Gym socks--still ranting


OK am I the only one who has to buy gym socks almost every month? Either they get lost in the dryer's black hole, or the elastic starts wearing out, or they turn yellow from bleach, or they turn gray from overwear. I should just budget them into my annual salary b/c I think I buy at least 2 pair each month.

Oh & speaking of feet--who calls their sneakers tennis shoes? Is this a southern thing? I remember the first time I heard my ex say it, & I was like why are you wearing tennis shoes? You don't even play tennis!
My dog ends up chewing a lot of our socks - great incentive to keep them in the HAMPER where they belong instead of on the FLOOR! (But just try and tell my kids that....)

And yes, I grew up calling sneakers tennis shoes even though we didn't play tennis in them! LOL!

YES!!! I am constantly replacing my gym socks! Very annoying.

I used to call them tennis shoes when I was little - and we lived in Texas. But I haven't called them that in years! Call them sneakers now.

Tennis shoes must be a southern thing! I have never really thought about it, and now that you have pointed it out, it's really amusing. I'll have to think of a few more expressions and then come up to you at the Cathe Weekend with all of them prepared, so you will know who I am!

Maybe you will have to buy extra pairs of gym socks for the road trip!

Take care,

Sandra S.
LOL! OK, I'll have to keep a list of Yankee/Jersey girl sayings for my southern sisters. I am SO excited about this trip! :7
I used to say "tennis shoes": maybe it's age-related: I was a teen when there were no such things as "cross trainers" or "aerobics shoes" and those types of shoes were called "tennis shoes." I don't use the term "sneakers," and I don't say "tennis shoes" much because I don't buy that type of shoe (just "cross trainers" or "workout shoes"--I tend to give a generic name to lots of things).
I always called them gym shoes too. I remember briefly referring to them as tennis shoes but they have always been gym shoes. I think it's because in school we had to bring them especially for gym. You couldn't play in gym without them and our teachers told us to make sure we brought our 'gym' shoes with us.

About the sock, I normally keep up with them and wash them with my workout clothes pile, but for some reason I lost both of them this time. Oh well, I'll have to just buy some cheap socks.
It's a continuing process.....
My DH calls them tennis shoes and he's from OH. I always tease him about it.

I grew up in S. Florida and call them sneakers.

I call them sneakers. A girl that I used to work with would talk about her "tennies", I had no clue what the heck she was talking about.

I always have to replace my socks. They don't wear out I just can't find the match to them.
Kathryn, you are absolutely right. I used to say "tennis shoes" but rarely anymore because I purchase several shoes for each different sport activity. My Dh calls them "trainers", but I have never done that myself.

And if it is a southern thing, I want to know, who has a problem with it?

Laura you crack me up. I have the same problem but with me is my older son who has huge feet always steals my and I can't wear them once he wears them because they stretch and get stain. So I finally ask him why my socks and he saids because i like it because you can't see them. So now I know I have to buy him the no show socks, LOL.
It's absolutely a southern thing! Around here the word "Tennis" isn't even enunciated!(probably spelled that wrong:p ) We say "tenna-shoes" how lazy is that!


p.s. sneakers are those who should be followed by a P.I.!:7
It has been tennis shoes in our family. Lately though I have been either calling them Nike's or running shoes, walking shoes, etc depending on what I am using them for.

I think my dryer has the black hole too. Everything disappears in there and is never to be found again. LOL!
Everyone (DH, me, adult children) at our house still calls them tennis shoes (or tennies) when they are looking for their exercise shoes.

We've lived in Southern Minnesota all our lives so maybe it is a Southern thing.
I got so tired of matching my kids socks (2 boys 8/10) that I threw all of them away and went out and purchased 24 pair of the exact same socks. No more matching problems and no more figuring out who's socks are who's. The money spent was sooo worth it!:)

Like Chrissy, I buy multiple pairs of the socks I wear, so matching a pair is less of a problem. I've recently started making "bags o' nip" (catnip tied in a sock) out of unmatched socks, which I seem to have a large number of.

Re: socks turning yellow from bleach. There used to be something called "liquid blueing" that you could add to a white wash to keep the whites from yellowing (the slight blueness counteracts the yellow. Same general idea as hairdressers using a light blue rinse on white hair to counteract yellowing: an idea that was taken to the extreme in the 70's by those "blue-haired old ladies.")

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