Had my prenatal appt this morning


Yay! I had my first "normal" prenatal appointment this morning. My blood pressure is 112/56. That seems very low, although healthy. Does blood pressure generally get lower during pregnancy?

Baby's heartrate was 155. I only gained 2 pounds in the last month.

I have a small split in the abdominal muscles (diastasis recti). I think this now means that I should no longer do crunches, etc.? I guess I'll have to go back to my books and read up on it a bit.

Have a great day,
Hey Sandra. That's great news! :7

I have never heard of BP lowering during pregnancy...is your pressure normally low?

A 2 pound weight gain in the last month? Most of which was spent on bed-rest? Can I smack you now or do I have to wait until after you have the baby!? lol :p

I think there are actual exercises you can do to help CORRECT the abdominal split or atleast keep the abdominal split from getting worse. Do a search here...this topic was brought up not too long ago..Sheila posted on it.

Take Care!


I smoked my last cigarette on March 17, 2004 at 10:00 pm!

EDD: 05/19/05
Congrats on your normal appointment. I think that blood pressure is suppose to elevate some as the pregnancy increases due to the increase in blood flow. I'm sure someone here will know for sure though.

Wendy I'm in line right after you. LOL I am really happy for you!! I'm afraid to know how much I've gained so far. I think 17 pounds already, but since I've been too fatigued to exercise I guess I can't help it too much. Hopefully I will be able to rectify that situation soon. The weather is changing for the better and I think my sinuses are getting better. (fingers crossed)

I'm not sure about the diastasis recti. Let us know what you find out.
What is your blod pressure normally? 112/56 looks absolutely perfect to me. Your blood pressure can range depending on what you ate, what you have been doing (wether you spent the day resting or done housework all day), and how much water you drink. It fluctuates throughout the day and throughout your pregnancy (or even if you are not pregnant), so don't worry!
Thanks for all the replies. I think my blood pressure is normally a tad bit higher, especially the lower number. I guess I was expecting it to be on the higher side due to being pregnant, and having been so sedentary for so long.

Don't hate me because I only gained two pounds ;-) The month before I gained 8! Believe me when I say that I'm right there with everyone who had fast weight gain in the first trimester. I will *not* be coming home from the hospital in my prepregnancy jeans!

I reread that post from Sheila on the diastasis recti, and I'm not clear about whether those corrective exercises are intended for pregnancy or postnatal?

Hi Sandra,

I am soooo happy your visit went well!!!!!!

I'll put on my OB/Gyn hat and address the BP. In the first trimester of pregnancy, the BP remains the same as prepreg. In the second trimester, both the systolic (top #) and diastolic decrease 5-10 mm Hg. The decrease is thought to be the result of vasodilation related to hormonal changes associated with pregnancy. During the last tri, the BP will return to prepreg values. Of course, every woman and every pregnancy are different. :)

HTH! Take care!
Pre-preg my bp is always around 120/70. It was 100-110/60 up until my last appointment. They said it could be why I didn't feel that great sometimes and can make you dizzy..... They told me it was normal to get low during early pregnancy. My appointment 2 weeks ago it was back to 120/73.
I'm so glad to hear all is going well! It's not unusual for you to gain a lot of weight one month and little or none the next, that's pregnancy for you - totally unpredicatable. Don't worry about your prepregnancy jeans right now, you'll have all fall and winter to lose it before you have to bare any skin! :D
Thanks for the info, Autumn! I love these forums! I get so much more information than I get from my doctor.


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