Hardcore Fitness Maniacs August 29th Tuesday

Good Morning Maniacs!!!

I can't believe I am starting this??? School has started for son so only reason *I* would be up this early.

Yesterday was wonderful. I got in a good workout. (See yesterdays post). Today I have to check it again to see what I am doing so I will just report back when I am done, k? I want to ride my bike too if it is not raining.

I'm here....overslept and only did 30 minutes of P90X Plyo X. I'm not feeling well after that bad day I had yesterday and now I have to go to that PLACE again!!

The Halloween update went live at BPAL....if anyone's interested. It was a difficult order for me cuz I'm short on money and too many decisions for this Libra. (scroll down for the Halloweenie blends)

Well, i am barely here. I am tired and have a headache.
I had a rest day yesterday because every muscle in my bod hurt.
Today i will have to do double.
I am stressed and fighting with the dealership about the heated windshield in my truck that i can't see out of at night. I am either going to have to cry lemon law or trade a 6 month old veicle in before i wreck the darn thing at night from the glare...
Tonite is back shoulders and biceps(my favorite).
The bicep weanie here.But it is gettin better.
Check back later.
This morning I did the step portion of Step, Jump & Pump and the three step segments of Step Blast. It is still so freakin' humid here, I was dying. I can't believe this weather. I think its suppose to finally get less humid by tomorrow. I hope so, I can't take this crap.

I was in my zone for 48 minutes and burned 319 calories. This workout was just at an hour.

Lora - my calorie burn from yesterdays workout was from the weight session AND the fast walk on the treadmill.

Have great workouts, everyone!

Yes, you have to get that windshield taken care of, girl! I am not sure how your managing if you can't see. Now think of the dumb dealership and the car when you curl later on. You still listening to some tunes too when you curl?

My legs do not have DOMS in them yet. That really surprises me after doing leaner legs and a bike ride and then yesterday I did more squats.


It is just dismal gray here this morning so I lit all the candles in my house. Comforting. I sent you a pm. Suppose to be in the high 70's by Wednesday so it will feel like Alaska where you live...most likely. lol


What happened yesterday with you?

Anne- I hope you get that darn thing fixed soon! Be careful!

Deb- hope the humidity goes away. The weather here has been perfect temp wise.

Lora- I really hope you have a better day!

Charlotte- glad you are back in fighting form woman!

I really thought my chest would hurt today, but nothing so far. Although, my shoulders are feeling something, huh? I know that my shoulders are always a secondary muscle being worked when chest is primary, but anyway!

I will do back and cardio today. Pretty gray here, so I think I will veg on the couch for a little while.

Maeghan AKA megadoo

New pics added in July 25 2006 and Fitness album!!!!

http://www.3fatchicks.net/img/bar072/slider-but3/lb/203/145/151/.png[/img] [/url]

Morning Ladies!
I woke up late again, 9:30.

Debbie- Wow over 300 calories w/ the SJP step segement and some of SB thats awsome. I definaltey need to get those AND the HRM. (Yes I'm spoiled:p) They come together right? (SJP& SB)

Charlotte- You did Leaner Legs then a bikeride... I bet your legs are burnin }( I don't have Leaner legs, but I've seen the video clip.

I have a major question for you all. I'm so confused and dunno what to do. I feel like I fogot EVERYTHING. If your into muscle building and stuff is better to do heavy wieght w/ less reps but more sets.. Right, yea I know that but how little is enough? I heard that Charlotte did 5 reps for hammer curls w/ 30# . Thats great. Then how long to wait between each set? I heard for muscle building its a minute and 30 secs. Am I right? So I'll sum it up. My question is what is the highest number of reps you can do if your into muscle building? Is it like 12 the highest? How long should you wait between each set if you do like 3-4 sets. And what is the lowest number reps you can do? Is it like 5 or 8?
Thanks for helping me. I feel like I fogot everything.x( x(

Have a good day ladies!
Good morning everyone,
Sorry i haven't posted in a few days, work is crazy here in Toronto, humid as well, but better today, sorry for everyone who is suffering through the heat!
I'm still struggling since getting back from London! Last night i did Imax, plus lower body (my own, weighted lunges etc), and ab work. I find if i lift too heavy on the legs, i turn into hulk hogan really fast :), not the sexiest!
I finally uploaded a picture! Its my DH, Christian, and my 2 kids Bowie and Roxie. Let me know if you cant access it!
Looks like everyone is kicking butt!
Today is Ripped, S+L, and MM abs, plus pilates after work!


The total body plan I am doing calls for rest of 60 secs for workout 1. Today I think it is 90 secs. I do think 12 is the highest I have gone for reps. Between sets, going from one body part to another, I will rest 90 secs. 5 is the lowest number if you are trying to build mass.

Ok thanks Charlotte. All of a sudden I just forgot everything. So fr example if I were to do concentration curls, I am currentley using 20# each and do 3 sets of 10. Would it better if I used 25 # each and did like 6-8 reps instead? Again thanks for your help Charlotte:) Today I'm biceps, triceps and abs. No cardio today.

O crap I forgot to do that. Tell what my workout is today. Geeez:p

Today I'm doing GS biceps & GS triceps. I might do it in a few minutes. I'm going to the gym too today so I'll do more work. O I wanted to tell you all. Today is Member Appreciation day at my gym (Bally) They're ganna have free shirts, subways sandwiches (hope they're healthy}() I bet theres ganna be more stuff happening too. They just don't tell you the whole deal until ya go.

Take Care ladies!
Oh and Debbie, I'll probally get SJP & SB. My Moms been eyeing SJP for a while and did once on Fit TV. They look like great workouts!

CHARLOTTE! Don't do these workouts on days straight, you do one one day, take a day break and do cardio that day and then do the next full body the third day. Its every other day. You need at least one day rest between training sessions. I sure hope you read this before you do your workout!!!!
Charlotte, one more question. (like I haven't asked enough already;-)) I managed to keep a six pack w/ fairly high reps. I do lots and lots of farily slow and controled sit-ups, I use 2 special ab machines at the gym. (they don't have a particular name, one is just called Abdominal and the other is called Abdominal crunch) I use to use 65 pounds on the abdominal machine and do 3 sets of 25 reps, and 1 set of 15 w/ 70#. Then turn to the side and do a set of oblique/ crivis (25 reps each) w/ 60 pounds. Yesturday I raised the weight to 70# and did 3 sets of 15 reps, and 1 set of 10 w/ 77.5#. Then 1 side obliques/ crivis w/ 65 punds 15 reps each. Is that good or should I just use the 77.5# and do 3 sets of 10 then try 1 set of 8 w/ 80# and keep the side oblique one the same, or up it to 70# and do maybe 2 sets of 12-15 reps?

On the other machine you use your forarms and pull down, crunching the abs, then back up. I now do 3 sets of 15 w/ 90#. Is that good or should I add more wieght and do a few less reps? But I do think this is pretty good for this machine. This one is alittle harder when you add more weight.

Sorry I'm asking so much. I should stop being a pest now x(

Oh, I am trying not to worry about it today. My headache just went away.I filed with lemon law. They are sending me paper work.
I don't feel this should cost me.
I will think about it tonite on those biceps....ARRRRGGH.
We are cloudy and rainy today. Yuck.
Yes i crank the tunes.

Doms are gone so i am ready for some serious work tonite...
I am ready for the new butts and guts. What ya think ladies.
Hi Anne,
At first I was only ganna get Drill Max and check it out, but by the sounds and looks from Butts & Gutts, I'm ganna get it too. Plus my Mom wants it too!

Take Care,
I'm sitting here listening to jazz. I am almost in a coma..I am so vegged out. My Stinky dog has her tongue out on the floor with drool everywhere and sounds like a pig while she snores up a storm. Speck is nowhere to be found. I am getting ready to smack myself (to wake up) and go do some ab work. No bike today. Just too humid and yuck out.


Hope your head feels better. Next time don't buy a ford, k?


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