
Every time I do the chest presses and flys in PUB, every I get up to my heaviest weight and start to go back down, I get the most terrible pain in my hands and forearms. It happens every time I get heavier with the weight. I almost can't finish the last set with the lightest weight because I'm hurting so bad by then. I don't think I'm using too heavy weight because the muscles I'm working don't get overly sore from the exercise--just my hands hurt. When this part of the video is over, I'm fine the rest of the way. I just dread doing the video because I know it's going to hurt so bad in the beginning. Is it my form, or do you think there's something wrong with my hands?

I am so glad you posted this! I have been dealing with this exact same problem. I feel like I can't work my chest muscles fully because my hands/forearms hold me back! I am hoping to get some insight on this problem!!
Believe me Cathy this was discuss several monthes ago, and everyone else had those oh those achy hands}(. It still happens to me. It kinda feels like they are bruise. Even in the video you hear Cathe metion about stretching out the hands and forarms. Chest is one of the workout I dread doing in PUB because of this, but I try my hardest to do it. edit to add this link on the subject I was talking about.
I feel the pain especially in the pad below my thumb. I've just been gritting my teeth and trying to bear with it. If you're less maso than I am, you could give yourself a bit more of a break between sets and use it to open and close your hands, to stretch them out. I don't think a bit more rest between sets is counterproductive, especially since it may help you lift a bit heavier and with better form (if there's less soreness).
I'm so glad to learn that it's not just me. I guess I will just have to learn to tough it out. I definitely don't want to use lighter weights because I only start to feel the burn when I get up to 15#. Thanks for all of your replies.


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