mine and she caught up to me to talk. So ONCE AGAIN I opened my BIG MOUTH and told her when we ride and that she should go with us. She really is so nice - just very competitive. What the heck!

I better go soak in the tub. I hope I don't fall asleep and drown. Oh - RIGHT after I go home it started raining.

"Until one has loved an animal, a part of one's soul remains unawakened." - Anatole France

Terri - we went to see an older movie at the cheap theater. Hoot about a high school student trying to save owls at a development site. It was pretty good...family fun. I always love animal movies.
Suz - yes, I did all that today. I probably should have kept the sets to only 2 each muscle group, I think I did a little bit of overkill this morning. But it was so fun!
Good morning fellow Maniacs!

Have a busy day today. Big family BBQ and birthday party for my brother here at my house. Glad I did lots of cleaning yesterday. I've still got to clean the camp trailer as we'll be camping next weekend.

Today's workout was CTX Step & Intervals and then a shortened CTX Upper Body, though I went heavy on chest/back/biceps. I fried my biceps! They feel toasty now. I just didn't have time this morning to do the full thing.

Lora, hope the extra hour of sleep did you good. I also get up around 2:30 each morning, but I hit the hay around 8:30 and pretty much I'm out like a light, thank goodness. On the weekends, I might sleep in a few more hours. I thought I was having insomnia problems about 6 mo. ago, but realized it was that little cup of coffee I was having no later than 6 p.m. at night, still affected my sleep so no more coffee and BAM, I sleep like a baby. Lora, did you read what I wrote yesterday about the Lunar sequence I did from Shiva? I actually fell asleep twice while doing the nose breathing thing. I had paused doing them cause I was tired of them, just sitting there quietly and drifted off. Her voice woke me with a start. I really thought someone had come into my living room! Then I fell asleep during shivasana. It was soooo relaxing for me.

Suz, hope you get the ride in today. Let us know how it goes, okay? Must be windy a lot in Cheyenne. We get the afternoon winds here. If it's really windy, I sometimes drive out to where the protected hills are. Then the wind's not so much a factor. All in all, it can really be the pits.

Debbie, sorry about the extra pound. I'm sure you still look fantastic but I know what you're feeling. For me, I tried zig-zagging my calories and trying to get them higher. All it did for me was make me feel fuller (I'm talking a blah feeling in my stomach) all the time. I finally, going against the grain here, dropped my calories, probably below 1200 and feel much better and I'm not fighting to keep my weight down. Mind you, I did this a couple of months ago, maybe it will catch up to me and my metabolism will really slow. But I'm not feeling starved and I don't have that full feeling in my gut all the time either. I'm pretty short 5'2", weigh 120 and don't think I'm burning all that many calories in my workouts. All I can say is so far so good.

Hi Suz, just saw your post re: your ride. You built lots of character today! Way to go. My dad always says that if it was easy, everyone would be doing it. Bet after you recover you will be stronger! I think there are 3 of us going tomorrow for our metric. Should be nice, not too hot today.

I bought some succulents at a nursery today to plant in a strawberry pot. Would have been cheaper for me to have bought the display one! I still have to clean the trailer and mop the kitchen floor, getting ready for the big shin dig tonite.

Debbie - that's awesome that you enjoyed your workout! It's funny to hear how many people say how much they hate working out. That guy I rode with briefly today was saying how he could be a better cyclist if he got in better shape (losing weight I guess, but he wasn't fat) but then he said he figures he's doing better than most 50 year olds out there who don't even work out at all. That's a good point. What's the percentage of Americans who work out regularly? It's always surprisingly small when I hear it.

Netta - I think I'll start calling you that here :) - I'm not sure if I'll be stronger after this ride or not. I was embarassingly slow, I'm sure. I won't even tell you my average. The ride was sooooo hilly and there are a couple of the hills out there that are absolute monsters. And of course for the really tough ones I was riding directly into that wind. I was going about 5mph up the biggest one! I'm lucky I didn't start rolling backwards. :p I almost lost control of my bike a few times because of the big gusts of wind that would hit me from the side as I was riding along. Crazy! I wish there was a place I could find to ride that is protected from the wind, but no such luck. I just hope that it doesn't keep up like this all summer. Summers are usually calm. But this has been the windiest year for us on record in like 15 or 20 years. Oh - and I should have used Butt Butter! Ouchy is all I have to say. :eek:


"Until one has loved an animal, a part of one's soul remains unawakened." - Anatole France

Since I'm complaining so much about the wind today, I thought I'd keep at it. :) I just tried to walk out my front door to water my potted flowers that are really suffering in the wind and I almost couldn't get the storm door open! I tried to come back in and it slammed on me with my hair stuck in it! I decided to open the garage door and go that way. Sheeeesh! It's up to 33mph now.

Okay, I think that's all the complaining - FOR NOW.:p


"Until one has loved an animal, a part of one's soul remains unawakened." - Anatole France

Hi Ladies -

I think I'm gonna get to bed early tonight (for once). I'm planning on it at the moment.....but we'll see.

Diana Sue - I forgot about New Kickbutt Bootcamp, Mindy's new cardio. It's a really good cardio. It has a segment with a med ball, one on the step and one Kickbox segment. I haven't done the kickbox segment yet, but the other 2 are really intense. I'd say about Cathe intensity. The only downside....Mindy is a bit of a spaz and sometimes I'm just not in the mood for her. Generally though, she is professional and has good workouts.

Also, if anyone is looking for a good bargain on DVD's, www.DeepDiscountDVD.com is having their annual sale (20% off of already low prices). I was perusing the DVDs to see if there is anything I don't own that I might want :p and I see they have Jari Love's new ones among a bunch of other stuff that might interest you ladies. The only thing I'm thinking of getting is a new Kathy Smith Yoga Sculpt that isn't released yet. It's under $10 ....so if I get anything...that's all it will be.

I'll see everyone in the morning.

ETA: Almost forgot ....here are the codes for the DDD sale (for the 20% off).

expires 6/17

They have the Rainbeau Mars yoga DVDs I recommended last week Yoga for Beauty, Dusk and Dawn, as well as Pure Tranquility and a bunch of others.
Good evening,
This morning I did Turbo Jam Punch Kick and Jam no stretch, then Kick, Punch & Crunch Intensity drills, and Compound drills plus abs, Core Max #3 followed by 50 hanging leg raises on the vkr tower, then I did Yoga Shatki Matrix(bends & twists, supine poses, and inversions.I think a total of 29 minutes. I then went shopping and started preparation for tomorrow's family birthday.

Lora, I was really considering Mindy's Kickbutt bootcamp. I had heard it was good. Her personality is funny. My grandchildren love it when I get out Awesome stength.

Terri, dh is feeling better today. He is getting around a little more on his own.

Netta, enjoy the family bbq you are having. I was kind of preparing to go camping next weekend but don't think dh is going to be up to it. Have fun with that as well.

Suz, 50 miles with wind!! I think you need to enjoy your rest. You earned it.

Debbie, I hope you figure out what you need to do. It sometimes takes me awhile. The thing is I want to gain muscle and then stand on the scale and have doubts. I can see the muscle tone and get afraid of gaining mass amounts of weight. Try not to rely to much on the scale. You have been upping your weights right? I have done the same thing and still fit size 0 and 1 jeans. Also sometimes I have added something different or new to my diet or eaten more pre packaged or restaurant food and it is the salt that has added the weight problem.

Diane Sue


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