Hardcore Fitness Maniacs Check In for Sat 5-13


Morning Fitness Maniacs-

This morning I did 40 minutes of Budokon followed by 40 minutes of Pam Cosmi's Steppin Rhythm and then Amy Bento's 15 minute Ab #2 workout followed by Amy Bento's Stretch #2 followed by Yoga Radiance's Lunar Flow Segment (15 minutes).

Okay - I'm not a happy camper toay. I did that Budokon DVD this morning cuz I didn't want to do it in the middle of the week if it was a waste of time. Well- it ended up being a waste of time. If I want yoga and cardio....I'll have to continue with my half hour of cardio and my half hour of yoga. So much for that waste of money.

The Cosmi step tape always trips me up, but Saturdays are my day to work on my "coregraphically challenged self". HOwever, it was a good workout and just when I was ready to give up and E-bay it...I got one step and then she did some athletic stuff to get the heartrate up and redeemed herself yet again.

To top it off, Amy got on my nerves BIG TIME this morning. I wasn't in the mood for her (I guess) ...she started the ab work with tons of plank work (which I'm doctored ordered not to do) and I did them....then her whooing...on an ab tape got to me, and then I noticed the only 8 more annoyance that a previous poster mentioned.....and then I did the 15 minute stretch with her and that was okay, but her breaks in the ab tape (and kind of in the stretch tape) drove me nuts.

The workout was saved with the special $7 deal Yoga Radiance DVD I just got from Fitness Organica. It has four seasons, Spring, Summer, Winter & Autumn as well as the restorative Lunar Segment (about 15 minutes each). The Lunar practice was excellent and had some stuff in it that I've never done before. This was a great addition to my yoga collection and I look forward to doing it more!

Okay, now that I've seriously vented here......how the heck is everyone on this fine Saturday morning?

I'm off to soak my aching neck and shoulders in the tub. My pain is flaring pretty bad this week. I feel worse since my injections, not better.

I'm glad I'm not the only mommy around here with furry kids. I have 3 cats. My youngest, Hollywood, is spoiled rotten cuz I was home with him for 5 months when I was unemployed when we first adopted him at 5 months old. He turned out to be a very "interactive" kitty and he is very vocal and has quite the personality. I joke that he's different cuz I was a stay at home Mom with him and the DH jokes that he was "home schooled"....LOL!!

I'm going to see that stupid movie with Lindsay Lohan today...something about being Lucky. The DH picked them this weekend, but only based on the matinee times....oh Boy!!

I'll check back later.......sorry this is so long and that I complained so much today!
First, I lost 2.5 pounds since last Saturday! Yay! I'm very happy about that! Psyched me to do my workout.

I did Gym Style Chest & Tri's. I love this workout so much, it is a killer. I used 25's for the dumbbell presses, 20's for flies and the same for the inclined section. I added one more set to the inclines because Cathe only does 2 sets. I was fried. I did all 72 pushups on my toes - LOVE THOSE!!!

Lora - Why didn't you do Amy's first ab workout? There are no planks in that one (I don't think anyways.) She is totally annoying, I'm not sure I want to keep her workouts. I may keep the ab one because I think its good. I like her stretches too. I hate the way she counts, she's always saying "8 more". I feel like smacking her when she does that.

Hope your neck is ok. Let me know how "Lucky" was, it looks kind of funny.
Good morning everyone!

Today is my "long" run. I'm going for 6 miles. My furry kid will be trotting along with me. Then I'll do Core Synergistics from P90X. If I have the energy after that I'll try the first combo of Amy's All Step Challenge. My haircut was cancelled so now I don't know what I'm going to do with my time this afternoon. I'd swim with DD13, but the pool is kind of gross right now - filled with algae. The pool guys were here yesterday too - but I don't know what they're doing. I don't handle that - DH does. LOL. I ended up recording a belly dancing workout on Fit-Tv (found out I actually have that! Never knew it). I saw it this morning - definitely nothing cardio, but figured it might be fun to do sometime.

Lora - I saw a preview of Bukodon on Comcast OnDemand and thought it was kind of odd. I know people who love it, but I think you have to be a beginner to get anything out of it. And I did get my Amy DVD's - and they work on both of my DVD players just fine. Thank you! I previewed Step Challenge. Wow. It's going to be a fun workout once I finally get it figured out. Those Crazy Shuffles look like a blast. She's very high energy, and just watching the DVD got my heart rate up! Cathe never gives me the feeling that she's going to bounce through the tv at any minute, Amy does. LOL. She seems nice enough and real enough - she'd just be one of the friends you could handle being around for about 4 hours, then you'd need a glass of wine and a massage to recover. :) And the Whoo'ing is over the top, but when I'm in the middle of the workout I probably won't even hear it. Oddly enough what I found distracting was her arms - they're so long! I'll review the other workouts later. But I wanted to thank you for sending those!

Debbie - WAY TO GO on the 2.5 pounds! That's great!
Debbie - congrats on the weight loss. I finally evened out to my pre-vacation weight, but I still need to lose about 7 pounds to be "okay" with myself, but realistically, I probably can only lose 2 pounds without working out twice a day (and I can't work out close to bed time when I'm working....so that won't happen). We might go see The Haunting now....we can't decide (we're both indecisive Libras). I didn't do AMy's first ab segment cuz I did that one once and I wanted to do the new one. I don't mind her whooing in the step aerobics but during an ab tape....over the top. Generally though, I like her and she's okay. I tend to be very easy to get along with but I was having a bad morning after the 40 minute Budokon waste of time.

Christine - glad you got the DVDs okay and that they work okay. Good luck with that step tape....I think I get worse every time I do it. I think my fave is the Bootcamp one, but remember to not take the breaks she takes...it kinda ruins the workout if you do. She takes way to many breaks for me! LOL. Re: Cardio Coach -- I emailed them (cuz the site says 100% satisfaction guaranteed) and they are gonna refund my money.

Oh and Debbie - I don't feel like such an ectomorph weakling after seeing what you do chest presses with. I finally worked up to 20 pounders and 25 pounders and It's getting easier for me. I think my Platemates are worth every penny. I had a hard time increasing before I had them.

Diana Sue - Did you see they put out a Version 6 CardioCoach with Sean!! I ordered it. I didn't care for Candace.
Good morning Maniacs!

Well, this morning DH, a friend and I were supposed to ride (for speed, as DH is FAST as I think I mentioned), but we have 20 mph winds. Darn it! I'm so sick of the wind! My friend would have still gone, but DH hates riding if it's really windy. A little wind doesn't bother him. I was thinking of riding anyway, but tomorrow the wind is only supposed to be a slow 10-15 mph, so we may get to ride then. So today I'm going to do PUB so that my legs will be fresh for tomorrow. If it's too windy to tomorrow, I guess I'll be sitting my butt on the CompuTrainer and do part of another triathlon. :) I just hate being stuck in the basement when it's so warm outside. I could just brave the wind, but it's so hard to get a good workout. My HR is up in the wind, but I can't work on my speed.

Today we're taking DH's mom to the Macaroni Grill in Ft. Collins, CO - about 45 miles south of us). You will all soon learn (and Charlotte and Jeanette already know this) that we LOVE the Macaroni Grill. We go there all the time. But today I will have the caprese salad with just some tomatoes, spinach and mozarella cheese since I had that pizza last night. But I will have the bread. :9 So when I complain that I can't lose weight, you can all remind me to CLEAN up my diet. Hehehe. I'm actually good except for one cheat day - and then of course the Friday nights now and then.

Debbie - CONGRATS on the weight loss!!! Way to go! And 72 pushups - WOW!!! I think the most I've attempted is 60 (20 at a time). Hmmm...a new goal. :)

Lora - I love all of your reviews. You're so funny. I can get irritated by instructors as well. I mostly just do Cathe and Spinervals anymore (well, except for my YOGA yesterday!). I don't know if you guys saw my question about what the absolute best yoga workout would be if I were only to ever get one. I might try to fit it in once a week.

Christine - I hope you have an awesome run. I miss running so much. My hips just can't take it anymore. I was reading Sarah's marathon review and it was so great to read. My marathon experience was the opposite. I did a really tough one for my first one and it was the first year they had it. A lot of it was run on cement. It was HOT (88 degrees). The volunteers for the water stations didn't show up. My sister went with me and waited at the halfway point and then again at the end. She said people were waiting for family members and were really worried b/c everyone was like an hour later than expected. I ran with various people throughout and a lot of them marathon veterans. They were all saying that was the most difficult marathon they'd ever run. It was the worst experience. By the end of the training and then the actual marathon, my hips and my ankles were about finished with running. I had run for 20 years before that. I'm tall (5'8") and I guess all those miles all those years just took their toll. :( Sarah's account makes me want to go back and do one more - a better one - so I can have a respectable time. But I know my body would rebel. Now I have to be careful about how much step I do, I had to buy a more expensive elliptical because the cheaper ones really aggravate my hip and I only run when I'm out of town and have no other cardio options (and I love every minute of it even though I pay the price). Ah the joys of getting old! DH is happy I don't run anymore though as he tried for years to get me to switch to cycling. I was just sure cycling wasn't as good of a workout, but come to find out my HR is MUCH higher cycling than it ever was running. And I can do a 2 hour ride and walk without pain the rest of the day, unlike running.

Sorry to babble. Off to do PUB.


"Until one has loved an animal, a part of one's soul remains unawakened." - Anatole France

Good morning,
O just finished my workout and thought I would check in before I go to the airport to pick up DH. I did Cardio Coach with Candace. I added a little time to get in 6.25 miles. Then I did portions of Yoga X to total 38 minutes, I really wanted to loosen up those tight hamstrings from the hills, I followed this with PushPull upper premix 2 sets and stretch.

Sabrina good luck on your run.

Lora, so does that mean they remade the Candace one with Sean? It doesn't bother me to much. I hate that she doesn't let you know where you are during a challenge like Sean does and all of a sudden there is the countdown. It helps if I know how many minutes I have to go so I know how much I can push.

Hi to everyone,
Diane Sue
Good Afternoon Maniacs!!!

Well just got my hair cut. More of a shaggy look now as it was getting really long. Length is still the same and top too, just more shaggy. Anyhoo, yesterday I worked out early in the morning starting with Imax 2 and did much better in the am with that one. Then onto PUB...ugh, not very good with that in the morning and won't try it again so early. Just decided to take fridays as my rest days since the time frame will not work for me (11-6) as it will be too late to workout when getting home and tending to dinner, etc.
So today I will do KPC and Coremax 1. Not sure if DH is going to call the man to come plow our garden today. He needs to make up his mind about the garden. Going to Red Lobster for Mother's Day tomorrow and then to a movie. Also going down to Maryland to help FIL mow his yard as he just had a cataracts removed from eye. So very busy...feel like the "ever ready bunny"! LOL! Getting lots of sleep and eating the same so those two things have not changed and that is soooo important.

I wonder what this cardio coach is like you all talk about alot. I wonder if I would like that?


Have fun eating at the macaroni sin palace!!!! I know you will enjoy yourself there. I use to love going to the Spaghetti Warehouse when we lived in PA...such good spaghetti..yum!!!!

Hope everyone has a great weekend!!!

Good morning ladies:

Woke up this morning feeling pretty stiff (fell asleep on couch last night, moved to the bed around 2:00) so I pulled out a Bryan Kest Power Yoga - Intensive Body Sculpting. Loved it (again). I hadn't done it in like a year and a half. It was tough then, still is. But my endurance holding poses is better (like airplane balancing on one leg). He really cooks my muscles!

I have yardwork to do today. The lawnmower belts came so I did some mowing last night, but still have plenty to do today, and weed eating.

Diane Sue, I saw how they've got a Sean CC#6 besides Candace. I'll look into that one. I too like knowing where I am and how long I have to push.

Suz, too bad about the wind. Hopefully tomorrow will be better. Do you get wind early in the day? Our's will be windy in the afternoon more often than morning. On windy days, I like to just focus on climbing workouts that are in an area that are more protected (along hillsides) or do a mtn. bike ride where wind won't be such a factor. Or better yet, come out here and join us for our group ride around the nearby beautiful lake. It'll have some climbing on it too, will be great fun and we stop for coffee and a snack 1/2 way thru. :7 I love Macaroni Grill. Love the chianti wine they serve!

Debbie, way to go on the weight loss - 2 1/2# is great! You're so strong and look very fit.

Lora, sorry your workout wasn't the best for you. I'm really leaning away from the Amy workouts, especially after viewing the clips and hearing more reviews. I did notice the whoops in the clips.

Christine, enjoy your run. The most I've run is 4 miles and it hurt. Think I did too much too fast and I had aching ankles, hips, knees. I'm hoping DH and I can start running soon. We both had colds last week so wasn't a good idea to begin yet. Hmmm...algae, I'd wait on the dip in the pool too, though I'm sure I've swum in lakes that were much worse.

Will check back later, I've got to shower and then get to the yardwork.

Hey Charlotte:

I have a couple of the Cardio Coach workouts, sorry to say, I've only done it once but absolutely loved it. I did it on the bike (on a quiet country road) and had my HRM with me too so I knew my zones. It was great and really got my heart thumping. I think one thing you really need to concentrate on with these and any interval training is getting your heart rate back down so that you can hit it hard again, back down, etc. That's also what the Spinervals do and it really works. I plan on doing CC on Tuesday evening after work on my bike. I will ride with one headphone in only and a mirror attached to my glasses as you will be concentrating on the workout, but still need to be aware of cars, dogs, etc. around you. If using a stationary bike or treadmill, eliptical, etc., not a problem with that. By the way, I did CC#2 for around 30 some minutes. The others are longer I think, but you can get a great workout in 1/2 hour if you are pushing on the higher zones.

Bet your hair looks cute.


Lora - I did the first combo and the preview of Advanced Step Challenge - just to get a feel for it - used only the step - no risers. I think I'm going to enjoy it once I get the hang of it. I have the crazy shuffle down about 50% of the time. It's fun! But that's all I could do. I'm beat!

Suz - yeah, I enjoy running, but I run SLOW. I'm 5'10 (tall as well) and have a bigger build, so speed is not in my make up. But, I'm really sorry you had such a horrible first marathon experience. Good luck with your hip. That's not fun. Our bodies really rebel as we age, don't they?

Jeanette - I've really started slowly. It took me about 2 years to get comfortable beyond two miles. I did 6 today, and it was a challenge, but I feel good.

Charlotte - the hair sounds really cute!
Hi Ladies,

I was so busy yesterday I never checked in. I did workout though. Thanks ladies for the bike info. I am giving this some thought:) Today was a run at the park and later I will do some leg work usinf SS pre-mix and plb floor work.

Suz-So you are coming to my state today! We should sometime meet up in the middle:)

Debbie-Congrats on the weight loss!

Diane Sue-You must be so EXCITED for DH return:)

Ok I am off to enjoy this nice weather. I will check back.

HI ladies!!

The Race for the Cure was sooo very cold (around 40 I think). There was a very chilly wind and it drizzled off and on a little. The race went really well. Emily did GREAT!!! I didn't do bad since I only started to train about 6 weeks ago and I have had the last two weeks off because of my neck. We had to do a lot of weaving at first to get thru the HUGE crowd to find a spot where we could run. I think we came in at just over 39 minutes for the 5K. I had to walk a couple times to catch my breath and my allergies were going nuts towards the end because we had to weave around a neighborhood that had lots of flowers. I had a tougher time after that. After the race Emily and I went for the free munchies. lol We got Go Tarts (pop tart bars), sun chips, yogurt drinks, nutrition bars, and I am not sure what else. There were different things in different bags.

I put some pic's in my picture trail. There are not many but it was sooo busy.

Have a great Mother's Day!!!!
Sabrina - YOU ROCK!! Way to go!!! Thanks for sharing the photos. Sorry it was lousy weather-wise - but it sounded like you had a great time. I think it's wonderful that you did this!
Suz - I'm so glad you asked about Yoga. The VERY BEST Yoga DVDs out today are Eion Finn's Power Yoga for Happiness. It has 6 premixes (2 DVDs) and is available at Amazon.com for $20. Eion is the BOMB. I love him so much. His website also has free audio downloads (used to ...at least) www.VancouverYoga.com. The other favorite is Yoga Shakti with Shiva Rea. SHe is also a fave of mine and the DVD is $25 at Amazon but has a a Yoga matrix that you can pick and choose and make any routine you want, plus it comes with 4 premixed ones (but they are sort of long). I'd go with Eion's first but if you love it, Shiva would be next.

CHarlotte - I've been wearing my hair in a shoulder length shag for years. I have wavy hair, so I have to be careful how shaggie I go, or I look scroungy. Right now, she didn't cut enough off of it a couple weeks ago and it looks frizzy and yukky. As far as Cardio Coach - I held off on these for a long time. I didn't think I'd like them cuz I'm not really into Audio workouts, but I really like them. Sean is really good. I didn't care for Candace. She wasn't as warm as Sean (IMO).
Way to go, Sabrina!

Loved the pictures. Makes me want to do something like this. I love organized bike rides so would probably love something like this. Good for you for doing it.

Diane Sue - how many hours a day do you work out? You always do so many different things. I know I've said it before, but you look GREAT!

Charlotte - that's funny - Macaroni sin palace. I like it! Hehehe. I'm glad you made it through the week. You'll get your schedule figured out soon and it will all become routine.

Jeanette - I sure do wish I could go ride with you. It used to be that if I got out really early, the wind wasn't blowing yet (in the warmer weather anyway - in the winter all bets are off and it blows no matter the time of day). But this year, it's just windy all the time. It was windy when I went out this morning at 6am. It's driving me nuts. We live outside of town, so it's hard to get out of it. The only place that is somewhat protected would be in town, but then it's all stoplights and stop signs so it's hard to get a good workout. I could ride on the Greenway, but it gets SO crowded with dogs and baby strollers that you end up going really slow. Whine, whine, whine! :) I'm hoping the wind will start to die down as the weather warms up.

Christine - yup - I don't think at this height we're made for speed. Maybe we should look into basketball. :p

Terri - I would love to meet up with you sometime. Maybe this summer? Do you think the factory stores in Loveland would be halfway? They have a few restaurants there and we could meet and eat (healthy, of course!). That would be fun. Or we could just shop. :)

Sabrina - congrats on your race!!! That's great that you did it even though you've been sidelined. Most people wouldn't have - but you're a MANIAC! It's a great cause. And thanks for sharing the pics. Isn't the food at the end just the best no matter what it is? And you feel justified to eat something like pop tarts since you just ran a race.

Lora - thanks for the tip on the yoga workout. I remembered everyone talking about something to do with Happiness. That sounds like the one for me. I bet I'd like it. I'll have to look into getting it. I also want to get another Spinervals DVD called Hillacious that's supposed to be killer hill training for the bike. It's 60 minutes and the one I have is 45 minutes. I always feel better if I do a workout that lasts at least an hour.

Off to watch the other movies DH rented. Did PUB this morning and actually didn't fall off the ball doing pikes! Yay!

Have a great evening everyone.


"Until one has loved an animal, a part of one's soul remains unawakened." - Anatole France

Suz - the problem is, I am also a musician, and every time I play basketball I jam a finger. *sighs* Oh well, I'll just trot along and deal with it. :+

I watched Memoirs of a Geisha this afternoon. I read the book first - only book I've ever read that I read very slowly so it didn't end so soon. Wonderful book. I was prepared for a movie that wasn't as good as everyone said that the book was so much better. Um, hmm... I loved the movie. I really enjoyed it - what did y'all think?

Oh I have to share this. My DD17 is actually my step daughter. We've been through some major ups and downs, mainly because DD's mom is not a very nice person, but DD loves her, as she should. This year had been tough because DD chose to live with us (I've been with them 8 years, and all but 7 of them DD has lived with us) after a year with her mom. Her mom has not spoken to her (at all - seriously) for that year, and it's been very tough on DD - obviously. I've done what I can, but I'm not her mom, and I understand that. Today DD called me and asked me advice for her boyfriend's mom's mother's day gift. We talked a bit about that (I've met the bf's mom and she's a wonderful lady, so I was able to give some advice). Then DD said, "Oh, by the way, don't make any plans for tomorrow." With DH gone, she's taken it upon herself to plan a Mother's Day surprise for me. I'm in tears. I mean, holy cow, she didn't have to do this, yet she did. What a wonderful young lady. I feel so sorry for her mom - I couldn't imagine not wanting to speak to a daughter who is so darned giving. I quite frankly could not imagine not wanting to speak to DD17, let alone my own DD13 even if she did want to live with her dad. What is wrong with people? (rhetorical question) I'm feeling very blessed right now.
Christine - I guess you better skip basketball then. :)

I also liked Memoirs of a Geisha. I never read the book though.

That's just so cool about DD17. What a sweetie. She obviously feels very close to you and respects you. How wonderful. I just can't believe her bio mom won't speak to her. Wouldn't you love to have that rehtorical question answered though? I would!


"Until one has loved an animal, a part of one's soul remains unawakened." - Anatole France


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