Hardcore fitness buffs and Hydroxycut


Active Member
Please help me out here-

My DD16's best friend has started taking Hydroxy Cut. They have a body conditioning class in High School and BF has started taking HydroxyCut to make her "appear" more cut.

The question is---does anyone here use Hydroxy Cut to help with weight loss? Appearance of larger muscles? What are the pro's and con's? Should a sixteen year old be taking this? Curious minds want to know.:eek:
NO!!! 16 yr olds should NOT be taking this!!! It may help with weight loss, but no guarantee, but what it WILL do is screw up her metabolism!!! It also tends to increase heartrate, causing palpitations, reduce sleep and increase blood pressure. It may not be as bad as when it was made with ephedra, but it's not healthy for teenagers to take.
That stuff does not work. I took it a long time ago and it did nothing for me. It's not good for you. The only prescription for getting more cut and building more muscle is diet and excercise. Period. I know that Hydroxycut is now "ephedra free" but it still uses some sort of herbs to have the same or very similar effect on your body as ephedra. Maybe you could do some research on the effects of ma huang (I think that's th main herb they use, check the bottle). I bet you would find some more information that way.


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