Gym Style Upper Body Question


Is it a no no to do the two gym style upper body work outs on back to back days? What about on the same day, in the same work out?
Is it a no no to do the two gym style upper body work outs on back to back days? What about on the same day, in the same work out?

Am I understanding you right in that you mean GymStyle Back/Shoulders/Biceps one day, and GymStyle Chest/Triceps the next day?

I've done them this way for years. Works for me! In fact, I did GS B/S/B yesterday and just finished GS C/T this morning!

I wouldn't work the same body part two days in a row, but these are different body parts.
You mean GS C&T & GS B,S,B in the same day back to back? I think that's great.. I was thinking of upper body work for this afternoon and I think you've convinced me to do this. Course it would be a very long workout but if you're up for it, go for it! Thanks for the idea.
I do both of the GS uppers on the same day - it's long, but I like to do upper one day and lower another day. If I separate the uppers, then it takes up a third day.
I do both of the GS uppers on the same day - it's long, but I like to do upper one day and lower another day. If I separate the uppers, then it takes up a third day.

I always separate them because I run every day too. I try to keep my workout DVD an hour or less because I add 30 to 45 more minutes with the running. That's enough for one day!
I do upper body splits on back to back days often with no problems. Doing both work outs in the split in the same day seems a bit much because that's a long work out and I don't think I'd be able to give my all to the 2nd work out but I guess if you have the energy and the strength there is technically nothing wrong with doing it that way!

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