Hair Loss Problem


Hi everyone,

My baby is now 4 month old and I've noticed that I'm losing my hair like crazy!!! It seriously makes me think I'll have no hair left if I keep up this pace.... I've been putting some hair lotion that is supposed to help but... Is there any advise anyone?
I am having the same problem! It started probably about when my boy was 5 months old. He is 7 1/2 months and I am still shedding like crazy. I am SO sick of my hair being EVERYWHERE! I too am wondering if I am going to go bald at this rate. I have heard that while you are pregnant, you do not shed hair like you normally do and that it all comes out afterward. What I don't know is how long it continues but it sure seems like I am losing a lot more on a daily basis than before I was pregnant. Hopefully someone else can enlighten us!

You two are not alone, I lost hair with my first child as well. It was so bad that my hairstylist told me that for a while I was going to look like I had two hair styles. One longer than the other. It's a very sad thing, but it does grow back. I didn't try anyting to keep it, maybe Progain, or something like that will help, I have no idea. It's worth trying though! I just wanted to let you know that you aren't alone, I will more than likely be experiencing this in about a year or so again. It's sad because when you're pregnant your hair looks so good and healthy, and then it all falls out. It's a sad trick mother nature plays on us.
Yup. This happened to me too! ;(

I believe it happens once your body starts getting rid of the 26 hormones it produced during the first trimester. I had hair all over the place! You are not alone.

Blessings from our home to yours...Runathon:D
Believe me, your hair will grow back. It's just your hormones trying to settle down after pregnancy and childbirth. My son was also about 4 months old when my hair started falling off -- in clumps! I have Christmas pictures of myself with this abnormally high forehead. My mom panicked when she saw the humongous hairballs in my shower stall and got me some hair tonic from the salon. My hair did grow back, but I don't think it was from the tonic (because I didn't use it religiously). My son was approaching his first birthday when I started seeing new growth. You won't get bald, I promise! :)

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